You have exactly 10 seconds to find a flaw with my gf

You have exactly 10 seconds to find a flaw with my gf.

Protip: You literally can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

finger on trigger

Poor trigger discipline

Short hair, suicidal or just stupid enough to hold a gun like that, obviously a trap, stalked by op.

3 1/2 a clock shadow

She's a trap

Why do i see this picture everytime. What is the fun.

Shes breaking all 3 rules of gun ediqute. 0/10.

>finger on trigger
>points at her head
>probably loaded

Stupid photo posing...easily found.
How the fuck is mentally sane and posing with a gun like this?

I bet she's great with children.

Lack of breasts
Poor choice in partners

Horrible shoop

She waited a bit late for the abortion, but besides that, 9/10 - would deff bang

ITT Newfags that have never seen this thread before.

Hand and gun are a higher quality than the face, giving away the shoop.

She has a mustache.

Her eyebrows are sharper than the katana you keep under your bed

Not dead. And not between 5-13

Necrophile pedophile reporting in.

she hasn't pulled the trigger yet.

She looks like this cunt.

Eyebrows too thin. Other than the obvious fact that she looks like Casey Anthony, would bang. Nice catch OP

Short hair - was or is depressed/lonely

Dear god.

You my friend, are like a golden piece of sweetcorn in an ocean of shit, thanks, I was genuinely considering killing myself tonight, its nice to know the there are still remnants of what this place once was left.


Only non-shooting fags mention Glock as a fire arm. Learn2pewpew little 9mm faggot master supreme who cums sour cream

Her eyebrows are sharper than the katana you keep under your bed

Also dumb cunt has her finger on the trigger

Found one. She hasn't pulled the trigger yet.


Perfect 5/7

Is fucking trigger discipline even a concept you fuming retard...and your shotophop skills are ass as fuck as well


LOL this news just came out

That's a shadow from her lip you philistine

could she be any more alpha?


Someone Google confirm this for me, I don't know how to use Google since I post on Sup Forums

Trigger discipline?

Dude what video is that ive been looking for that shit for ages

no mag but still may be one in the chamber

Also. Flaw - You should always treat a gun as if it were loaded and ready to fire.

suicide is a sucker's way out.

clearly a bbc whore

Thanks G

she is really not real

Learn to spell. Also, Not a Glock in the photo.
Glock? Seems like a firearm to me. What point are you trying to make? Not a Glock in the photo.

I've seen this thread reposted every day for the past two weeks
>op get a life


>Casey wasn't doing this to put the lawyer in a position where he couldn't talk

I love this woman, she's fucked the entire system with a 10" strap on with razor wire wrapped round it.

Well she's got shite trigger discipline, m8.

Check your attorney/client privilege shitlord

I don't care what she did

7/10 would shag

hasn't pulled the trigger yet

my sides

THIS. Shit gets on my nerves...

Didnt pull trigger

Is that age at time of death or total time. Details man details!

hair makes him look like a guy
is a guy


She Hasn't pulled the trigger

8/10 would impregnate

Brains are still inside her head and not on the seat behind her.

Either that pistol is shopped in or she has the grip of an autistic trex.