Story time, Sup Forums

Story time, Sup Forums.

>be me
>Be 24, in uni
>looking for a job over the summer, something fun that pays well
>start applying to places
>apply to local aquarium, since I was majoring in marine bio
>1 week later, I get a response, they want to hire me
>I go in for interview, etc etc, and get the job 2 weeks later
>get me working alongside the senior dolphin trainer as apprentice
>get to work with the 2 dolphins we have at the place, teach them tricks and shit
>pretty dope, sometimes the senior trainer is out for the day and I get to have fun with the dolphins and do cool shows for guests
>one day, I get an email
>says security guard is sick and they need someone to watch over the place for the night
>I've been trying to move up the ladder at the place so challengeaccepted.png
>I work my regular shift for the day and take a nap in the break room to have energy later
>sun goes down, doors close, and boss leaves me the keys.
>"If anything happens, user, don't hesitate to call me."
>leaves and I'm now all alone in this huge aquarium


Other urls found in this thread:



ofc user

Just fucking tell the story.



>That dolphin was Gitler


Cont pl0x


Either you end up fucking a dolphin or it's fake
Why wouldn't you end up fucking a dolphin, it's b after all.

Dinosaurs are gonna walk or we're gonna end up in Bel-Air Sup Forums. Mark my words.

Google Matthew Brenner you'll thank me

The one and only true dolphin fucker

im here for his sticking his penis in that
>sweet ass dolphin pussy

>so fucking excited, I have the whole place to myself
>decide to walk around and take a close look at all the exhibits, since I've never really had time
>get to the octopus tank. Shits cool m8
>could've fucking sworn he waved at me
>anyway, I make my way around to the dolphin pens to check up on them, it's about 7:30 PM
>they seem pretty good, swimming around and shit
>call the female over, Ally, and give her some fish for dinner, she fucking devours it meng
>Then the male, Jack, gets his dinner, he eats a bit more slowly, but still ends up eating more than his share
>I give them both a rub on the head and walk over to some of the other exhibits

Malcolm Brenner

I thought i can upload webm, but it have sound...

Google will know your an illiterate dolphin fucker and auto correct to Malcom.


>carefully inspect everything, I want to make sure I don't get written up for missing something
>fuck around for a bit, time passes, it's about 10:00 PM
>out of fucking nowhere, I hear dolphin squeals
>I run the fuck over there like a Mexican running from the popo
>I get there, nobody in sight, but Jack is missing
>I'm looking everywhere, frantically, and then I hear the squeal again, coming from Ally's pen
>I run over and see Jack attacking her
>he was going ham on her, man, full on body slamming and shit
>I find my wetsuit and get it on as fast as I can
>I jump in and seperate them, Jack swims off
>he goes through a hole in the pen walls, it went to his pen
>I get out and call my boss

lack of dolphin penis, but i hope ally is alright

diners drive ins and dives fuck

>Ally is crushed by Jack's brutality
>try to comfort her
>water is getting warmer
>she stroke over my cock with her fin
> fucking diamond


>boss was asleep, he was pissed I called him so late, but at least he picked up
>I tell him what happened, I'm freaking out
>he just laughs
>"He wasn't attacking Ally, user, she's in heat."
>he just laughs and tells me not to worry, everything's fine and they see it all the time
>I'm kind of relieved, she wasn't hurt and there wasn't an issue, but at the same time, I wondered why nobody told me about this beforehand
>I end the call with my boss and sit by Ally's pen
>she was over by the hole, calling Jack over, but he wasn't responding
>she finally gives up, obviously depressed
>I get in and grab one of her toys to cheer her up, and she starts playing with it

Cont pls

toy was a magic wand vibrator and now your going to town on her
>dolphin vagoo

Cont faggot

Type faster, nigger! Time flies fast when you're a faggot

hurry up



I'm vegan and I find this "anecdote" unfunny

>She's super happy all of a sudden, coming up to me and jostling me around
>I decide to leave her be now that she's back to her normal self
>I get to the edge of the pool and start to get out
>out of fucking nowhere, Ally tackles me and I fall back into the pool
>I surface and I'm laughing my ass off, because she's always playful like that
>I play with her for a bit longer, and even gave her an extra fish or two
>I feel her brush my crotch one of those times she swims up to me
>I decide that's enough and head back towards the ledge
>she has other plans
>I'm guessing she smelled me and goes straight for muhdick.jpeg
>I'm try pushing her off, but she's stronger than I am, being a scrawny white boy and all

>inb4 getting hard on dolphino porn greentext

Your life is a joke

this turned into a rape story

>The day when Sup Forums fucked a dolphin

>I would probably bang a dolphin ngl

i was trolling then the real story trolled me

>the day when Sup Forums was raped by a dolphin

you seem dat delusional faggot who shouted "SAUCE!! SAUCE!!!" when a dolphin sex thread appeared here a few days ago


Dude, wtf

>She's rubbing herself all over me, and it feels amazing
>still wrong, so I'm trying to get away before it's too late
>Already too late, she's got me cornered
>she rolls onto her back, and I see it
>dolphin vagoo, pink and swollen
>Boss wasn't lying, she was desperate
>I make a choice, and I don't know if I regret it to this day
>I slip my wetsuit off underwater, letting her see me in my true form
>she smells me and swims over to my diamond rod, rubbing it with her head and body

Why the fuck is this happening?

