I'm a fucking cunt with no life who posts the same fucking image and thread everyday to try and prove logic wrong

>I'm a fucking cunt with no life who posts the same fucking image and thread everyday to try and prove logic wrong

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm the newfag that's gonna bite the bait

Do you know what bait is?


I'm well aware of it. But what, it's been like 50 days straight of this christfag posting the same thread?

>50 days.
Like years.

where is that pic even from

I have nothing to contribute.

Good question. Curious myself.

Literal years? I've been here about two, but I've only seen him the past couple of months. But he's had a streak lately

I think its from the Neverending story

Hey OP. That thread picture your using Is used kinda wrong. Your supposed to talk shit about atheism. Anyway, time to go laugh at tumblr. Hell people of Tumblr are more smarter then this nigger OP.

What if a nigga ran in ya house and doo dooed on you

Yo man. I've seen this nigger mostly posting at night. Do you think his trying to make a new meme?

I think he's actually serious. Like another user said, he's been at this shit for literal years.

>to try and prove
To try...and then prove?
Is English really so hard, user?
Maybe your mis-education is why you are athiest scum?

The definition of insanity

Its some sick and twisted faggot ass mod. Why else would they not be deleted for being spam?

>I'm the guy who points out the bait but forgets to sage the thread, thus giving the thread more visibility

He's trying to get you stupid fucks to think for yourselves, not regurgitate the things you've been told are cool.

>doesn't believe in god

Cry more

you ugly as shit and the ugly people losers lie about being ugly cause ugly and lame

I want people to see this thread. Maybe mods will do something about the faggot fir spam


This is an accurate depiction of the hatred and bigotry from the leftists in general, and atheists in particular.
Oh...sorry...let me dumb it down for the atheist audience....HURRR DURRR HE A POOPYHEAD DURP.

I am set in my ways and have formed my opinions solely by myself.

Nah man. He has to be a troll, and people are just catching on.

What about the pine spam, you illiterate little bitch?

>no pron of god
Think again

Nah his just thirsty and "they" are just trying to give him something to drink.

Because that's not spam. This is just what Sup Forums is.

So you disregarded what you've been told of western religion, and read the Bible with no preconceptions, and with an open mind that's been at least minimally educated about the history of mankind?

What about Westboro? The crusades?

>I'm the guy that unironically argues with OP out of sheer boredom and ends up typing an entire pagaraph full of typos that christfags will inevitalby point out instead of actually refuting any of my points. I think I'm better than said christfags but I really shouldn't have taken the bait in the first place, especially considering how long these threads have been around. Eventually one of them might actually argue back with me, but by then I'll probably have left the thread to masturbate to Overwatch porn made in Source FilmMaker.

>being this triggered by the neverending shitpost

Wew lad

Indeed i have.

The crusades were fine. Educate yourself.
As to the other, every group has nutjobs.
For example, you have Bernie. If you think he's a viable candidate, you have a single-digiti IQ and/or a 1st grade education.

You really thought that out well... Is there something your not telling us OP?

That face is so fucking disgusting.

So you agree with the religion threads, and our business here is done.

I don't support any of the candidates. They are all bad for our country. And I've found that Christians have had quite a few more nutjobs than most other faiths...

First time I've ever heard Bernie Sanders compared to a Christian Crusader, I'll give you that.

I'm not OP, I just went along with his format because I found it pretty funny

To stay on topic with a prime example, Ted Cruz.

I do not agree with them. Because they are wrong

George w bush for example.

Nigger Is use my testicles as nun chucks and beat your ass with them... If you know what i mean


>And I've found that Christians have had quite a few more nutjobs than most other faiths.
You've found you don't agree with them, and anyone who isn't just like you is bad.
Or is it deeper? With the political left, they seem to not like the right because the right holds them to standards of decency they can't meet.
You just don't think you can measure up, maybe? Or you think that what preachers preach is the actual words of God?
As an atheist, you'd be surprised how people have twisted the Truth.
For example, the Bible doesn't say masturbation is a sin, and it doesn't say you have to go to Church.

I grew up in a family full of Lutherans. I was christian until the age of 12. It was then that I realized how self contradictory the bible is, and became agnostic. I then pursued a career in theoretical physics.

>To stay on topic with a prime example, Ted Cruz.
Cruz is a Constitutionalist who believes in freedom. His voting record is proof.
He'd never make you worship.
You don't like him for the same reasons you don't like other religious people: you know he's a better man than you.

W was a good man too.
He's one of the few who never lied in office.
Too bad he was a quasi-socialist.

I don't know what you mean but it does sound pretty kinky

...are you implying he is mis-undereducated?

>It was then that I realized how self contradictory the bible is
So you expected a massive collection of documents written over a large time span to agree.
And you claim a science background?

Bush wasn't a flawless public speaker!!11! He dumb!1!!

My fellow Americans in all 57 states,
the time has changed for come.
With our country founded more than 20 centuries ago,
we have much to celebrate – from the FBI’s 100 days
to the reforms that bring greater inefficiencies to our health care system.
We know that countries like Europe
are willing to stand with us in our fight to halt the rise of privacy,
and Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s.
And let’s face it, everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma and they end up taking up a hospital bed. It costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early, and they got some treatment, and ah, a breathalyzer, or an inhalator.
I mean, not a breathalyzer, ah, I don’t know what the term is in Austrian for that…

Dangers of TOTUS: Obama Reads Word "Corpsman" as "Corpse Man" Twice

Satan's sacrifice was greater than Christ's when you think about it.

This is a common problem on atheist debate threads: the lack of intelligent thought from the atheists.

Too bad Christianfags refuse to site there claims with the "Good book".

First off, i am no atheist. I can measure up to their standards and higher. I don't worry myself with those moralities though. And yes, they do have alot of fanatics. Especially considering they number over 2 billion.

>site there claims
>cite their claims
>still don't understand the post, though

Every group of humans has nutjobs. Claiming one group is nuttier is nonsense, and you know it.
Unless you mean political leftists. Undeniably the nuttiest. Logical never matters to them. The proof is Bernie and Hillary. No sane person with a minimal education would vote for them unless you factor in mental problems. Bashing religious people over leftists invalidates your argument right there.

You just invalidated yourself by saying no one group is crazier than another, but then going on to say that one group IS crazier than another. Yet you say my argument is invalid.

But I used fact, not feelings.