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It also have water

>pure leaf

I bet there aren't even real leafs in there, faggot

Don't mind me, just posting better bottled tea.

Why the fuck would someone lie like that?

Nothing is fucking better than pure leaf

the secret s their using citric acid as a preservative.

Fuck you guys this is the only type of tea that matters

>be me
>opens up Pure Leaf expecting some Eucelyptus or some good shit
>it's tea
>freak the fuck out


This is now a fore thread

That's not even tea you autist


I'm voting trump

I once got way to drunk on sweet tea vodka and now any kind of sweet tea makes me wanna puke. It sucks because I used to love sweet tea.

>pic related is the best

It's nigger tea. they show it on the commercials coming out of them while they play ape-squeak-ball.

Made from 100% pure nigger sweat.

"sweet tea vodka"

explain this abomination you mention. Just what it sounds like?

Who the fuck drinks their tea cold?

Sweet leaf was vastly superior when it was sold in the glass bottles, but now it's sold in some shit-tier plastic and tastes accordingly.

Pure leaf is best nao

unsweetened & 3 packets of sweet n low

It tasted just like sweet tea with the aftertaste of vodka.

This is the same stuff I had that night.


Who the fuck drinks bottled sweet tea hot?
>opens a bottle of pure leaf
>pours into tea cup with Britain flag on it
>starts a small fire using rolled up sugar and alcohol tax papers
Fuck off with your disgusting, subhuman hot tea Britfag

Do you honestly think you're fucking funny, fucking with my friends? Seriously, you're a fucking ugly little cunt mate, and if I ever see you i'm gunna slit your fucking face wide open yeh? You're a fucking angry little fucking spastic.

OK, right, let’s, first off, uhh you’re seventeen so you’re not even old enough to play the game, you’re from Scotland not Nigeria and you annoy people and put them on YouTube ‘cos you’re a cunt, which I totally agree with. So why don’t you crawl back up your mum’s fanny and die?

Right, I’ll tell you what, you fat little cunt, you’re borin’ you don’t sound Nigerian at all so go fuck yourself… GO AND FUCKING CRAWL IN A DIRTY DANK LITTLE HOLE WHERE YOU FUCKING COME FROM, YOU DIRTY DRAGON EATIN’ LITTLE FUCKING SPASTIC.

Right, OK, the ‘dragon’ comment was probably a little bit fucking over-the-top, but at the end of the day you’re fucking borin’. Every single person who watches your videos are fucking stoopid. They’re fucking ignorant little cunts. And you’re just a fucking retard.

Stale fucking meme faggot

You fucking americans haven't even been around for 500 years, shut the fuck up and go back to your shitty cold tea

>britfag detected

Fucking americans

Go brush your tooth.

At least we aren't fat pigs

you were saying?

You changed words like colour and favourite for no fucking reason

And you fucks can't even use english properly even though you invented it

You destroyed your entire nation because you were basically on your period

The best and brightest left that shithole and created the U.S., then you tried to get cute but you got your asses handed to you and you're still salty about it


How does an immobile fatass afford 20000 calories of food a day?

At least we have a stable government and not Donald Trump

welfare. Being a fat fuck is a 'disability'

>functioning government
>still allows this shit

at least we ain't being invaded by millions of military aged hostile muslims

Wasn't this about tea?

it's always about tea

No, we are just being invaded by spics who believe they are entitled to illegally live here and enjoy the benefits of our nation, while liberal faggots call anybody who opposes this racist.

my mom stopped drinking soda. then switched to these and fake sugar and lost like 30lbs in 2 month. and she was never huge to begin with.


Its god-tier after leaving it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes or at that apex point where the outer extremities of its contents begin to freeze in to a delicate layer of ice.

rip europe

Don't see how that is related to my rant on Mexicans, but refugees can also go fuck themselves.

Better rev up them kebabs

Thats the good shit right there

This is why america is better

Rip in peace


Where hte fucc is tea??

I drink a bottle of the sweet tea every day. The other two taste like shit

Trump is the only hope for america

My uncle has cancer

i got that sweet tea nigger

I don't think thats tea?

It can be


The idea of marijuana tea is pretty self explanatory, but if you're going to be retarded about it here is a link that explains it: medicaljane.com/2015/06/18/a-guide-to-making-marijuana-infused-tea/

It can be brewed like many other plants, obviously the same way as tea leaves, and often people add milk for some reason. In my experience the effects are more dull, and not really worth the effort. But as a compliment drink along with packing one up I can get into it

Can I do this with meth?


you can do meth with anything if you try hard enough

I think meth is soluble in water, but might work better in a neti pot to be absorbed by the mucous membrane in your sinuses

It's made by coke company and full of sugar

>putting your face next to a bag of illegal amount of marijuana

Fucking this. Pink is the only way to go

It literally causes cancer and obesity

Splenda is the only sweetener worth using

>literally cancer

sorry faggots but you're all wrong

>ice tea is shit
>Arizona is literally cancer


lick my fucking ass

Would taste the same as your shit tea

i am masturbating now

im gonna fuck your dad

Late to the party, he's been fucking me for years

>implying the feds are going to track you down for a violation of the penal code

I know we like to talk about how crazy things are, but c'mon. that pic is like 5 years old.

jet beams can't melt steel fuel

Swiss sweet tea beat that pleb shit any day fgt

No one gives a shit about the swiss

Is this a wet tea contest?

>be me
>sees this post
Why the fuck is it called pure leaf when they also put sugar and shit in it?