Can any medfags tell me what's wrong with my thumb?

Can any medfags tell me what's wrong with my thumb?

Too much fapping

fucking calluses.

Looks like a chemical burn of some kind?

looks swollen. probably from putting too much stress in the joint. im assuming you play with console controllers or maybe work with your thumbs a lot.

Thumbular cancer

when did Sup Forums become a doctor
why do i see these posts every fucking day

have you been socializing with any niggers recently?

stop biting them

You use your thumbs when you put your shoes on. The friction has caused your upper skin layers to thicken, making them look like elbows. Get rid of the habit and it should slowly disappear.
Medfag out

Moisturize more

Yeah it's not up your ass

If dubs cut them off

you've got niggeritis


Bumping for more opinions cause I have the same.

Serious lack of testosterone in those hands.

Kill yourself.

Warts/inflammation. Cool them in boiling water for half an hour to remove bacteria then ice to reduce the swelling. Trust me I'm a doctor.

Bruises of some kind, or very poor circulation.

> cool
> boiling water

Calluses from friction I have one on my left big toe from running.

Tl;dr stop thumbing your asshole faggot

Could be beginnings of psoriatic arthritis which can cause permanent damage. If it itches and doesn't go away I'd recommend a ccp blood test as this can be very damaging.

boiling water has a therapeutic effect on thumbs. Thumbs are my speciality.

Very poor blood circulation. Your thumbs are dying out. Get this shit checked out asap faggot

I see the problem. Your thumbs are actually toes.

No itching, I just pick at the left one which is why the skin looks red, but the other one is what it would "normally" look like

This is actually true

Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend

Poor circulation, lose the weight. Soon this will happen to all your appendages.

Bowling calluses


Sorry m8, those thumbs will need to be amputated.

Stop sucking your thumbs and go back to sucking cocks user.

Nice b8.

Post a time stamp with your gangrene thumbs or I don't believe you.