Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Teemo?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Teemo?

Because I don't like swallowing gallons of cum everyday.

It is Teemo, actually.

More for me.

>not swallowing gallons of cum everyday
What are you a faggot?

Maokai because it's OP in my hands

People still play this autistic shit?

Goddamn right.

What a sad time to be alive.

I play what's needed because I'm not a retarded cunt and I love winning, but Azir is my fav

Riven, cause she's a perfect champ in a shitty game.

>Implying Thresh isn't perfect

Thresh cant be a waifu tho

Ahri, because teemo's kit is generally unpleasing to me. his Q's does almost no damage and his ult is reliant to people's stupidity. and his E's literally a passive. fuck passive spells.

I'm too busy hitting 300k on my mainfu.
>pic rel

the perfect husbando

i main twitch and i need a new summoner name

Look here fuckboy, the thing is that I'm not sure what you're so desperate to prove to some user on the internet, maybe point all your rage towards yourself not everyone else like the piece of shit you were raised to be, oh and one more thing see you'll probably read this whole post because you're such a pathetic character that you just can't let something go and you'll keep replying to me until you've realized I left this thread long ago and then you'll try to find someone else but in your heart you'll always know that you are the reason this worlds is shit, you are the reason this world and it's humankind is doomed, you alone are the cancer.


[spoiler]It stands for Victory[/spoiler]

[spoiler]spoilers don't work on Sup Forums, newfag[/spoiler]

But it is, and I still suck ass

>always trust Braum

Because I main Jax. If you play on EUW, my summoner nick is:

Solid Yaku

Im currently gold 2 on my way to diamond.

Gragas and Darius

[spoiler]I don't play league of legends either[/spoiler]


Oh, cmon...

Oh just die u bastard

Fucking go outside holy shit

i do main teemo

Confirmed: Teemofags are gay furfags

Yet you own that picture

Found it.

I main Shyvana, I have no idea why I do it, but I just love playing her and turning into a dragon.

Bard is based god

Currently maining vel'koz

Vayne because ADC is the only skillfull role in this game.

It is teemo. But when I first pick him in draft people always leave

Blitzcrank main reporting

>league of legends
Pick one

Trips don't lie.

I play Garen because I'm level 7 and shit at MOBAs

I guess theres no one here who mains zac... Still dont understand why people dont play him

masterrace reporting in

Smite is better. All hail Scylla.

>get first blood literally every game as trundle

How have people not noticed you should not fight him level 1

Cuz ure playing in silver, budbud :)

>lvl 1 firstblood every game
shit elo detected

Stay mad shitters

Zac is all about disruption. I'd rather play a jungler who can rip a carries face off.

Bard, because penguins

I do Teemo ADC and people cry about it but I laugh right back at them because

>blinding Dart and excellent pushing capabilities

If maining an adc in lol isnt as skillfull as a video game can get please tell me what game is worthy? If you dare say dark souls you are inbred

Have you ever seen ap zac. He deletes people

that is from Season 3 you fucking scrub

show something current or fuck right off


Vi and Volibear
Vi is my guilty pleasure with her officer skin


How do you play Vi? I always get my ass kicked.
>Teamfight starts
I got this
>Q through wall
Here I come fuckers
>Ults ADC
You're dead bitch
>AA then E
Wait... shit.
>Gets gangbanged

Fuck you.

You can rip a carries face off as Zac pretty easily his base damage is amazing and cinderhulk is busted.

she is a hure

I have zero regrets

Cuz I like to cast 4 spells and tell you to fuck off...

How do you deal with Riven and Jayce? They are my kryptonite when I'm playing Darius.

Most Riven's will start Q. If they are dumb they will go on to you like an idiot. Use your Q and Autos/W's to haress them back and E to bring them back in for more. You have the kit to out trade them hard if yo ucan get your Passive off. In my opinion, its mostly Skill. Post 6, watch for her button mashing wombo combo and dunk their face in
You build Cloth, 5 pots, farm and ask for ganks. Jungles like Mao and Trundle can fuck his mobility hard.

Very aggressive early game, I clear the bottom jugle entirely, instantly gank botlane and then continue on. Build varies depending on team comp and enemy comp. And usually I wait for someone else to initiate then I ult the most annoying opponent, W, Q into him for additional CC, W and so on. Steraks is pretty good on Vi

Been maining it since last season. Doubt I'll change anytime soon. The kit is just way too much fun :D

My bad, meant E not W

mah nigga