Draw Thread
# 1 DILF edition
Draw things
Ask for things to be Drawn
Draw Thread
# 1 DILF edition
Draw things
Ask for things to be Drawn
Other urls found in this thread:
Please daddy..c-can I have some more?
>Dad I'd like to Fuck and Drawing I'd Like to Fuck
you got eaten out, and you didn't even let him finish his coffee, let him relax for a moment
there is literally never enough eating out
I'd fuck him, but I just aint that gay.
is trinket still here?
hey bald muscular man ive never spoken to. want pizza?
ah, you guys!
dont you wanna get some rest?
Okay this is a good stopping point for tonight. My eyes are heavy with sleep.
I will continue tomorrow night- thank you for watching if you were lurking around!!
What kind of pizza?
taking requests
I love this more than life itself
cheese pizza~
I could get rest Mokune, but what's the point? It's not like I need energy for anything I'm doing right now.
i hate you bawble
Later Lowell! I look forward to seeing the rest!
Sleep well!
Dayum great stuff Lowell, thank you for keeping at it.
the regular, cheeze.. ham.
then its a non issue
till his jaw gives out.
I can only draw so much without taking a moment to stop and relax,
I would love some Moku.
its not about needing energy, its about your health dear user
I love you Bawble you adorable lady you
>I would love some Moku.
a comma is needed for this lmao
I can relate
I hate me too user...
Probably both it
No it isn't~
Also just in case I forget or if someone wants it, here's the album for all this stuff (updated up to today): imgur.com
See you Cian, nice to see you back in the threads again!
You're welcome!
See you tomorrow, this computer's gonna power down
You're a non issue! Ya sexy baldy!
>floss teeth please?~
I dont see how people are into this
I wonder where Nim went
Then how about Rin in a magical girl outfit
can we cuddle and you be the big spoon?
Ew, bbq chicken is best.
Until the next time I see ya around then....
Okay, why does it matter whether or not I'm healthy? Yet again, not needed for anythng
Maybe you should gargle with this
Now pull them out please.
Requesting, the ULTIMATE showdown... the thread's most disgusting, piece of shit degenerate (Bawble) vs. The purest and loveliest drawfag (Moku)
ok I'm not a big fan of Bawble but I think you should stop
Actual Toothy or just tooth fetish user?
yea youre pretty weird user
maybe i should
Thanks! Good night
(audible sigh)
in a minute.
better a fag then a COWARD
im not leaving. just taking a break. geez
here bane, you feeling alright?
thats kind of mean
it doesnt matter if you're not needed for anything, i still care about your health and you make me a happy drawfag user.
There was that guy with the tile pattern fetish a while back so somehow this isn't very surprising
Fine, I'll draw it, who's top though?
>That subtle dig at my pizza preference.
Well played sir, well played indeed.
Bane is always a top.
Touched up this request a little bit..
>good pizza
Sweet that you care about me, but how would you even know which "user" I am? It's all a green mass.
Just a user.
I know it's weird. Will you entertain me this once though?
I'm assuming this is my request, thanks based Cian
Kinda what I was gonna do anyway. Bald men don't make good crossdressers.
moku cares for all anons
we dont gotta crossdress for this. we want full on masculine homo sex
Is Dentaphilia even a thing?
Am I wrong though?
How to draw bueno?
>implying wigs aren't easy to put on a bald man
How big is cian?
Bees are a thing
you don't draw the bueno,
i think he's the size of a pixie
fine, drawing lewds takes alot out of you after a while.
Homo sex is best one is full girl.
Yeah, but I don't need a wig.
Either 4 feet or 6 inches tall, depending on what form I'm in
well, most of the time i cant really which saddens me but you want some pizza, user?
>i will never be a Drawfag
>Develop character that you like
>Work out design flaws
>Develop personality
>Become aquatinted with other drawfriends
>Quality over quantity
ow my back...
the things people are into amazes me
nah, im not into teeth at all
idky but you got a lot cuter recently
Neither will Swordbro but it doesn't stop him.
>im not into teeth at all
Good to know you suck dick without the teeth scraping.
then its not homo sex you fucking faggot
/r/ cian in diapers
Well then~
Yes you are too a birb
One slice before bed please
TBH though I think you can only know some people so well before you start hating them.
Are you happier now?
>Quality over quantity
I'm trying different eyes tonight?
>look mom I memed again
hope you can still taste pussy as you eat that pizza
if they keep growing they'll rip the shirt
i understand your way of thinking, now here!
go to bed now user c:
jesus christ
no im nooot hhhhjgdf
I'll homo sex your mom you lesbian.
Why am I responding to shit when i should be drawing,
Watch the Bee movie
I was referring to sketches when I said that
>Fail wording on my part, sorry
can we get cian being enlightened by his own intelligence?
spit my fucking drink reading this why did i laugh so hard
Yall gay as hell
technically i'm pansexual but close enough
oh and also thanks!
No worries man, just a some lighthearted self-deprecation
I fucking give up. I'm sorry.