Can Sup Forums draw the line?

can Sup Forums draw the line?

i don't care about cats, they are all pussies, so i can't really draw a line.


between the leopard and the rabbit

I've eaten rabbit but would not eat a horse through choice.

Given the scandal in the UK a couple of years back though I probably have.


You meant labrador though, I believe

No he meant the snake

all is food

Of course they added a bunch of extra cats and dogs to make it appear as though there are more animals you wouldn't eat. I'd eat rabbits before horses, too. There aren't any animals here that I wouldn't eat if they tasted as good as chicken and beef do.

herbivores = food
yes, I think the rabbit is on the wrong side of the line
herbivores are food because they can convert stuff that is inedible to humans (fibrous plant stalks) to stuff that is edible to humans (eggs, milk, meat)

carnivores are not food because they can only convert stuff that is edible to humans to stuff that is edible to humans but tastes worse
dogs help us capture food
cats eat things that try to eat our food

Asians be like

I'm asian, there is no line.

In the grand scheme of things, if I have to, I'll eat anything on that billboard. Nature gave a better brain than any dog or cat on this planet, so I'll be dammed if I don't eat one because I have to. I love my pets but come on, if its the end of the world, I'll eat a cat

wow im so ungry i cud eat an orse


There sould be no line. Animals aren't food.

There is no line.

I'd eat human too, not even edgy bs. I'd do it

horses and some bovines get a by because they do heavy lifting for us
the moment they can't do that they are are a valid source of meat

Actually - all animals consider it an honor and existential goal to be eaten by man.

And you can't prove that any less than that they want to live.


foal steak is the most tender meat i've ever eaten
pic related

I'd eat the shit out of some horse though

Whose line is it anyway?

Ot depens on the context, I woud be able to eat human meat if the situation forces me to do it. So I guess there's no line for me

You probably shouldn't eat humans though. Prion disease is no fun.

I've ate from dog down,

Dog In 'Nam, Horse is quite popular in France, and rabbit you can get nearly anywhere.

I cant really draw the line on this one, id fuck dogs but not cats...and horses but not cows chickens or pigs

I don't really need to draw a line. If I require sustenance and you're lower than me on the food chain it's go time. Make me work for it, don't really care. All things equal I expect the same mentality from other predators.

You'd be surpised how all that anthropomorphized bullshit goes out the window when the issue at hand is self preservation.

My Filipino father-in-law eats dog. He says the small ones taste the best

where's the soylent green?


Sounds like a faggot.

They forgot one pet

Could be. He is really alpha, so could be a dominant homo. But for reals, he drives around and picks up stray dogs

anything thats not a cat or dog is fair game. shit i'd eat a wild cat or dog anyway, im pretty sure that any animal that preys on humans wouldn't really care either way. does a shark justify its kill and meal?

Holy fuckin hell....

There should be no line, you are right
Every non human like animal should be considered food.

Is horse meat rly that special? We eat horse in europe. (I don't, I'm vegan, but I have eaten horse before)

If you're hungry enough,
you'll eat anything.

>Good one

Depends on how hungry I am...

Difference between animals is fucking stupid, I would eat all of them.

But a dog/cat/horse/rabbit can be a loved member of a family, not like a nigger

No need to draw a line.
They're all both pet and food at the same time.

cat dog cat dog cat dog dog rabbit horse chicken cow pig cow duck
list isnt biased ?

i'm vegan...

Nu wan bestest nummies

No that's just a part of the horse

condensed non-graphic version
cat dog rabbit horse chicken cow pig duck

This is the correct one. I don't like the taste of rabbit tho.

I'm a vegan aswell, do you have a billboard with plants on it?

looks pretty accurate to me

>do you have a billboard with plants on it

nigger what?


dog / bunny for me.

Rabbits and Horses are delicious.

I don't.

Horse is good meat too.

>do you have a billboard with plants on it

>I'm a vegan aswell, do you have a billboard with plants on it?

