Alright Sup Forums complete sexual history...

Alright Sup Forums complete sexual history, include: details (best of) - gender - numbers - current age (and age of partners).

age - 25
partners - 18/ last experience in January

Lost virginity at 15 - gal was 16, she was not a virgin, allowed me to go buck wild. Friends have long running joke_ the first time I ever fingered her, I was actually fingering her asshole. We broke up after 10 months_ I thought i was utterly in love with her and felt ashamed when a month later I slept with 2 different girls.

Fast-forward: 2 years go by - no sex. I enter college and get the occasional play, however I met a group of older folk (in their mid-twenties) and they took me under their wing so to speak. Within this time frame (2 years) I began sleeping with girls 5-6 years my senior, which amounted to 7 gals to add to my loving memories.

Again with a period of no sex. After college I decided to travel (dropped out by the way, one semester from graduating, a story for another time). I settled down in Colorado_ ages 23 to now current age. Regularly fucking women age 30 to 50_ beautiful Mothers. I always had a thing for older women even before these experiences.

One would think the best sex was with one of these older gals. Howbeit, the best experience was with (name drop) Belen - we were 21 and just had aligning parts, she loved to suck cuck and just absolutely gorgeous all around.

I've passed on a number of other women (I was trying to be faithful) and I've cheated on numerous others (and really, I feel terrible - which is why I ended those relationships).

Looking forward to hearing your experiences Sup Forums
any questions - it'd be a pleasure to answer.

Other urls found in this thread:

20F virgin..

Don't be pressured, find someone to love_ being in love is really the best experience for the first time.

More importantly, love yourself k?

Thanks ur sweet :P

Don't let it die!!! C'mon cucks and veeps!!


>White knighting this hard

Don't call yourself a loser for starters Sup Forumsrother
I have a friend my age (25) and he's still a virgin_ I actually think he's gay and just hasn't accepted it.

Anyways, in your matter, perhaps your standards are too high?


I'm going to be the greatest wizard in all the land.


Other than that_ you're an alright person (for Sup Forums)

hey, whatever works right?

I'd like to cast spells too.



so i'm not a loser, you just think i'm gay.

also i have no standards, the problem is that women have standards

no, one can't assume you're homosexual unless otherwise noted. I was merely referring to my buddy.

What do you read? I'd recommend Charles Bukowski.

The problem is your assumptions_ women are open books, they want to be read between the lines.

so my problem is that i don't enjoy reading

lolli pops

Patience and sacrifice is the name of the game.

i would say my main reason for being a virgin is that i have no money and live with my parents

That shouldn't be a problem at all.
Most people born in late 80s into the 90s are still living with their parents.

Money is frivolous_ independence however, holds much power (builds confidence)

Now, you might be saying - 'how am I to gain independence while living with my parents?'

Work!!! Educate yourself (not exactly checking into school, with the internet at your fingers - the possibilities are endless!) and just generally get out in the World.

Try this: walk to the local library, not only to get outta your own element but trust me when I say you will see something different every single day that you take that walk. Promise.

i live no were near a library, I'm going off to university in September

Not living near one is no excuse, if anything - the further the better! Learn the bus routes.

Congrats on the University bit! Make the best of it. No need to go fucking bonkers but there is excellent opportunity in finding what works for you in relationships with others.

i very much doubt there will be any opportunity to go bonkers, i'm terrible at getting to know people, i bet i'm at least autistic to some level

for example, the only times i've even kissed a girl i have been drunk

Don't be afraid to ask too many questions, people really do love talking about themselves. Not that I'm roasting ya for this general conversation. I'm interested in pretty much everyone.

What are you afraid of exactly?
Autistic and attending college? Don't begin to become ashamed of the cards that were handed to you.

There are tons of gorgeous and "normal" people that have never even approached the idea of elevating themselves. I believe in you, whatever it is you intend to do with your life.

Unless you plan to murder, otherwise, fuck off.

24, Male, Virgin.

