Let's have a wisdom thread. All you oldfags out there or anyone with some advice to share, let's hear it...

Let's have a wisdom thread. All you oldfags out there or anyone with some advice to share, let's hear it. 31 year old here.

>Momentum is everything. Get a job. If you can't get a job, volunteer for charity work. You will eventually make progress. If you sit in your room doing nothing day in and out you lose.

>I have only seen a fraction of marriages work out. Never ever get pressured into this shit by her, family, religion or others. At the end of the day, it's just a very expensive way to sign a register.

>Learn to drive. Not only does it open up your horizons, but gives you a good inning on finding work.

>Always have at least one 'normal' hobby to talk about. The world cannot and will not care about video games, anime, memes and whatever the fuck else. Try drawing, building or sport.

>Get fit. Not only does it reinforce discipline, it gives you confidence and you stand head and shoulders above all the other men who are either blobs or skeletons.

>Always try to dress smart. The first bite is with the eye and if you look like shit people will assume as such.

>If you ever tell a woman a secret, it's a secret no longer.

>Whenever money and women are involved, be careful. Even the most rational of men can lose his fucking mind over these two things.

That's all I've got to offer. Hope it helps.

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It's a dangerous world out there.

Protect yourself.

Protect your family.

if you were born in western civilization, you are christian. I don't give a fuck if you are jewish, or hindu, or some fedora, you follow the cultural norms of a christian society. think that is wrong because of all the progressive values of the last decades? those were the values Christ proposed. he wanted everybody to be accepted, to be chill, to be excellent with each other. have you ever felt like shit? hell, you probably feel like shit every time you wake up and you realize that you are in a fucking nightmare, one you can't wake up. well, jesus teaches how to wake up from the nightmare, and how to live in the daydream. he wants you to feel good, he wants you to clean yourself from fear and bad vibes. right now, the powers that be are doing Troyan Tactic. they are telling the world that we are leaving christ, in order to do something else and that everybody is welcome to the death of western civilization, it will be feast! well, the joke is on them because what they will eat and drink will be the body of christ and they will be reborn as christian whether they realise it or not

huh? no one in my family is religious, and I dont follow christian values. I fuck before marriage, iv sucked a couple dicks, i swear and I think people who belive in god or jesus are dumb fucks, please take your weirdo shit elsewhere

Good advice Sup Forumsro.

>Always tell the truth, because you'll get caught out lying in the end, no matter what happens. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything, but if you lie, you've always got to remember exactly what you said and when. Just don't do it. People will always admire you for your honesty, they'll never admire a liar.

>Treat girls/women the way you'd want your female relatives to be treated. Don't be a jerk to them "just because."

>Dress sharply and for the occasion, no matter what the occasion.

>If you're stuck and need help with something, there's no shame in asking.

>When greeting someone, look into their eyes and smile. Show some confidence. You're more likely to establish friendships this way.

>When going to a party, always bring something for the host.

>Never talk down about anyone, especially in situations where it could get back to them. It makes you seem like an asshole and lowers the persons self esteem. Nobody likes an asshole.

>When in a confrontation, try to diffuse the situation and walk away. Life is too short for petty arguments and you'll seem like the better man.

i believe jesus said something about, marriage and sucking dicks. there was this girl who everybody was talking shit about, because she was fucking with someone outside married, and they wanted to stone her as punishment. Then Jesus came and say to everybody, "hey, you all fuck outside of marriage, so let's be chill about it", and everybody was chill about it.

If I wanted to live my life to impress every random retard out there, id've actually tried to do well in school and learnt to be a cookie-cutter normie. I live my life how I want, and if other people don't like it, sounds like their problem that they can deal with.
Like I care of they don't care about my interests or hobbies, to me my interests are paramount.

I believe that jesus is a fictional character and shouldn't be talked about as if he was a person.

No a woman cheated on her husband, and Jesus said "whoever is free of sin shall cast the first stone" it's just a lesson saying don't be quick to condemn others, everyone sins and no one is perfect.

The advice is for someone who is looking to make decent friends. You sound lonely.

Thanks, It's good advice. Remember you helped at least one user on here.


wise words from a wise bro

All of this effort and you still ended up on Sup Forums? It leads me to believe that you're a liar.

21 year old guy here, my parents have screwed me my entire life, living out their vices doing drugs etc, while i was left at my grandmothers place. Long story short, they are clean and want contact, i find this selfish and intolerable bit i still have many unanswered questions. This has been on my mind for months, maybe one of you guys have some advice.

well, i also believe Mickey Mouse said "Go fuck yourself"

I don't see you disagreeing

Awesome OP, this is my life philosophy to the bone lol.

>Doing everything alone can be detrimental. It´s good to have people in your life, even if you "hate everything and everyone". Other people can have another perspective that you wouldn´t have thought about.
>Never think that sitting in your room is the end of the world. We are humans, and humans are limited by perspective. Get out and see how your mind changes the way you think.
>Your thoughts are what makes you. Focus on the positives if you want to be more positive, focus on the negative if you want to be negative (if you want that)
>Singing, talking, being expressive releases emotion built up and can be like cuming for your emotions. No bullshit.

All I got for now


micky mouse is a fictional character from tv aswell, and he didn't say that at all.

have fun being gullible and delusional.

Try it out, but keep in mind that you have to respect yourself. If things get iffy, get the fuck out, if things go ok, give them a shot.

I have decent friends, what few I want. I am lonely, because I like it that way. I prefer solitude.


Some people say forgive and forget. I say forgive but never forget. That's easier said than done

He wasn't advocating extramarital sex, he was teaching people to not be quick to judge and condem others.

wisdome a word that assumes that gathering life experience leads to a better life, when it is clear that clueless but extraverted people always prevail
sociability is the key, keep your thoughts together and reach out for anything that is in your grasp

values christ proposed? dude you need to read more and get your head out of your ass. NONE of that shit is "christian" by a long shot

This was meant for this

no, he was telling people to mind their own business.

Simple living is living.

> focus on the positive
you are talking to Sup Forums here, the place where cynical assholes come to die

you might be right though

this guy. time to water the plants

yeah, I guess, trying to give people a few good times in this hopeless existence. drinking a beer with a friend is a cool moment in time, and can get you through not dying that one day. but hey, I see your point user