Photoshop me to look cooler

photoshop me to look cooler

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That fucking hair

yeah thats what im saying photoshop me better pls

Bamp for interest


>white walker mode

pls im serious

can you give me new hairstyle please

This took almost an hour, hope you're happy with it

let me get my microscope out

Please though I really need a good photo



cmon man ...

Working on something, taking some time

thanks Sup Forumsro

Not possible

Best I could do


Are you even trying?



KEK, you forgot the blunt tho

Alright, I'll try again. Serious this time. Could I get a larger scale image with good resolution? I'm having some trouble with resizing it. :)

Here, you're cooler now


first one is waaay better

sroga studniowka

>almost an hour

OP's post
05/27/16(Fri)14:45:22 No.686472277
photoshop me to look cooler

Your post
05/27/16(Fri)14:55:00 No.686473508
This took almost an hour, hope you're happy with it

You sir are a liar.

Hope this is cool enough

I agree my shoopin skills need work but the 2nd style would suit him better, in my opinion.

>Being this ANGERY

Looks like Layne Staley.

He done fucked up now. So glad you have exposed him.

can do


These are all fucking great

I like what you did there

your posture makes you look more unattractive than your body is. First you need to sit up straight. Next you need to get rid of the t-rex arm pose. Then a hair cut and you'll be fine.


expected but underated.

You absolute fucking retard.

Thanks user, I'm a junior detective. Hopefully I'll be a P.I. one day.


With autism levels that high I'm sure you will find every clue. That is if you dont OCD over some evidence and shit.

Someone's upset I exposed him. Have you learned your lesson?


I always find every clue. I always get my man. Thanks for the encouragement.

Worst shopped blunt doesn't even look real you should kys Yourself

charlie there is free sandwich in in the break room


you're as cold as ice


He's smoking dicks

I am so glad I can be part of your life. Can't wait to post about this on reddit!

Do u understand sarcasm?


Reminds me of this, which is pretty cool.

Thanks user! But you post to reddit?

>fucking faggot

Omg! Kek!

Here we go, second attempt. I gave you a cool hairstyle this time. Hope you like it. :-)

>kys Yourself


Got his bitch ass, just like I got these dubs.

Oh shit, it's slightly older Brief.

It is the front page of the internet afterall. We are a great community who can really stand together. I suggest you investige further into it.


Your's is fucking shit tier compared to that other one.


Drat, how did you see through my clever ruse? RIP me. :-)

If dubs, this pic will become a new meme








He looks like Eddie Redmayne in that Stephen Hawking movie.




My fucking sides are in orbit



Here you are op :)


