Why are muslims so violent?
Why are muslims so violent?
because they are a subhuman species.
Lack of education and their religion.
It's like telling a toddler that if they run at that wall they can go to hogwarts, the little retards will run head first into a brick wall.
Same reason that niggers are...
No one likes being actual trash
Generations and generations of inbreeding
I went to Iraq in 2007, didn't get blowed up or shot but one thing I won't forget are the cemeteries. Almost all of them were childrens' graves.
Fuck islam, fuck their prophet and fuck their filthy god
It's in their DNA and the religion just reinforces it.
Why are white people so violent? Because they feel they own everything and feel threatened when other races stand up for themselves and their rights as humans (basically all of history in a nutshell)
Why are black people so violent?
The statistics don't lie
Because we let them to be?
I mean we dont want to be called xenophobes or whatever is the excuse...
>implying youre not part of the problem
yup,. both of them are stupid and primitive
cuz they have nothing better to do in a fucking desert; just killing and fucking each other because a man, a so called prophet did or did not said something back in time
and of course the lack of education too
They're really not. We just think they are because of the shitholes they inhabit en masse. Anybody who lives somewhere where it's hot, no social welfare, and nothing to do isn't going to be all that productive, are they?
White people are more violent, history has proven that time and time again. History doesn't lie
White people arent violent, retarded
Because they think a religion can tell the rules for a good world
Due to some thousand years of varying circumstances.
No I wasn't, I was trying to be part of the solution
Because we'd like them to be. Just imagine a world where we aren't able to complain about stupid shit.
White people are peaceful, we're just violent through manipulation which is what humans will naturally do when they obtain power.
Niggers however, bump into one on the street and you're done, kid.
the only people who kept records were white people so history is the history of whites because black were too primitive
> what are hooligans
Yes because peaceful to whites means police killing innocent people, colonizing and killing the natives and racism. Yes, "peaceful".
they prefer to be called niggers
> what are Scottish people
power corrupts white civilization was the most so they had all the power its fucking basic m8
Muslim sand nigger confirmed
> what are working class brits or in a more general sense uneducated poor white people
The constant doesn't seem to be skin color it seems to be the level of education and the income situation.
Because whites burned a lot of history of other races such as black.
they idolise a warmongering paedophile and are told to kill those that arn't one of them
White people matter too
So does all other races, it's not just whites in this world.
Islam never went through a reformation, they are all stuck in the 7th century.
Blood magic.
Muslim ayatollahs use the energies released by the suffering muslims cause to fuel their spells and keep themselves in power.
they had nothing to burn other than the muslims in north africa there was nothing but tribes no historybesides it's like i said whites seem terrible because of their history but it is just theirs and everyone was brutal and fucked up back then whites were just more efficient at it
don't say that, bro. That's Marxist propaganda! If you wish to serve capitalism, you have to keep race-baiting.
divide and conquer.
Why don't they have different continents for different races then
we do
Heil capitalism!
then why couldn't the whites just stay in Europe, where they belonged?
Yea right. Look at europe now and the fucking immigrants obongo is letting in to america
white christians have killed more people than any other race on earth. fact.
because they were more powerful than the natives and resources are power and africa and america had plenty
oh sorry i misunderstood you are right they come over here where we are tolerant but they bring intolerance and 3rd world barbarism with them and we feel guilty for telling them to adapt its kinda fucked
so, whites are the most violent race.
got it.
To understand Islam and violence u first need to understand what islam is:
>Basically the islam is the final version of what used to be Christianity and Judaism. The Jews changed the holy word on purpose and the Christians misinterpreted the words. Allah sended Mohammed to give us the final words so we understand what the true religion is.
TL;DR: Muhammad stole the religion of Jews and Christians and added a bung of shit.
>Because Muhammad was the prophet Muslims see him as THE perfect human. No one on earth could be so good, correct and holy as him. Therefore every Muslims must do what Muhammad did because he is perfect. Much like Jesus and Christians. Only problem: Mohammed was a warlord, killed a bunch of people, had sex with a 9yo and was a total shithead. Furthermore alot of what he said is saved by the hadith.
TL;DR: every muslims must copy the violent Muhammed.
>When Mohammed died Islam spreaded with a lot of violence, force etc. This was and basicly is normal cuz muhamme did the same. What ISIS does isn't very strange because this is what the early muslims did.
TL;DR: Violence is present in the core of Islam. It differs from christians (love thy enemy) and Jews (they only wanted their own little country and they didnt spread). Muslims are not tolerant, are not friendly and will ALWAYS seek to expand. Real Islam is what you see in Egypt, SA, Iran, IRAK etc.
Sorry for bad english
no africans and everyone would have been fighting amongst themselves its what humans do whites had more technology and were more organised, not more violent just more efficient
and disgusting and smell bad?
Does that really matter? It was in the past while muslim violence is very much a thing now.
I guess islam might eventually do what christianity did. Maybe islam will grow up and mellow out.
But right now, even a moderate muslims is only one bad day away from becoming a bloodstained fanatic.
That's not a fact.
so, whites could kill more people and then went and did so.
alright, got it.
>massive youth unemployment
>inverted bell with disproportionate youth population
>largely uneducated and under educated population
>failing governments allowing ultra orthodox religious elements to assume control of public institutions
>strict segregations of sexes
>rampant poverty with limited economic mobility
>proliferation of weapons
>"shame" based cultures
>perception of constantly being under attack by western powers
Yes I'm a muzzie. It's daunting to try and reverse these things but it's happening slowly. But every step towards secularism some other nut bags grabs headlines by parading some poor old nude Coptic woman through the streets
This is not true. The common thought is that Muslims are at their puberty and did just the same the Christians did back in the days. Once it gets older they are getting more peacefull. Ofcourse there was some bloodshed in the christian history but not on the scale of what muslims did. Since muhammed entered the scene there is nothing but bloodshed. See what i wrote earlier Fact is that the core of Christianity isn't violence but love your neighbour and enemy. Jesus sacrificed himself for the love of the worl. What some followers did was wrong, but it were more exceptions than rules.
yes same as if black people can they would, same as pakis can and are doing now its human instinct not a race thing
They all get butt raped by their uncles and fathers when young and want to take it out on humans.