This fucking thread again. Ask a 33 year old kissless virgin anything

This fucking thread again. Ask a 33 year old kissless virgin anything.

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How do you like the fact that you are not the only wizard here?

This place is full of wizards. Fucking Hogwarts in here.

What happened?


3 moar years to go i go wizard

Why don't you pay for it?

Nothing. That's the problem.

Join me. Faggot.

Can I become a wizard if I'm not kissless but a virgin?

I lost my virginity at 14 to a girl from another school. Guarantee she wouldn't of slept with me if she went to my school.

Ask an Archwizard anything

Don't want to contribute to trafficking.


Why do you think that? You a moped?

Joined you 2 weeks ago.

I've touched tongues with mom. Now im 37. What am i ?

A faggot.

Why ?

I wore AC/DC shirts almost everyday in Middle School

Im 18 and fucked my 93rd girl yesterday. 94 tonight. How do you feel about that?

Quality > Quantity

That's pretty sad.

What makes you think i fuck garbage vaginas? What quality can you relate with? None.

>mfw i genuinely wish I was the guy at age 30
Being a Chaos Sorcerer would be amazing. Could just mind control whores at that point.

>tfw when not kissless but still virgin
>tfw when alpha asf in highschool and first part of college
>tfw now beta because im carrying a torch for an ex so hard that ive turned down casual sex

Still 7 years from true wizardry, though. I envy and pity all of you who are actually "kissless".

Powerful wizards include the following:
-don't do drugs/alcohol
-plays video games as main hobby
-staying active and being positive from depression
-not planning on having kids
-not planning on dating/marriage


OP here. You are an even bigger faggot than I. I would love to be offered casual sex.

I'm a 26-year old male virgin myself and do I call myself a loser? No. Fucking. Way!

Hey, I'm a 25 y/o kissless virgin. Recovering alcoholic too so I can't really go to bars and socialize.

I didn't care until shit got surreal. Went to my brothers wedding and realized I've missed out.

Meeting people or girls is not something I know how to do. Every time in high school or elementary school that I wanted to ask a girl out, I got a panic attack and wussed out.


19, kissed 2 girls but still virgin
sucked dick once, regret it. the dude is a chad like prick that everyone likes for no apparent reason

OP here. I wouldn't call myself a loser either if I had something else going. Problem is: I haven't. My "career" is non-existent and I have no talents or skills to speak of.

are you a powerful wizard then?

Don't toss your baby in the trash can after you nut ;)

I know, opee. Take comfort, for before you is a man who has literally defended his virginity.

holy shit im gandalf

I'm not trolling, but tell me:
How can you still be a virgin after reaching 18?!
You cant all look THAT bad right?
I honestly don't understand

pretty much, plus I don't have friends in RL. And lastly I'm not ready to have my own children, nor be a responsible parent yet..

I don't look all that bad. But looks don't matter; or at least they don't compensate being a walking spaghetti dispenser.

There are many reasons. It doesn't have to do with looks either, I knew a few girls that were interested me in school, but I never asked them out. One even had a crush on me, and I could have asked her out and she would have said yes. She was a qt 3.14 too.

Due to alcoholism I completely missed out on everything social from the ages of 16-21. Now I have absolutely no idea how to talk to girls. Not to mention before that I had extreme anxiety, and now I have that anxiety again when it comes to social situations.

6 foot 2, 180 pounds, and average looking.

walking spaghetti dispenser?

ah yiss

there are so many ways man.
You can just talk to girls man, literally. A "hi" is enough

Not Op, but, It depends on the environment. I was homeschooled, raised Christian, and celibacy was practically the ticket to heaven. Actually dated quite a few girls, and was reasonably popular, but there was no fucking way I was getting laid, since everyone I knew was from church or church camp.

Other people are just completely unable to socialize normally, esp. with females. Not a problem I had, growing up with lots of sisters.

Or maybe you're depressed and you don't really give a fuck, or you hate women because too much Sup Forums. There's lots of reasons besides ugliness. Though, most people are probably just ugly, and in turn are socially awkward as a result of low esteem

and then form relationships with a snap of a finger?

This just dont act like autist and you good




Yeah, I recently set up a new facebook account and found a neighbor of mine. She's pretty cute and I think is attracted to me. Left her a couple messages but I don't want her to think I'm creepy so I left it at that.

