Dubs decide what i do to it

Dubs decide what i do to it

>inb4 i wont eat it or stick it in my ass

>wont eat it or stick it in my ass


Hold it in your hands for two minutes, post results

Poor some rubbing alcohol in the jar, light a match, and stick it in the jar. Have a lid slightly hovered over the opening so there can be decent oxygen flow though.

Op put your tongue on it? Pic of tongue on it.



put your dick in the jar for 30 seconds



Another roll

burn it slowly

Dubs come on op. DELIVER FOR ME BBY

cut its wings

Stick it in your nose, it'll fit since you're a jew


Second roll for this if that's a no

make it drown =)

Op tell us if you are willing to do this??? It's a winrar

whats up with all the summerfags catching wasps?

Rolling for this

Dude we just did this and you didn't deliver. OP is fucking pussy

OP FUCKING LET US KNOW, you better be taking the damn picture.


Also winner!!! Now Jizz on its titties


Op just commit suicide already. You have failed two threads.

Op here it's pissed off af and will fly away

Rolling for that

Another one wasn't mine u fag


I will do it with gasoline, brb

Well then fucking deliver put it in a fridge for a minute or so too calm it.

Better record it???

eat it faggot

Ayyy. Winrar
Let's go OP

Hope he record.


stick it on dick

Still nothing..

the fuck r you doing op

Op thread die soon hurry

op caught on fire


Put it in your dick hole then, you faggot.

I guess this was all B8

Kill your self pls

The easiest fucking thing he had to do. But no op is still a lil bitch

fuck you OP