Can i get your honest opinions on my Youtube channel?

Can i get your honest opinions on my Youtube channel?

Ive been working on some stuff game-related and just wondering your thoughts?

Please like and share if you can, and give me some tips. would be apreciated.

hmm, its gonna need work fam

Gave it a quick look. Poor grammar and limited vocabulary in your profile introduction was an initial turnoff.

Skimmed through a couple videos, and I quite honestly don't see why this exists as a youtube channel. One video was just you talking over a No Man's Sky trailer, and another where you go on about the same being delayed. These are all things that could be covered in a blog post.

So wat should i do? I just want to cover games content.

Literally worse than Buzzfeed. Maybe try facebook.

Facebook how? like make a page?

I guess it depends on your target audience. Kids these days seem to all want to watch videos. I have no idea why; unless there's a meaningful visual component to it, it just takes longer to consume.

My suggestion would be a blog. Ghost is a nice platform. However, game 'journalism' is such an overcrowded area that I don't see much point. Google 'No Man's Sky' and see how many hundreds of other sites have already covered the delay.

I guess. I am trying to become a big gasme youtuber on the side. Its hard to get good content. Im thinking of just sticking to study maybe


Holy shit man you even posted a thumbnail you saved of the image instead of saving the full image... Better than a 12 year old purely since I don't want to kill myself listening to you, you need to just generally put more effort in, script it (a bit better if you already are), work on your video editing skills and some (insert art program of your preference here) to make yourself some decent thumbnails, a logo etc, make yourself unique and memorable.

trying man, im just new and have school in between. thanks, leave a like and please subscribe

Your voice ever so slightly reminds me of MatPat from Game Theory actually, you might want to branch out from just covering video game news if you want to draw in subs, because unless you have your own insider source you're going to be covering stuff way after everyone has already read a post online or watched their preferred youtuber discuss it etc.

Pretty boring man. I see what you're going for but i'll be honest, I don't see a reason for a gaming news YouTube channel. Like if there's something someone wants to know gaming related they will look it up. So if you aren't funny or entertaining, there is no reason to use a channel like that seriously. You gotta bring something more to the table, cause I promise no one is gonna be like "Oh shit I'm out of the loop I gotta check Hype's channel".

branch out from it? I dont really play games though so im not sure what else to post. I read news and then report it, what else would get me some more views, besides playing games?

I have been told that, but i guess fuck them if they dont want to come to me for content. I will have loyal fans in the end

I know what you mean, but "in the end" if there isn't some reason for people to be there, whether it's your charm, reserch, comedy ETC, then you won't get far and those loyal fans wont stay

I try and go for the controversial stuff to keep on top though

Even this guy thought the same But honestly it's for the most part down to you, cover interesting things going on in the industry as a whole, maybe report on really old gaming news stories that are inspiring or weird and people may never have heard about?

You can't really expect much more from a bunch of anons, because if we had any golden ideas we'd already be out there doing them to rake in that YouTube money for ourselves.

Even while typing that first paragraph I had my own half decent idea, brainstorm, create something unique of your own, dedicate real time to it and show viewers you care, a youtuber called rockleesmile did a series called indie impressions where he reviewed an obscure indie game every single day, lasted over a year before giving in and it's arguably one of the biggest reasons he got noticed.

OP is a faggot

Ive never heard of him. maybe it will take me ages but i know ill become the next big thing. please suscribe

ty for bump

Unless you're an edgy Minecraft screamer it will take you a while to get noticed regardless, but if you're serious about doing it for fans and not explicitly for the money etc, then like I said, stay regular, put in effort, try and make something of your own that people can't go and get elsewhere, at the very least not from someone more entertaining or magnitudes more popular.

Cover gaming news if that's what you're passionate about, try and script some non awkward funny lines and learn how to act natural, just try and branch out a bit more too as has been said already.

If you feel disheartened and give in when you don't see that sub count rise you won't be in it for the long haul.

I really want the money side of it to help me buy a car honestly

Also as for rockleesmile he's sort of in that middle ground for youtubers, he earns enough to do YouTube and twitch for a living though through subs and donations alongside ad revenue, a guy he frequently collabs with called Northernlion is the guy whose advice on /r/letsplay inspired markiplier, he's openly admitted it on le Reddit before too.

That's not bait, right? If you're in the YouTube game for a car you're in the wrong business.

ah k. see thats hard i dont really play games so i wont stream, im just sort of trying to cash in

just while i am at school

Don't get you hopes uo you need a good solid user base before you start making any sort of money.

Like other have said if you really want to do this you're gonna have to put a lot if time into it for nothing.

if you have a look io have been putting in good effort already, could you subscribe or even like/comment?

You really seem to lack any genuine passion for both YouTube and gaming in general, so if you're looking to cash in then honestly suck it up, play some garbage games you don't enjoy and make a fool out of yourself, with any luck you'll be the next pewdiepie and hate your life and what you've become.

If you want to see quick results from youtube, you gotta sellout and do the cancerous shit such as reaction vids, or diss tracks.

So this is fucking it. You dont want help you want subs. Burn in hell

thanks for the advice, please like and suscribe if you can help me out it would be great, thanks.

well susb would help me a lot man.

Gah damn, that anger kek.

i know right man, just trying to build up my youtube empire. Hey can you maybe subscribe or like/coment on my recent video?

Committing suicide seems like the best possible option

doesnt help but thanks for the bump. maybe like/comment on my vidss

i understand it all to well. but i'll check it out

thanks man, please subscribe, i got a lot of videos on there way

Bumping for likes/commetns/subscribtions