

Think I wanna start using this as my intro. What do you guys think?

Use whatever you like.

I like the quality of the one I've been using, but that one is way cool.
I'm going to have to think about it a bit more.


Say, why don't you use an into anymore?


I don't use an intro pic.



I like that character. A lot. What a glorious physique, and she's a kitty, and a herm/dickgirl. She may now be up there with Zhali as one of my favorite characters.

If I were shitposting crap like that in an s/fur thread I wouldn't want anyone knowing who I was either.

Dunno. Guess because I know nobody would care.





Eh, I don't know. I still think they're useful, but that's just me.

And speaking of intros, welcome. How are ya, Charles?



Trucks been giving me trouble the last few days and I still haven't gotten hired for the summer yet.

Hey man, what's up?


I hope things look up for you!




I think I had it figured out.

Got a new battery and I hosed off the starter motor and cleaned some terminals, it fires up now but I really need to drop the starter and give it a good clean.

That should, take care of it.

Gotcha. Been doing okay? I know finals are coming up soon.


I sure hope it does!

I guess.


Me too.

I need to get hired soon if my truck keeps giving me trouble.

Alright man, that's good. If you're not, I'm here.








yay thread







Fuck you, and fuck these endless dorkbomb animal cartoons.




FUck you and fuck all furry cartoons.

y-you too

There's an insult I haven't heard before

C for effort, A for creativity. Expect me to use dorkbomb in the future


Stop hating on us. Bet your gay

Too late to ask for lesbian stuff?


This isn't a boost gauge

Bet I am furfag




could be good


Stronk will prevail over shitposters!




That it will, my dragon goddess.

Quiet Draka

I could use more squirrels

naw too muscly











Anyone have any pictures of that crazy blue canine that wears red? I forgot her name.



Red what? Dresses, hats, shorts, panties, lingerie?

No such thing as too stronk!








Hell yeah!




Wyntersun is my favorite artist of stronk. I love the crazy proportions, like they're just meant to bred.

Red dress. I think she has black hair. I don't remember her name......