I feel wrong to reading this story m8..

>Climb on top of her and start sliding into her.
>Hear boss shouting at me asking me why I'm fucking Ally
>Tell him it was an accident and at least I didn't do it on porpoise.

Dolphins don't have heat cycles.

I bit the B8

I know this is trolling, but shit man, I´m laughing my ass off in here.
Only thing missing is the male dolphin giving him surprise buttsecks and turning it into a threesome human dolphin sandwich of wrong XD

Well, I wanna die

>see me in my true form

You did not just fucking do this.

Dolphins don't have a fucking sense of smell, either!

Why am i already jacking off?

That is so great.

Cause this is Sup Forums and you jack to everything, or die trying.

In reality, this is all the sick, twisted imagination of a female dolphin, that wishes to screw her sexy trainer.


>on porpoise
My fucking sides I love you user

Plot twist, it was the feminist gorilla´s fanfic all along.

>she took control, guiding me to where she wanted me
>were in the middle of the pool now, and she pulls me under
>I take a deep breath, and follow her
>She's on her back, practically begging me to start
>I line myself up, and take the thrust

I'm gonna tell yall now, if you've had sex with a woman, that is nothing compared to Dolphins.

>It feels fucking amazing, the thing is basically pulling me in farther and farther
>she was thrusting back, and at this rate, I wasn't gonna last long
>the vagoo made its own suction man, it was heaven on earth
>and finally, after what I wish would've lasted longer, I finished, and she gave one last thrust before seperating herself from me
>She swims over to me and gives me one of those "kisses" we had trained her to do for guests, then swims off
>I get out of the pool, still dazed, and dry myself off
>I couldn't fucking believe it

>the rest of the night was pretty uneventful, and I've told nobody about it, not even my wife, who I met shortly after I got back into school
>I still visit the aquarium every once in a while just to see her, and they let me jump in the pool after hours

>She's always happy to see me.

The end, Sup Forums, hope you liked it.

Fake AF also check my 5

Why don't you fuck her more? It's the dream waifu mang.

5s not even once

>boss understands me.
>tells me he has one story about a porpoise
>he was young and wild
>a porpoise prosperously fell on his dick
>we focus on Ally for now
>she is on heat and it will be inhuman to deprive her of her pleasure.
>boss hands me lube
>boss hold the dolphin right
>i fuck the pussy so tight
>Jack is watching is distance my might
>my life change that night

This was fucking hilarious

charlie theyre is free sandwich in the break room

merely pretending to be OP

Fuck yeah cont. Awesome

I'm starting to think blizzard took inspiration from these kind of stories for the druid class in world of Warcraft.

Oh no, this one wants to bring Jesus into the story.

So this happened. Don't judge.
> be me
> I often get these feelings of loneliness, as I'm sure we all do
> I have a gf, but sometimes I just feel so distant from her, like I don't really have her, like she's a stranger to me
> I try to look like a normie, at least, so I hide these episodes
> I do a lot of volunteering, so it's always an easy excuse to just say that I'm off to do some work
> In reality, I just drive around the city
> I really like the city, I feel more at home when driving around than in my actual home
> In a sense, the city is like my gf, and I can relate to her
> On the surface the city is gentrified and fancy, but in reality there is some dark shit happening there, a lot of crime and hobos come out in the night
> It's a bit like me: on the surface a normie, but in reality a nervous wreck of a person
> So I go for a drive, sometimes a go for a walk (there are some really nice hills there)
> I almost look adjusted while driving or walking, just like the city does to someone unfamiliar with the bitter details
(1 of 4)

One of you nignogs better cap this shit

ROFLMAO. not gonna stop me from reading glasses it and calling op a faggot. Anyone got any fresh prince screenshotted? I missed out on most of it.

Enough context, now the interesting part
> So I was having one of my episodes and I went for a drive
> While driving around I felt hungry, so I stopped at the nearest kebab kiosk I could find
> Shady looking dude selling greasy looking kebabs, but whatever, I'm hungry
> Eat that sucker in a minute, grease and mayo, and ketchup all over my face
> Was fucking DELICIOUS and extra spicy (I asked for hot sauce, I like 'em hot)
At this point I want to clarify, that what ensued later was not at all worth the great tasting kebab, I don't ever want to feel like I did just a moment later, but I digress...
> I sat back into my car and drove around some more
> Suddenly, I got the rumblies in my stomach
> That gwurrrrrrrrrgh sound and bubbling feeling inside
(2 of 4)