Fucking kek


Duck is tasty as fuck



underrated post

Anybody who has ever said that has 99.99% of the time been a prerogative first world citizen.

The fact of the matter is that eating lettuce everyday all day is a priviledge very few can afford.
And it's not about the cost, but also about the physical impossibility; farming all natural vegetables, or anything green for that matter is extremely inefficient and would lead to massive famine. If you did your research you'd know this. In the real world you will never feed yourself with anything that doesn't scream when being cut. Let alone when the lights go out and your local supermarket stops serving the greens. You will eat meat like everybody else, because hunger changes people. And if it does not, then you're trouble.


Animals eat other animals.
Humans are animals.
Humans eat animals.


All animals can be pets, but not all can be food.

Ive had a pet pig before. Didnt mean I cut bacon out of my life.

not even joking, except that cats and dogs dont taste great

I would fuck the horse, cow and the cat

Hey veganfag, how about stopping to push your bullshit on everyone else ? We are in democraty, i have the right to eat meat, you have NO right to tell me what to eat.

Oh see
A cat, a dog, a cat (i think) a dog, a cat, a dog and another dog.
Makes 2 animals for me but to make it look like more just add them more then one time.

And on the other side (the stuff i would eat).
A rabbit, a horse, a chicken, a cow, a little pig that would not be used for Food, another cow (why?) and a chick of a duck.

Just in case somebody could find a duck or a pig tasty add them as infant.

This Picture is so idiotic...

Never been a fan of duck.
A bit gamey tasting and it tends to be very oily.
I have a very American sensibility when it comes to food, strong preference for beef followed by pork chicken and turkey
Within that grouping a stronger preference for the standard American supermarket cuts like steaks, ham, breast meat, etc..


Well conveniently, they put the farm animals on the right, so it's pretty easy to draw the line.

Honestly, the picture is some plebian prole bullshit designed to pander to emotional instability. It's base, crude, and completely mindless without any logic. Just designed to give people an emotional discontinuity.

like those commercials with the little nigger with the flies all in its eyes. As if the camera man couldn't wipe its fucking face


>placing livestock in the same running as general pets
>having 3 cats and 4 dogs instead of just one of each
Fucking retarded vegan filth, take more ginkgo biloba.

Also, rabbit should trade places with horse. Just saying...


Well, plants want to live too, so ya'll vegan fuckers better have found a way to derive nourishment from your "moral superiority"

you've obviously never tried horse

I should also say this:

Your act of resisting meat eating does not serve a purpose. Our society is a well oiled machine that butchers animals everyday, most of the time regardless of the demand. Nothing goes to waste aside from the things which you do not eat, nothing is saved by your act. Even fertilizers used to make your food grow -naturally- is byproduct of the meat industry. And what about the spoiled green food which didn't meet our standards? It's fed to the animals so they may crap your food and lower the overall losses - if this part didn't happen you would pay multiple times the current cost for vegan food. The meat industry is a necesary part of our society that makes everything work.

There is no such thing as world changing veganism, instead it is simply an orientation of consumerism. Thinking otherwise requires very short and narrow world view.

Rabbit is eaten more often than horse in the USA, I've had both.

Lol ive eaten many animals that people would call "pets"
Among them were horse, dog and rabbit

5-star post

Rabbit should stay where it's at. Just saying.

chinese fuck

If you are already at the point that you will need a bypass a vegan diet won't do shit for you.

out of these only dog is really pet for me

Lol dont you feel like an asshole, mr asshole whos wrong, oh so wrong

That's just bullshit, I wouldn't mind a bit if we kept cats and dogs as cattle. Also I could get emotionally attached to a cow if it was living with me. Bullshit argument.


Peking duck from a chinese shop is rly good tho

you mean wong, oh so wong, you chink

horse ain't bad though, just sayin

All animals can be pets, and all animals can be food.
As long as you don't have an emotional bond.

animals don't want to live.

animals do not have a concept of death or being alive, they aren't self-aware.

anthropomorphising animals doesn't make you morally superior to others, it just makes you a whiny housewife without any sort of education.