Cringe Thread. Bonus points for OC
Cringe Thread. Bonus points for OC
Other urls found in this thread:
Not cringe.
ayy lmao
>He was never sexual in his humour either which I appreciated as a first wave feminist
Every fucking time, kek
OC cringe
someone shop an anus onto that mouth
this sort of shit is the worst.
mostly because I was one of these faggots when I was a teenager
Jesus holy shit. Obv bullshit, i mean, all that cash..just get really high class hookers to fuck.
Or, a bunch of low class ones and have underground hooker gladiator games?
I wish I was rich
looks like a cool dude ready for the apocalypse
i'm also impressed by his usage of the word "if" implying that there is not in fact a god, very clever assumption
if only he had a nifty fedora too...
>literally circle-jerking about their own assumed intelligence
how do people have no self-awareness? they can read, and not just at an entry-level. how has none of this set in?
These people aren't teenagers.
Thats why its cringe.
Lovely screencap.
>not oc
thanks for cringing it up
also, the only thing this made me think of was
>dude's got a fatass girlfriend
Funniest thing I've seen on here in a while
>100% not cringe
>A R E Y O U R E A D Y K I D S?
Dude, what
I hope this faggot sees this screen cap and kills themself
>I C A N ' T H E A R Y O O O O U !
What is this
This isn't even cringe... it's what the fucking fuck did I just read?
The perfect ammo to troll underfags with.
>The 19th
>Final Smash
>Mode: Flirty
>"haha, I'd tentacle rape you if I was an Octopus!"
That is some leukemia tier cringe
Oh, that's bad..
>tfw it's a carnation and not even a rose
So I'm pretty sure that thing is a sex toy. I think we all know where to penetrate
Eh? They seem happy.
Every autistic nigga on this shithole board should like and repost this thing.
This one always makes me shiver with cringe
OP you fuckin new
No sex toy, just a pure beautiful angel!
Never understood why faggots like you put funny images in cringe threads.
What am I looking at here
Fuck you for making me read that
McKenna Rayne
>trying to out-Hartley Hooligan the Hartley Hooligans
> come back when you've got seven or eight dribbling cone-heads and we'll talk
>I hate to juggle I like to snuggle
>I like clowning around
Lost it.
I'll leave when you give me back my nose.
>My foreskin makes my penis look like a turtle
Every fucking time
Forgot image
I'm glad you think my image is funny
who is this?
Somebody shop a brazzers thing on this pic
Storytime in here
jesus i love this
i want to fucking shoot myself after i read this.
>Eh okay we all get pissed off when a chick stands us up it's not THAT b-
>Look at times of posts
>Three posts in the span of 9 minutes
Holy shit