ITT shit that bothers the FUCK out of you

ITT shit that bothers the FUCK out of you
>people who open a pack of something when and already open pack is sitting right there
>girls who wear sandals and their toenail polish is chipped and nasty. Wear polish or don't.
>people who go shopping in a store ten minutes before the store closes
>when people don't understand that being gay doesn't mean they're a pedophile.
>pickles in general


Gay pedo detected
>fuck off and kill yourself

>advertisements on the radio that have siren sounds.. plain dangerous while driving
>people on the street/ at the door/ on the phone asking for donations
>people falling for blatantly bullshit marketing
>the amount of time I spend in this shithole

Don't bump, contribute.

>teenage girls with perfectly good hair that insist on wearing dumb ass fake looking cosplay wigs to school
My sister does this, buys her fake fire engine red wigs from Claire's and I want to throttle the cunt.

Let's see, shit that bothers me...
>when people kiss and/or hold hands in public
>when people litter
>when people stop their vehicles IN the crosswalks
>5-foot manlets who think they're hot shit for doing 4 years in the military
>black women overall
>black women who behave like stereotypical white women
>when people touch me, even if it's a handshake
>when the cashier(s) has a bad attitude
>when roommates/grown adults don't pick up after themselves
>when a group of 5 or more people walk side-by-side on the sidewalk
>when black women give me shit for liking non-black women, but don't say anything about black women who celebrate liking non-black men
>when fat people eat more unhealthy shit
>when people don't use their turn-signals
>when foreigners act like they can't understand English, but are put into a position where they absolutely NEED to be able to understand it
>when people I don't know talk to me in public
>when people question my blackness

I am

doesn't her school have a dress-code?
also post pics kunt

>People that don't close mouth while chewing
>People that interject into other ppls cocoa
>People that admit to poor hygiene and don't care
>People that nit-pick everything you say
>People that lead people on and act oblivious
>People that dive into every trend once it's out
>People that take selfies for everything
>People that act like the world revolves around them
>Walmart shoppers
>People that don't acknowledge our world is fucked
The list goes on and on man.

homosexuality is a perversion in the bible...same as pedophilia...check mate

>when people don't use their turn-signals


>when people purposely, or inadvertently create a bottle neck and block passing traffic on any sort of roadway.

I will overtake you and purposely cut you off without turn signaling.. depending on the car that day (job) i will pull your pathetic ass over and stroke you a few tickets for fun

>somebody leaves not even a cups-worth of tea/koolaid in the bottom of the jug so they dont have to be responsible for making more
>when you open a bag of chip and someone stick their hand in the bag and fumbles around trying to get the biggest handful they can
>people who make up things for an arguments sake that cannot be disproven, so that they can never be wrong during a debate.
>grown men who still piss all over the toilet see ( not femanon, its just fucking childish )
>people who fuck with you dog, then when it growls or nips at them they go around and tell everyone your dog is dangerous

>>pickles in general

Fuck you. Gherkins are the shit. I can fuck up a jar of these little bastards pretty quick.

Stupid fucking Americans

happened this morning on the way to work
>approaching roundabout
>check right for cards
>some faglord rolling up, no indication
>have to stop for him
>he turns and indicates /after/ he turns
fuck nice one faggot, i had to waste 1cc of fuel for that

Pretty much this, but can't relate to the black on black bullshit you probably have to put up with.

Far be it from me to question your blackness- but there are no black people on Sup Forums

I had to get onto a friend last night about the whole "black" thing...a friend I've known since high school. Basically, I went in about how we're a laughing stock as a race, how we claim #blacklivesmatter and beg for 'inclusion,' yet we kill each other at record numbers and exclude one another for simple reasons (like being black and wanting to be something in life other than a thug, athlete, rapper, or buck).

We went back and forth for about an hour.

There is me...

>people who open a pack of something when and already open pack is sitting right there

>people who leave amateur spelling errors in comments that can easily be fixed by simply proofreading the comment before posting

Thank you ahead of time for voting for Trump. I would gladly buy you a beer.

when people proofread on Sup Forums

>for the record, I'm not black, but grew up in a low income neighborhood primarily filled with black and minorities

Black people are the only race that beat each other down for doing good shit (getting good grades, going to college, trying to move up the corporate ladder to provide for their family and get them out of a shitty part of town) and congratulate each other on doing thug shit (getting involved in dealing, going to jail, stealing shit.)

