Waifu claim thread

Waifu claim thread
>would your waifu even like you?

The rules are simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Post fitting, non-sexual content
>No shipping
>Don't be gay, pretend you're normal and discuss stuff
>Don't be disgusting. You are in public. Act decent.
>Insult others ruthlessly

Most important: Have fun

Other urls found in this thread:



Good ones I hope~
Goodnight lewds

I'm also heading to bed, good night everyone!

mi-jin (classic korean)

Possibly my convictions.

>there are people in this thread right now who haven't watched GTO

Touch her and I'll carve you up

Akiko claimed

I'm not really here


Depending on if she's into girls, probably.
Who the hell hasn't seen that series? Like, really!

sandwhale best hacker handle 5-sure

>20/20 final claim

Hahahaha please. Nice song choice though.

Yes and no. Sleep tight Discount Megu.

It's gonna be one Lonely Night then


>Best idol claimed

>touches ruri


>claiming yume
>best waifu legs
We lost you

I'm gonna go to sleep now, goodnight everybody.
I can't believe I spelled that name right on the first try.


I'll kill you.

It's a pretty weird name, I'll give you that.

And sleep tight Hols.
See you tomorrow.

do it

Should I break up with my girl

if you don't enjoy being with her, then yes

is bae.

But it's not night till the Sun Goes Down!

>Burnout webm coming Soon!

Tenryuu claimed

I don't have a waifu but I have a daughterfu.


How have you been?

Heh, you're letting me touch Ruri and I love it. Can't even defend her.

Stop being creepy




I'd like to think so.
>In good shape
>practice for 6-8 hours a day after work
>hurts so good
>dedicated myself entirely to her
>Am actually really fucking good with her
>She'd probably still break my spine
>Wanting this so badly
Well, those were back during my SSFIV/USFIV days.

Just be glad I'm cucking you.

Have fun with that.

Glad you know when to back down.

So, how is everyone doing?

I'm still somewhat here


Answering a little late, hehe. Yeeees I will be alright. Just couldn't sleep, also it's weekend so it's not that much of a problem

Was trying to edit this enough to where I was satisfied. Seems my little laptop can't handle video editing on a basic level.


>False sense of securities are cruel aren't they?

Miho claimed
I can't sleep and it's 5:30am...


What, you want me to do this to you?

Can't a man have a bit of butt piracy?

needs lest rest in peace

All of mans1ay3r's videos are pretty good. It's a shame he's on Machinama's hitlist and got trapped. Ain't free to make his own stuff anymore

His 2 best in my opinion



Thread is dead.

Is thread kill?

We need something to keep the thread alive

I'm still messing with this editor, plus, there's not much to talk about right now.

I'm eagerly awaiting any ideas

Who wants pics of BITCHWHORE?

Birb claimed

Post Nekos of your waifu.


Let it die


Post em

Neko gif

My Charizard that I started and the thread named.

Clothes are to remain ON!
Skirts must be below the knee.
All shirts must be buttoned to the top.
No exposed cleavage.
If I see pantsu, you see fishies


Best I got.
>not using far superior ms paint i made for you

On mobile, MS Paint is on laptop
>1 of 3

>2 of 3

>3rd and final

>Skirts must be below the knee.
>No exposed cleavage.
Fuck Spike, you sound like my old teacher
Have a lewd

Bite me Grandpa!
Oh ya, I forgot that's what it was named.



This is ok. Carry on.


Cant even get trips

I have a cat and he loves eating birds
p.s. take this trash to trash.

Namaste peace birb

Namaste, peace birb

God of trips, I will have to follow your rules

Will this work?

Well, finished up Hanako's route for Katawa Shoujo, got good ending.

Even your trips cannot stop the lewds

>one off
wrong thread to post this crap in

Yo Rory, video managed to upload. It's not be doing it, but wanna see the last burnout of that back tire before it was replaced?

You're drunk. Go to bed.

I was drunk like 7 hours ago
I didn't sleep and it's 12 am

I'm replacing that ribbon with gorilla tape

How is Hawaii?

Just what do ye have against fair lewds?
What are you, gay?

It's okay but a bit too hot for my liking
Not sure if I'm missing a joke here or not

Why are you even asking?

Don't be disgusting
Be decent
Pretend you're normal


Not the best, but he wouldn't let me give it a go on account he made enough noise as is and his neighbors are goodie two shoes who would call the cops.


Luckily, I learn at an inhuman sped when I' interested in something, so if I get the tools, I can change my own tires by myself next time, which means a sick burnout.


A fitting sendoff. Though your bike sounds a little sick. Like its coughing. 300, but still...
This is what my 400 sounds like. Not my bike, I have a hyper revo, not a superfour, but the soind is the same.

Nah, just wondering about Hawaii. I think you're a bit to kawaii for it, you should come to Nebraska.

Probably due to the Yoshican exhaust. Blue flame sounds super nice, I might consider it for my ZX-11 if I decide to ditch the stock exhausts! Let me go grab a recording of my bikes exhaust right now, it's just in the garage and I have nothing else to do.

me after finishing emi's route
such a beautiful game


fukn love katawa shoujo :^)

i feel like dumping 5 litres of orange juice in my kitchen and sleeping in it.

>jenny claim

Your average Sup Forums user, folks

Get dat vit C boi


if i sleep in it naked will i get more vitamin c though?

Well it'll get to your skin quicker. Wont penetrate to your liver or organs. You may wake up orange.
>then my joke will be complete

big titties anime girl
finished up hanako's route, got good ending
just left me more sad though, not the game, just gave me a large realization