I got fuckin plastered last night anons and I don't remember much I still feel drunk just waking up

I got fuckin plastered last night anons and I don't remember much I still feel drunk just waking up

How do you get rid of a hangover?

FEB, 1 gallon of tea, opiates

I use valium but only if it's really fucking bad because I don't want to get addicted and I need them for my panic attacks. Valium is a total hangover cure OP. I'm prescribed them asn I make sure I stick to a schedule to avoid getting addicted. (never more than 2 within 1 week and stuff)

Stay awake until tired. Go back to sleep.

Pizza and more alcohol.

Sleeping in the water while tired and hungover is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard. KYS

Any feet pics

Drink water, coffee, cigarettes, B vitamins

Are you slow?


Some water & the biggest damn bacon cheeseburger you can get your hands on. And maybe some Advil for good measure.

Coconut water

this and

drink some more. obviously

Strong tea. Fried eggs, sausages, bacon, toast

Drink a couple more beers to level out and eat some salty fries or chips.

What are you British?

Op here

I would drink more but I'm outta liquor

Also thanks anons I'll try water and coffee or tea idk know yet

Hot, greasy fries, 2 cigarettes, an apple and a bottle of water

Smoke a joint, instant hangover cure

next time you drink alot drink a bottle of water for every 2 shots you take before you goto sleep.

More alchohol, no pine cones up the bum

If you feel nauseous. take some Afripran. if its on prescription in your area you can get it in some pet stores. (they give it to dogs that puke on the carpet) also drink sugar water. it helps with the dehydration.