You know. Being a socially awkward, blundering, uncharismatic retard. No amount of facial symmetry or abs can compensate that.

why is your picture so small?

you dont have to try to fuck every girl you speak to man, I'm not saying that. Just talk with girls, get more comfortable and you will be able to take the next step

>fucking hogwarts in here
top kek



ah, yeah - sorry.
I feel like there are ways to grow beyond that, though. You can literally learn to not be socially awkward

soooooooo 94 babies you made?

ye sure son. i bet you arent even officially allowed here and make up stories in your mothers basement

You can, but for some people it's extremely hard. Say having a bona fide relationship was as hard and long as getting a Ph.D. in fundamental physics is to an average Joe ; would you be able to ?

Yes. But I probably need a special ed class for that. Unlike other people (e.g the homeschooled one), I started out on par with me peers and in the perfect environment. I was quite popular in middle school, was the first one of my friends to ask somebody out, my family was very liberal towards sex and drugs. Yet, despite having perfect starting conditions, I noticed how all my peers outpaced me in their social development.

yeah, I feel you.

When will you kill yourself?

At like 80. By accidentally falling down a set of stairs.

does that woman raped me when i was 12 count?

I lost my virginity in 2010 when I was like 14. I used to study in a public school in downtown San Salvador and the sin bins where just a few streets away. Some schoolmates and I saved the money for the lunch and went to see the hookers twice a month.

Most of the hookers were in their late 20s, 30s... but I liked better hookers who were around my age ... if you know what I mean...

post a pic we can tell you if its because youre ugly or if its because of other reasons

How autistic are you?


well unless you have weird eyes you don't look ugly at all. Don't give up anyway OP

Never said that I look ugly. I'm also quite fit. Problem is: too much autismo.

wtf dude u look good

I'm there is someone out there for you

Yeah, you must be pretty fucking autistic if you can't get laid looking like that.

At least you recognize this. May be the first step to changing.


I feel you bro, girls try flirting with me all the time and I instantly get nervous and confused.

>What does she want?
>Why is she talking to me?
>She just smiled and touched her hair
>Is she implying something?
>"Y-you too"

>At least you recognize this. May be the first step to changing.

The question is: how do I change?

>I feel you bro, girls try flirting with me all the time and I instantly get nervous and confused.

Ironically, I don't remember any situation where a girl was flirting with me.

I am a 20 year old female virgin. Yes, I am white.

Before people ask if I am morbidly obese, here is my body.

You know the rules.


The autism levels are fucking hurting me, man.

This is an American thing, Losing it pre-16 is pretty fucking normal.



That's unsurprising, those situations generally don't last very long and I can only figure it out what was going on in retrospect

No stepdad huh?

3980 Mirrors: Enjoy Sup Forums 1) 2) Password is included.


I cannot even in retrospect.

Pretty sure mine has an even higher quality.

Most do it out of their own will. It's easy money. Don't go for a street worker, find your local slut-rating forum and get somebody recommended. Tell her it's been a while.

Or just be upfront and say your a virgin. Some sluts genuinely do get off on cherry popping.

I'm a black wizard

OP here. I was using this approach sometimes when going out ... the cringe dude, the cringe.

Don't worry it doesn't really help, I'm in exactly the same situation as you.

Oh yeah, dude, you can't use that to pick up women in bars or something. It's either got to be a hooker or someone you know beforehand is into it.

But you at least know that you had chances.

I realized that after a few tries. To my excuse, I was pretty drunk.

Well... live and learn I guess. Fair warning; it's not THAT good, sex. It gets better the more you know what you're doing.

Can I just ask you guys, how do you not lose your virginity by 30?

Is it because you're extremely overweight, or have extreme social anxiety or something?

I went through all of highschool as a fat fuck, but I still was good friends with girls and shit and I lost my virginity early on in during university, and I was still kinda overweight.

What's the leading factor in not losing your virginity by by that age?

>not wanting kids makes me part wizard

Fuck off you cunt, I don't want to have to deal with the shit my parents did. Kids are fucking cancerous, my sister contributed to the death of my mother.

OP here. Not overweight: see (even though I was in better shape in my 20s, starting to work out regularly again).

Also not really socially anxious. I was slightly nervous when approaching women and I am certainly introverted but it doesn't come close to any clinical definition of social anxiety. I am just very autistic.

Trust me you really don't want to remember all the chances you've blown.

It gets really depressing when you're able to identify exactly why girls think you're some kind of social retard but are powerless to do change the way your mind operates in social situations.