FEELS Thread

FEELS Thread

Just ended things with my long distance gf of 1&1/2 yrs. Honestly feel relieved. No longer wasting love and heartache over someone who only wanted friendship & sex.

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Pic related is us.

Deadass bro, listen to me.

You tried and that's all you could do, hope you get drunk and recover quickly my man! Many girls out there, many woman to bang. And you a handsome guy, get out there my dude.


I'm 27 and she was my first gf, lost my virginity to her last year. Thought I'd finally find someone worth the effort, but oh well :/

Go out and do what you gotta do my guy.

I don't know that feel yet, but sorry about it, you seem like an honest guy, wish you good luck.

8544 Mirrors: Enjoy Sup Forums 1) dropbox.com/s/am3x4el6x0ly72e/L0.zip?dl=1 2) a.cocaine.ninja/jdkbzf.zip Password is included.

Thanks for being Sup Forumsros guys. Anyways, that's all I had to share.



Hey, it happens man. Thought i was gonna be with my girlfriend of 2 years but then she said she needed a "break" to figure herself out. I tried doing that for like a couple weeks but when women think in their mind that it's over, it's over. Just play some vidya or study or something, it doesn't suck too bad. ALSO try not to think about her

You look good from what I can tell so I'm sure you'll be fine.

You look sexy as fuck op



Naw, not that kind of thread, not that kind of guy. I promised her before that all the nudes and videos she made for me were for my eyes only. There's lots of old nudes of her online tho.


Hey user, I actually just ended shit with my long distance of 3 and a half years two weeks ago. It gets better day by day. These things always end for a reason, and it's important to just trust fate during times like these. There's someone out there for everyone.

fuck outta here faggit

Promises matter to me. And I don't hate her. I actually feel bad for her, she seemed incapable of real human emotion, dead inside or something.

group hug because I know that feel also :(

nigga, holy shit. she just dumped ur ass and she did with small texts, like u posted 2 walls of text and she just cut it off. dont be a bitch, ur gonna forget that decency and loyalty when she finds herself another rod. so post that shit

I get you Sup Forumsro :(

Feels 01

>oly shit. she just dumped ur ass and she did with small texts, like u posted 2 walls of text and she just cut it off. dont be a bitch, ur gonna forget that decency and loyalty when she finds herself another rod. so post that shit


Feels 02

Feels 04

Feels 03

Feels 05

Oh man, today I broke up with my bf of a long-distance relationship, too. I feel so bad. I didn't love him but he was quite devastated when I explained my feelings towards him. He was also in the process of moving into the city I live in. I feel like the typical disgusting whore even though I never cheated on him nor treated hm badly.
OP your situation must suck and I feel you. I hope it gets better

Feels 06

Feels 07

Feels 08

Feels 09

Ayyy too, trips!
Anyways, Feels 10

rofl i feel bad for you man, typical girl response, you type out a heartfelt message/paragraph, she responds with the typical basic bitch 1-2 sentence reply. This is why I don't date, 90% of girls are boring as fuck or crazy

Feels 11

Last one, Feels 12

Bitch didn't even bother capitalizing your name.

Man, I did the same thing. Long distance gf of two years whom I lost my virginity to. Such a huge weight is lifted. Last week I went and hooked up with a chick at a party for the first time. Also tried hitting on some gorgeous college girls. So much more fun to be had, and even before all that it was nice to just not worry about her. You'll do great things bro. Godspeed

Yeah, she had communication problems constantly. Having never dated before her I had read a lot about relationships and how good communication is key, so I always tried my best to keep communication open with her. She just didn't care enough apparently.

More feels pics pls


Well, she's out of your life now, OP. Find a girl who cares enough to consider your name special to her.

Hey OP here again. I know Sup Forums has a reputation of being the asshole of the internet, but you guys helped me out a lot today. Thanks.

I think you expected too much from a less than two year long relationship

I've known lots of couples with successful marriages who got married after a year or so of dating, I don't think he was expecting too much, they just had different expectations about the future of the relationship.

I had gone through a similar patch, and also had felt the same way as you do now. It was easy the first year, i guess it was a giant weight lifted from my shoulders. That feeling didn't last too long though. Thoughts of her began to slide back into my head the 2nd year, this year. And after much thought, i decided to contact her. Your case may be different since it was distant.

Im actually going to meet up with her soon to talk. To apologize and find closure. I was a dick towards then when things broke off, and i cut her off immediately after the break up with zero contact.

Tldr; the transition is rough, and keep in mind that love doesn't just disappear. Good luck. Whatever the case may be, follow your heart.

What the fuck is wrong with you OP?

You got sex and 'friendship', what else would you want?

As the saying goes " The best way to get over a woman is to get under one"

This is not feels, this is mega rage






Thats great bud, i had the opposite experience with a steam bro from USA, didnt know he was in New Orleans till he told me he was getting evacuated around cuz of hurricane katrina. We use to play CS 1.5/1.6 and he still hasnt signed on since 2005 and honestly i havent played that game since then. Miss ya buddy
(_((Crayon Krew))_>

I am the guy who posted the deal with a Girl that I am interested in, and who may feel the same. But may have been prevented from acting on it by a guy who tried getting with her.

So, now I am gonna give it one last show (this would be the first explicit date. The others I avoided those words)

This should work and leave it with either a Yes or No.

"Hey, I want to take you out on a date. What day works for you?"