> Now, I'm not one to be easily scared by some stomach rumblings
> But what I felt could be only described as a small nuclear reaction in my belly
> I clenched my anal sphincter and hoped to outlast the storm
> I took off my seat-belt to ease the tension, I undid my belt and the button and zipper of my pants
> Damage control and crisis management was in full action: buttocks clenched, all pressure onto my belly removed
> Alas, that wasn't enough, I needed to go
> And I needed to go fast
> All this crisis management and trying to collect myself and prevent the rumbling soon-to-be torrent of shit from erupting with my sheer willpower
> I slow down
> I look for a solution
> Driving through a once-industrial district, now filled with abandoned warehouses and whatnot
> Drove under this bridge where hobos usually gathered to get out of the rain
> I am not proud of what I did next, but I pulled over
> Took a quick look around, some hobos were there, but fuck them - who are they to judge me?
> My pants were already undone, so I just pulled them down along with my underwear, squatted near a concrete pillar and let 'er rip
> The smell was strong and acidic, I knew then, that only worse things were to come
(3 of 4)

>be me
>playing yugioh with friends
>like 7 years old at the time, game was cool as shit
>want to win so badly even though i have no idea how the fuck to play
>shuffle in a special card and place it near the top, practice shuffling so that it always ends up near the top
>duel with this kid named danny
>he's pretty much the best in school
>everything going well
>draw my card
>instant poker face
>second and third draw, make my move
>place all 3 cards down
>everyone is just looking at me
>even the danny kid is dazed and confused
>mfw I put down 3 aces in a yugioh duel
>mfw only card game I knew how to play was poker from watching my dad
>mfw all my friends were watching the duel

You go boy you know where your tongue has to go

> As I squatted there, pushing out torrential burst of liquid shit mixed with stomach acid, even the hobos moved a little further away
> As if to indicate the extent of my downfall and utter shame
> Soon after came a burning sensation
> A feeling some of us are too familiar with, I assume
> The burning on its own was bad enough, but I felt that a large clump of fecal matter was making it's way towards my sphincter
> My sphincter, however, after it felt the burn, was not so eager to open up and cooperate
> What came next was a sharp feeling of pain as my asshole started to tear
> Which, paradoxically, made it clench even more
> I collected myself and with all my remaining will and determination pushed one last time
> The turd hit a ground with a satisfying thud/splat sound and I felt some relief
> Little did I know then, that what lurked behind the turd were the remains of the acidic poop cocktail that I shat out and witnessed in the very start of this ordeal
> There I was, squatting (now because of pain, as the final drops of my liquid shit had already left my body) in a puddle of diarrhea, with my asshole dripping with blood, hobos watching me in disgust
Wrote a song about it. Like to hear it? Here it goes:
(4 of 4)

You goose

Shit user you reminded me of an ill-fated episode that happened to me..

> Be me
> Be around 20yrs old and in the university
> Drive a car to there everyday, because taking the bus is too fucking expensive
> One day drive the car to an afternoon class of Probability and Statistics
> O the things they make us learn in engineering
> Bored AF in class, doing exercises
> Suddenly I start feeling some pressure in my lower belly
> At this point I should point out I'm lactose intolerant to the point where I don't drink milk or eat any yogurt at all. Cheese in small quantities is usually okay.
> But that day it wasn't
> Pizza for lunch, I still remember it was a cheese and ham from LIDL
> Shenanigans start happening
> I let a prolonged but silent ninja fart rip
> The stench of Sum Ting Wong is up in the air... Hear my colleagues commenting about it but didn't blow my cover.
> A few more ninjas follow with their sleek moves
> People are getting visibly disturbed

> At around half-an-hour until class finishes, the pain starts
> I feel the motherload coming!!!
> Start sweating heavily
> God I hope none of you guys is ever lactose intolerant...
> Play my cool face and leave the class saying I have another class starting.
> Actually sprinted to the bathroom
> When I get there, no more pain... Feel okay again
> Class is almost over and I just said I'd leave so no point going back.
> Go to the car and start driving home.
> Not 10 mins into driving, the pain starts again...
> This time it's even more excruciating!!!
> I start twisting and turning inside the car praying for a solution to my misery
> A few km ahead there's a fuel station
> Park the car in the disabled spot
> Run into the fuel station and ask for the bathroom keys

Or is it?
That wasn't the end
here's the true end
> months passed
> Ally is pregnant
>Gives birth one day in my 3rd night shift
> there is a human-dolphin fusion coming out of her
>she starts bleeding too much
>she stops moving while I call my boss
>tell him ally is dead
>taking that creature into my arms
>it has legs and human head
>but dolphin body
>run away from the acuarium
>it starts following me
>but I did
>take her home
>have her as my daughter
>waiting for NatGeo's documentary
We are making the documentary right now, i'm having my free time in my room. I'm wanking to the memories of Ally. I'm about to cry.

>9 months later
>baby dolphin born
>user that dolphin looks a bit like you
>start to get uneasy
>no it doesn't
>next night
>taking night watch again all alone
>hear dolphin noises


everybody walk the dinosaur. well fuck.