If you think THAT'S pathetic, I'm bisexual!

i'm afraid that every previous interaction i have had with women has failed, i'm afraid that it is my own interpersonal ineptitude that will lead me to live a life of loneliness and porn consumption

Not pathetic, you're just holding out for someone to your true liking.

Especially in the bisexual realm, I have no doubts you've had at least a moment of reaching towards that certain goal. Correct me if I'm dead wrong.

>28 y/o
>lost virginity at 19
>had 2 serious relationships
>manwhored until 25 y/o or so
>once fucked a mother and daughter (at seperate times)
>used to keep track of # of partners, stopped doing it around 35. its probably around 40 now
>a few were 8/10
>lots of fatties on account of theyre easy and im lazy
>no motivation to chase pussy anymore
>i still fuck my ex every weekend
>once in my early 20s i got drunk and fucked a black homosexual in his ass

you're probably dead wrong, any male with the opportunity to lose their virginity would take it

Must start picking up the pieces and create a whole other image besides the one you see in the mirror now.

Fear and not being able to love yourself will take you to those lonely roads.

There is strength and great wanting inside you, let it out and scream!


I've not found someone recently. I'm quite sexually inactive. I have fantasies too far out there to actually come true for me. I've only ever been interested in someone like once but ever since it's been very confusing...

I'm not desperate or anything. If anything I'm just waiting patiently. My parents are more in a hurry for me to get laid tha. I am!! Lol

Probably dead wrong? hm...

And no, not every male or female for that matter.
Tell me more about yourself?

you mean let it out and get arrested for rape right?

i'm a 21 year old fair skinned white dude who's hair is thinning, lives with his parents and is a virgin. i see nothing good to work with

Sign up for planet fitness, tan and do bench presses till you're sexy.

Like I said, and more power to you for holding on for this time.

To be a virgin is an incredible feat for this age. Don't wanna fall into that portrait of others that gave it up just for the sake of giving it up.

I was fortunate to be in love, phew!

Goodness no, never recommended on any level.

Let yourself be who they gotta be_ and if any chance that you are some maniac that has desire to rape and pillage, seek professional help yeah?

i wouldn't find myself attractive if i were tanned and muscular, some women might but i wouldn't.

also it would kill me to be in a gym infront of other people

I hear ya. Thanks for the encouragement, user.

Also, how is it a good thing that you were in love, didn't you say she dumped you or are we talking about the lady you're still with?

No need for gym, there are plenty of home suitable work outs, check fitness on this site!

Also, how about the bald look? Tell your hair 'fuck you' and just get into gear.

Again, living with parents has nothing to do with getting laid or not. You must empower yourself, by body, by mind.

i've been belittled by my family my whole life, i could never take a girl home

Fact: it's entirely alright to be dumped
A major learning experience is losing someone/something you hold dear.

Building yourself up from the ground is definitely better than sex, without a doubt!

Ah dude hell yeah you'll be attractive. If you were tan and worked on your pretty boi physique you'd be more attractive.

I'm no where near my goals and I don't give mo fucks if people see my fat santa gut flabbing up and down to the rhythm of my jogging. Who cares?! Fat people can get fit, too!

>fat santa gut flabbing

Not sure how fair it is for me to say such - but Imma say it anyways

Fuck all of em, not literally - just stop any given sense that any one or group's idea of who you are as a whole should have effect in your living.

There are plenty of places to bone.
Fucking out in the wilderness is one for the books!

no matter of uv and excursive will fix my face that can't smile. when i meet new people, after a couple of weeks i get asked why i'm such a miserable git even if i was completely fine and happy the entire time

I've kissed a number of boys, I just couldn't commit to the full action.

And heavier set women are my kryptonite, I can't last for nothing with em.

I'm around everyone, just gonna make breakfast - keep em coming, I'll do my best to answer all!

So you think you're ugly and have a personality issue? Believe it or not tanning will get rid of some of the ugly.

As far as your personality goes, I have several recommendations but I'm not sure of your current situation. If you'd like, I can share with you what helped my weird was multiple things, not just one.


