Anyone know where to get or have more pics of this loli?

Anyone know where to get or have more pics of this loli?
Found them on a previous thread.

I'll post all pics I already have.




How is it possible for a person to be so perfect


omg my dick

This is exactly why I want to know if anyone can find anymore or have anymore or something, cos please.


In the game of genetic lottery you win or you live as an ugly fuck


It has a dick, abandon thread all ye non-faggrots

Apparently you need glasses. The dick is fucking upside down. Last time I checked, I would break my dick if I did that.
>She's obviously fucking a dude.

She's grinding a dude's dick you retard.

did you tho

Shit, you're right. I didn't.

But pls, someone tell me if they can get more pics or something omg

not hers

>implying traps aren't doing all kinds of crazy shit to their dick
>implying no one's gotten their dick upside-downitized
Thank me after you fap

>>She's obviously fucking a dude
Not that guy but I think that's what he was getting at, that she's a dude

omfg you god

Fortunately, it also links to all her other galleries

same fag, I aint clicking that shit.

but.. wouldn't getting you dick upsidedowned hurt?

omg you fucking god

not even, lmfao

Just search the site on google. It seems legit.

Goes by the name Xidaidai.
Just search around

nah just testing you a lot of fags on here.

I am glad that no mods mods mods fags are Showing up this time

It's not bad at all, actually.

>pic related

i fucking LOVE YOU



She's just retracted her dick in this pic, don't be fooled

but she's a loli, wouldn't that make this illegal

Is there any vids

the fuck outta here

>but she's a loli, wouldn't that make this illegal

Apparently you dont know what a fucking loli is.

>Apparently you dont know what a fucking loli is.

And you'd pee upwards

No Aids

>translate page to English
>click on "actor: Xi Foolishly"
>kek translate
>mfw I see this girl's stuff
>sailor, maid, uniform, island wind

Why i love my gf



You say that like it's a bad thing...

Why does she have band-aids on her tits?

didn't even notice.
Anyway. skimmed thru her photos

>no pussy/boob shots at all
>all possible ones covered by that weird sticker band aid thing
>only private part I see is her boyfriend's(?) dick

Ehhhhm, Check'em?

Any buds of her getting fucked


the fourtysevens doth declare truth, brother.

japan memes