I am a law abiding african american

I am a law abiding african american

You are still a nigger

there's nothing wrong with being a jew

I have a feminine penis

I like furries

How hiv feel?

I think OP isn't a faggot

You guys are my best friends (only friends) in the whole wide world guys...

Make america gr8 again

>I am a law abiding african american

Were you born in prison?

I'm a feminist white male.

LOL! How is everybody? :)


Hey guys, can you watch this for me while I go browse 9gag?


Femanaon here...
Sup Forums is a validate place to get medical information and rationally explained opinions.

Femanon here, i like a guy, but he is afraid of leaving his current girl for me. I know this bcuz he has told me. what can i do, Sup Forums?

Go outside

Offer to suck his cock

Sup Forums sucks

Negroids are human beings.

jesus was white


dat boi is not, nor was it ever, funny

I'm a girl.

You're all fucking newfags. This thread sucks. Not even trolling, I'm serious. You all suck.

consensual sex in the missionary position

Meh this one is true.

I've been here 5 years and I think I am constantly surrounded by summerfags,


absolutely but i was hoping to make people angry in the process

black lives matter. stop fat shaming. feminism above meninism. Sup Forums users are bottom feeders.
men should be allowed in the ladies room.

dragon ball gt is good

I really love where america is going

Race is a social construct.

So many newfags, I'm crying right now. You all successfully trolled me by being newfags. Fuck you Sup Forums, fuck you.

Rate my cock?

itt newfags

emag eht


I would completely empty my balls in that redhead and not think twice about the consequences because it would just be worth it.

Loli is not pedophilia

This thread is cancer and you should all be ashamed of yourselves



only newfags use the word newfag so fuck you

Feminists are good

you just used it twice though lol

>african american

Have fun

Valid you stupid hoe. Validate is a verb.

I'm a vegan but I never told anyone,,,

I fuck both Jewish and Black women. And love every damn minute of it.



let me suck your dick

Gender is a social construct.


Femanon with a feminine penis here,
Just here to remind you that Sup Forums has never been worse



Trump is a cuck with tiny hands, how can you run a country with hands that small?

What about black jews? Is that too much?

No, it's not you're fucking stupid kys

Very informative, but picture was too big, stretched my screen. Fuck you.

Sanders for president


Theres nothing wrong with being a pedophile


I'm Islamic and I don't think about blowing up me and my peers every second of every day.

College will never be free you fucking idiot

Why does white girls are into black dick so much?

Hillary should be President, Donald doesn't deserve to be president of even a Pre-k

Autists deserve respect

The ones who post gore and scat porn in a trap thread can't deal with their homosexual urges. Also Donald Drumpf is a self entitled dumb faggot. I mean come on, you want to give the leadership of the most powerful country in the world to a daddy's little snowflake type of faggot who never worked a minute in his life? Fucking pathetic.

I know this is a troll thread but that's really stupid

feminism is legit

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay.

Why the fuck is the guy's dick upside down?

I don't see why you guys don't like feminism.
It's just a movement for equality.

She eventually grew out of that phase and is surprisingly fuckable.

whats her name? (not the chimpanzee, the actual breeding material)

Everyone in this thread is retarded but me, you win by not responding to anyone.

I have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation and never seed torrents

I'm a democrat but I don't like Clinton, so I'm voting for Trump instead.

Guy? You fucking shitlord. Gender is a social construct. She is a beautiful empowered lady, who happens to have a feminine penis. She is tasting her own ladyjuices, not some rapists disgusting mancum!!!! Check your white male privilege, you fuckin rapist!

I'm an atheist


I can't read this, do you have a higher resolution version plz?

dougiewj @ snapchat

Trump is a honest businessman who speaks his mind.

So what? I'm vegan and you don't see me telling everyone!

I truly apologise I didn't realise it was a beautiful trans person.. Sorry for the rape
Also nice dubs nigga

Illegal aliens are wonderful people.



MODS rawr xD :3



How funny and original.
This is now a fb fap thread.

Fuck off