>1st Grade: first kiss, behind schoolhouse w/ red-haired girl
>2nd grade; you show me I show you peeing with girl behind schoolhouse
3rd grade: first girl I want to marry, carry her books to school every morning
4th grade: 1st dinner and movie with girl next door, Dad dropped us off and picked us up
5th grade: 1st milf encounter, California blonde showed me her boobies
6th grade: 1st unrequited crush; little irish girl broke my heart, Sup Forums
7th grade: 1st explorations with a girl in a buggy in as neighbor's yard
8th grade: 1st time asking a girl I just met for her number, called and we went to a movie
9th grade: 1st time fisticuffs over a girl; I lost
10th grade: 1st time dancing all evening with a girl at HS dance
12th grade: and he scores! with little sister's friend who was babysitting for a neighbor

go on

Love the detail.

My first kiss was with a blondie (5th grade) - couple years later during 7th grade, we met up again and we had one gnarly make-out session that led to my first titties. Ah! Mrs. (as she is now married with kids) Jones!

Oddly enough, kissing felt more wrong to me than the actual sex. We started by making out in bed and I could feel his beard stubble against mine and I was like "yeah this isnt for me"

Then he started blowing me and I forgot all about it. After that there was mutual hand stuff and finally I fucked him. It wasnt an awful experience but I wouldnt do it again.

The way I got better was thru some of the jobs Ive had. The first job I had forced me to deal with kids. I had to discipline 50+ kids at a time.

I also had a friend that was super smart and he constantly made fun of my personality when I was weird or felt depressed. For some reason it helped me point out what was wrong with me.

Then, I read. Like alot. I encourage you to get ahold of an interpersonal communications textbook and read it. It is literally a textbook about how to communicate with people.

Bearded men didn't seem an option for my experiments.

I kissed this really buff dude, I mean by god, this dude was jacked. And the others were traps (that I knew of already). I felt sad because they really fell for me, and from that - I knew it was wrong to play kid with em.

7117 Mirrors: Enjoy Sup Forums 1) 2) Password is included.

So essentially, work with kids at least one in your lifr (it's life changing, trust me.), make friends with smart people, and read alot.

To add to that, I've worked in customer service fpr 4+ years now and made a ton of friends because of the regulars that come in to my store.

I feel like my life has kind of come together because of all of these experiences. Ive been invited to fuck this dude i know, ive been invited to a threesome, ive had tons of opportunities to hang out with people that are really cool.

i could never work with kids, i can't stand them

Agree 100%

Empowering yourself in all avenues is always a great way to go about anything in life. And through such, you almost forget what your problems were to begin with.

That's what I said at first. Then I warmed up to them. Magically, my personality was more outgoing and friendly. I had my moments where I wanted to beat the shit out of them, yeah lol

basically, in order to lose my virginity and get a girlfriend i need to be someone who is the antithesis of myself

Don't get yourself down about your current situation, instead look for the light at the end of the FUCKING tunnel, because it's there. It does exist, I know because I went into it. I'm out of the tunnel.

No, throughout all these choices you will make, never lose sight of your values and where you came from.

Adding attributes and increasing your knowledge of the world will bring you fortunate.

Nobody cares if you have a doom and gloom outlook on life, it's actually quite a popular opinion. People just get tired of praising you for every little thing they can see about you because you constantly beat yourself up.

no one has to praise me for anything, it's patronising

i'm aware that i lost at life, i don't need people to pretend i didn't

You haven't lost, every single second is a chance to build.

And I'm not saying 'staying positive!'
We're human, we are naturally gonna have a shitty day.

It's just no use calling yourself a lost if you haven't attempted to give it a go!

You're just not where you wanna be right now. Knowing my luck, I'd probably still be working 3rd shift with a shitty car and no friends and no college under my belt.

But I lucked out. Because I wanted to be in school, because I wanted to get my dick wet finally, because I was sick of life as I knew it, I strived for a change and now I'm here. On the path to success.

So more than likely if you fight for something, chances are (no matter how slim they appear) you'll get what you're fighting for. Shit may not turn out exactly how you thought they would, but still...