Rank guessing thread

Rank guessing thread


Diamond 3

Faggot 4

>on Sup Forums


faggot who only talks in all chat

Try me

Gold II

Plat 1

Silver III

Lower, FeelsBadMan

Silver V


Cancer I

What rank?

>intentionally leveling teemo to get people salty
>recieve salt

Plat IV

Oops, I didn't write Catalog

guess :3

Guess again

Plat v

biggest fucking faggot

lmao why


Bronze 2

Cancer champs ^^, ur dia v tho.
Plat 2

haha im challenger

The pic is a bit old but nothing much has changed

>riven main
>lmao why

Are you plastic6 by any chance?

Spot on, just picking up jungle now to climb back to dia

Darius and Singed are 100k each.

garen is god-tier champ, best fighter ingame

My nigga.

sub-1k mmr faggots

started a couple of months ago


Gold 3

Silver 3.


Good guesses

I was actually Diamond 5 or 4 when I took that pic

Gold I
Those are good beginner champs. Can you do the essential Ali combo? And you shouldn't have shown your league! :P
Plat IV

What do you think I am now and what do you think was my peak league? Go!

was last season, G3 at the moment.

and darius if your still here

guess? x))