Ctrl + f fingerbox

>ctrl + f fingerbox
No finger box thread wtf guys? This is the finger box i just bought on ebay i like a authentic look more then these modern finger box's post your finger box user

Bump for the sake of a finger box thread


That looks like a nice one

Damn OP. Thats a nice classic finger box. Not one of the new, fancy models that lost their charm. What year is that?

What the fuck is a fingerbox

Found this at my university, an original.


Yes, I am. That doesn't answer my question. What's the point behind these things?

Why do you always post about fucking boxes with holes in them wtf are they for????

summer fags are here

Summerfags aren't a thing and I'm here since February. Now what's the purpose of a fucking Box with a hole in it?

my rare fingerbox.

Do you even google?

Your dad is my finger box, except when i say finger I mean cock and when I say box I mean his loose ass hole.

What is

What is this turning into a buzzfeed nostalgia clickbait bullshit website now? I mean we all loved these as kids but who the fuck cares anymore?

rub a dub dub

Fingerbox is an item fad that began on Sup Forums’s Sup Forums board sometime in the summer of 2010.

The fad involves someone posting a picture of a Fingerbox with a seemingly genuine question or remark, followed by other users acting as if they not only all know what the OP is referring to, but have owned one since childhood.

The common discussion points are the number of holes, the materials the box is made of, and different custom boxes and their merits.

Inevitably a user finally asks what a Fingerbox is, at which point they will promptly be laughed at and called a Newfag.

it's a fucking fingerbox
kinda explains itself don't you think?

Please fuck off with the fingerbox. It's virtually a fossil these days.

I hope you and your family get cancer

Kill yourself

> admitting to being a newfag
>not owning a fingerbox or even knowing what one is
Next thing you'll be telling us that you're 17

Oh geez! What the hell did they put in that finger box. They abused it. Does it still work?

I hope you fucking drown

Fortunately, it was apart of our youth. Simply undocumented.

>knowyourmemefag detected

But I did own a fingerboc, my parents bought one for me when I was 9

>summerfags aren't a thing
are you fucking retarded?

penisbox: superior