Just saw this on facebook

Just saw this on facebook
dubs decides my response, will post results

Other urls found in this thread:




Lol nigga wut

If you're not white you don't deserve to live in America

Lol deliver OP

well shit, alright

Okay, i'll just keep saying nigger

O shit i won..

Only faggots and niggers say, "nigga", so you're half right.

Okay nigger


thats whats up

Yayy me too

Reroll for this. Just saying nigga us stupid.

Now we wait...

from the response above you, good job user

Roll. Deliver OP!!

Niggers should just be grateful we have allowed them to live

Cashing in one white privilege point: nigga

Should I post the rest of the dubs responses, or wait until she responds?



lol. bunch of dumbasses.

just put the fucking racial slur to bed. instead trying to reclaim it, and then police who can and can't say it. bunch of fucking retards. and they wonder why people look down on them.

OP wont deliver

Kek nice pls post response

Your gonna have to vote here

lookin down at dat pavement

Do I.... Do I post that too?

If ur black don't call another nigger nigger !!

ITT: insecure idiots who are upset when something is not about them

Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga


nigger the issue was brought up and literally addressed people who arent black

quit being a nigger

U should put that nigga song ... 100% nigga

I see that, but should I wait until she reponds or post that?



id give it a second

thats a beautiful response

None yet, she might be sleeping :(


Some say the term "nigga" comes from the niggers who are unable to make the proper R sound because of their biscuit lips. Others say it is due too the nigger's laziness trying to do as little work as possible by even not saying a letter.

Dindu nuffin

nigger is an english word, english people are white. if your white dont say click lack ohhh ohh.

this picture is proof that not all blacks are bad. see this guy? he's perfect just the way he is.

Cotton Picking Nigger

Nigger was our word and they stole it from us. That how niggerish niggers are.


I think she went to sleep
Might post the thread tomorrow, when people are awake and start the shitstorm
sorry to disappoint Sup Forums

yeah, the english are white like the jews are though.. they're pretty niggardly themselves, i think the rest of us white people would like to definitely emphasize that.

i never had faith in you, pussy

you can't stop me nigga, if you really thing is something bad, you shouldn't do it.

this is another example of how blacks hold themself down more than anyone else does. they allow themselfs to have a button that can be pushed by anyone, at anytime, and its only 2 sylables long. nigger.

Quit being niggardly with your word

How about you go fuck yourself, niggER?

nigga nigga nignog

Youre adopted, user