Do you honestly believe in the "Big Bang"? There was absolutely nothing and then in a few trillionths of a second...

Do you honestly believe in the "Big Bang"? There was absolutely nothing and then in a few trillionths of a second, all the matter and energy in the entire universe suddenly came out of nowhere?

Topkek! Think about it user, it's so ridiculous.

God created the universe, who created god?

Atheists are short sighted either because they are arrogant or because the fear the truth; the truth that they cannot handle.

God is ever existing. We cannot comprehend that since we live and we die. That's why it's so difficult to grasp the concept of there being an almighty deity, God.

Anyone who identifies them self as religious or atheist is an autist.

Each and every person can only experience the consciousness within their own brain, so trying to claim ideas about existence is fucking pointless.

Just focus on living life the best way possible.

You're gunna die and we'll never be able to answer any questions past that.

Top kek, no one will ever truely know how it started, we can only theorize based on evidence.

God is ever existing, but you won't conceive of applying the same standard to the universe? Why the double standard?

>The Universe aka Infiinity is ever existing.
We cannot comprehend that since we live and we die. That's why it's so difficult to grasp the concept of there being an Infinite Universe.
Fixt that for you stupid Sup Forumsro.

I believe that humans are not smart enough (at least not yet) to make any assertions of exactly what happened. We do not know and we continue to search for the answers, enjoying the process and suspecting what seems the most likely, based on our observations.

You make at least three claims about existence in that post

Belief as nothing to do with facts... Evidences of the existence of god are countless i will never understand atheist...

Thousands of different religions and gods imagined, but theists believe that their's is the only correct interpretation. Will never understand theists. Also, name one example of evidence for a God existing.

Ooh, a bait thread! Let me try!

Hey, atheists, if we cummed from monkeys, WHY ARE THERE STILL MONKEYS!!111!!? LOLZ!!!!!111"!111eleven!!""!!!!!111!!!1

Yea because the idea of a god that made everything in the universe and can listen to all you prayers makes more sence to you. Just because your too stupid to understand science doesn't mean is wrong.

I wonder if Sup Forums is the last place on internet where you can find unironic discussions on the matter.

theist they actually believe that nothing made this guy . But they bitch about how atheist believe that nothing made the earth

Bible, now gtfo tard

an intelligent and sound answer for a loaded question, thank you

What's the appeal of irony? It seems like a waste of time.

wherever all this came from, it certainly had nothing to do with some zombie jew, goat fucking arab, or ship-building animal-bi-herder. That shit is all fairy tales.

the current theory is that there was some sort of universe before the big bang. It imploded and formed the big bang. we can't see past the big bang though as time reset.

>theist they actually believe that nothing made this guy . But they bitch about how atheist believe that nothing made the earth

God can not be made... You idiot or what?

Don't call me a tard... that hurts my FEELINGS.

everything is not a waste of time, since everything is a waste.

and the microwave background radiation may be an echo of what was before our universe, not easy to confirm that tho

The whole point is not that we scientists believe in a creation of some sort, it is merely an an empirical thing. You can observe that the universe is expanding, and has always expanded. If you extrapolate that backwards in time, there should be one moment where all space was actually infinitesimally small, and that is what is nicknamed the big bang. End of story

that or our universe is the result of a "black hole" in a universe with more dimesions than our own

wtf... is this Ezekiel's slightly more retarded brother?

This is b8

I shouldn't have framed that as though I was making an objective claim. Personally, having earnest discussions is more enjoyable to me. I was just trying to understand another person's subjective experience of being ironic.

>Think of the universe as an infinite amount of layers, all overlapped ontop of one another.
>You exist within one of these layers as you are now
>Within the rest of the layers exists you that made different choices, some may not even contain you
>These universes span infinitely and never ever stop being created / destroyed upon events within each universe
>Universe merely exists because consciousness does, the universe cannot exist without consciousness because then nothing would be observable and exist as we know it.
The more you know.

there is no such thing as 'the current theory'. It is one of many speculations to what could have happened before. But sure, there are people trying to measure stuff that happened before the big bang, pretty awesome idea

it's boring. Irony is impossible without complexity.


but of course this thread is bait so whatever. But here have some enlightenment

>God can not be made
look mom im talking about god on Sup Forums again

so the first events in the new universe were observed, as an actual theory this is bullshit, as a philosophical concept tho ...

What points

Not the definition of an atheist. Atheism is only a position on the existence or non-existence of a deity, nothing else.

>so the first events in the new universe were observed, as an actual theory this is bullshit, as a philosophical concept tho ...
Time isnt linear, if you observed the first events at a point in the future, that counts in the past.

Yes, there's overwhelming evidence for the big bang, and you're obviously too ignorant to describe it, while there's some speculation (some of it informed) regarding the state of the universe prior to this event it is beyond an event horizon so we can't tell anything about what came before... we do know that space expnaded afterwards...And it isn't about what YOU or anyone else thinks, opinions are fucking irrelevant, the fact remains there's observable evidence for the big bang, what is ridiculous is to deny the existence of something real and in front of your eyes... Did you know that at night you can watch these littel points of light in the sky? I know it sounds ridiculous but give it a try...

Shid. Don't tell mom I'm on Sup Forums

you won the internet good sir

but we cant observe everything in the universe, not at once, and even if we can extrapolate what happend is that just an imperfect observation of the events that took place

true time is most likely not linear but an assemblance of "moments" that we experience in way that seems linear to us, so everything exists at once all the time and that view of the universe can stop existing, because it contains beginning and end at once
that doesnt mean that everything is observed tho, as i said it just means that we can extrapolate in the past as well as the future, again an imperfect observation

Atheism has nothing to do with the big band theory.
Atheism is simply the rejection of the idea that a god or gods exist.
That's it, that is all that atheism is, belief in the big bang, evolution etc. is not atheism.

>the universe cannot exist without consciousness because then nothing would be observable and exist as we know it.

That's not really true ~

>but we cant observe everything in the universe, not at once.
We cannot yet, whats to say us or another race in the future doesn't reach that pinnacle of technology? Hell for all we know, the universe is a paradox where the end was the reason the beginning even occurs.You meet person B, you have known them your entire life and communicate but never ever see them talk to person C, that doesn't mean person C doesnt exist but from your point of view person C doesnt.

a true god would have willed himself out of existence for he would have absolutely no purpose.

thus there is no god. unless he was not self aware ie stupid.