Faces of Sup Forums thread continued >>686466571

Faces of Sup Forums thread continued

Supreme gentlemen/10

8/10, +.5 for ginger so 8.5/10, -1 for "supreme gentlemen"



What's wrong with supreme gentlemen?


hi its me again

You are kidding. He is ~5/10

Where is that girl who wanted to post timestamp?

Not only is it plural, but i associate that phrase with gross neckbeards and expect it to be followed with "m'lady"


yakuza boss/10

He looks a little like my favourite actor though

I was referring to pic in the OP

Forgot to quote it



But don't I look like a supreme gentlemen?

my name is Chad

>He is ~5/10
basement dwelling virgin

That phrase makes me vomit

its your good friend dopey

you'd probably vomit when you see a penis as well virgin

Don't choke on your vanilla latte

Dicks are great though

Thanks babe

Someone asked what I looked like without makeup
I almost always have eyeliner on. I can try and hunt for one without tho

so being basement dwelling virgin is bad?

You look dope

Uhm.. Yeah?

would ravage/10


Aaaaand I was right, damn your cute as hell!

Hey you have a kik?

what do you look like without a shirt on?

The kids at my school when I was younger sure as shit didn't deem being ginger as +.5 but nice to see you think so

Oh shit Waddup I think I know you

what's my name bby

Even when I'm sick and look like a fuckin Mormon?

Still here, doin the best I can with this phone, this pic seems decent

Gingers are cute as fuck though. I love red hair


Where are you from?

hi again strong 8


That bitch stank


Yup, would definately make you one of my 17 wives you Mormon! :)

Yeah ikr, and i am, but js like being ginger is the most popular insult topic of all time, makes being called a nigger look like a pathetic rarity

got dat crack?

Thx bb

why does everyone say i look like i do crack :(

Heyyy, that's pretty good

I don't talk nigger
Translate please

Damnit Rosie! Well, if you're CAD I don't know you anyway.

Nontheless, would do both white knight and dirty stuff to/10

because super skinny + look a little psycho

The female is rough on my sense of smell, gentleman.



Yuh EricTheRed5

I have gotten that a lot, all I need is a smaller nose and I guess I would look just like him

Lol ginger is a curse

I guess some girls are into it...

Very adorable. Would cuddle.

Haha Hello again, thanks dude

yeah. what's your snapchat?

would it be better if i were chubby and average looking? i like kinda looking sickly tbh, its just what i prefer


there's a fucking board for this fucking shit
go to /soc/ you gigantic niggers

Tank you


I would beat and kick you until you are a bloody mess, then fuck your ass rough without lube ofc to finally cum on your face and pee and spit on you

are you into that?

Yeah, you look nice, keep doin what you're doin

I am not.

Me personally, I'm totally into skinny psychos so I'd probably try to wife you pretty quick, yknow come to think of it you are 90% of what I look for in a woman just as you are, so if you're asking if I'd change you, probably not much, you bitch x

I would put my pee pee in your lady flower

Aside from that, 8

i really loved you in The Ring

thx niggers

it doesn't matter I'll do it anyware I know where you live Brian

Fuck that. What's your insta?

>Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 789
>Why was 4 afraid of 5?
because he was a registered 6 offender
Also I wasn't laughing, Just grinning


you look cute but do me a favor - unpierce your nose

My name is not Brian.


Hey, everyone.

Fuck that, what's her Pinterest?

Don't have one. And wouldn't put it up here if I did

Do you >need< a timestamp?
I have too many piercings already but my nose is one of my favorites so no


sup elliot

I am brian


srsly u've posted a face of some idiot that shout out ppl and then commited suicide?

yes >i do<

don't play with my emotions

I laughed, thanks I guess

shot out*

Right on.

She doesn't have one


Yeah how could anybody do such a thing?

It was a joke.... :( my humor is unappreciated

Tits ?

>putting a ring into a big nose

Normies get out