I don't understand. Wouldn't you want to get out of a stereotype?

>mouth breathers
>adults who act like pre-teens going through their first stage of weeaboo
>people who eat in busses and trains
>misbehaving over the age of 5 kids in public
>parents who let their kids over the age of 5 misbehave in public

I hope everything you love in life somehow dies trapped in a car fire.

Any kids who misbehave in public kids are supposed to be seen, not heard. My mom smacked me silly if I did anything even slightly disrespectful, parents now a days just let their kids do whatever the fuck they want because "it's good to let them express themselves"

>also white people with five kids under the age of five and are currently pregnant. Give your uterus a break, bitch, jfc.

The shit that bothers me
>black women who repeat the same thing over and over again when in an argument
>people who don't watch their kids and let them run amok
>people with down syndrome
>black people in general
>people who abuse animals
>people who like shemales but say they aren't gay

Is that you?

Are you aware you and your grandma are famous?

I'm not voting Trump.

That's part of what I was arguing about with him (the friend). To blacks, wanting to be educated and earn a healthy, legal living is "acting white," and apparently grounds for being alienated and/or beaten to near-death. I never could understand it, but now that I'm an adult and no longer care as much about the so-called "black struggle," I just distance myself from the majority of blacks and don't bother interacting with them. It's a lonely existence, but the alternative isn't all that great.

It's not me, no.

>when people don't proofread on ANY comment, especially when the comment is just a few sentences long and easily fixable.

All it does is make you look like the retard you are.

What's wrong with eating on a bus or train if you aren't a sloppy fuck or clean up after yourself

All that you said and
>When people turn the radio down after saying "look at that!"

>people who open a pack of something when and already open pack is sitting right there

Maybe I want something from the fresh pack? Not some shitty old stale stuff.

>girls who wear sandals and their toenail polish is chipped and nasty. Wear polish or don't.

who cares about her toes? u gay?

>people who go shopping in a store ten minutes before the store closes

If the stores doors are open to 11, then they are open and people are free to enter and shop. They should close their doors 15-20 minutes early if they don't want me to come in and shop.

>when people don't understand that being gay doesn't mean they're a pedophile.

it does mean they are a pedophile.

>pickles in general

pickles are delicious you degenerate.

get cancer stupid niger

Nice b8 m8

Are you mad because we don't have to worry about getting our heads chopped off on the way to the supermarket

Maybe someday. At least with death, I can stop being black.

it makes me laugh when at grocery stores they announce over the intercom system "we will be closing in 5 minutes".

I laugh, you think i care when you close? You think im going to hurry because of your little announcement? LOL. If anything i will go slower.

And if you dare to approach me or confront me in anyway you can bet your ass i will be calling head office and getting your ass FIRED.

The smell. I can tolerate fruits but if I got a penny everytime someone ate a smelly can of something in a bus, I'd own a car to drive to work.

>when a group of people walk really slow in front of me blocking any way around


Why not refrain from being a dick, and simply not shop minutes before closing? Certain closing procedures can't get done with customers still in the store, but I doubt your insensitive ass cares.

Just know that every worker that sees your face around closing time wants to shit down your throat.

Another settlement needs your help!


I try not be racist, but why do black people walk so fucking ssssllllooooowwwww??

Its almost like they do it on purpose to piss other people off.

Like even at a crosswalk, they just casually stroll in front of traffic.

Then if you say something they be like
" oh hell no, who you talking to bitch? "

Its like black people wake up thinking of ways to be fucking disrespectful and shitty towards other humans, like they feed off of it or something.

Any honest black anons care to explain why they do shit like this ?

Chinese girls piss me off for some reason. They're walking confusion. Cute, but cuntish.

Let's go!

I also got a good smacking for being a brat. Back then it was even okay to punish kids that weren't your own. Try that shit now and you get angry parents attacking you for telling little Becky to stop repeatedly pushing you with tiny shopping carts.

This guys gets it!

You'd have to ask a nigger, not a black person.

I'm black, and I try to stay the fuck out of people's way. In this context, I walk quickly as fuck, and stop before crossing. Most people let me cross, anyway.

When games cheat

Mother of God it passes me off so much

You made a point whether you know it or not
There's a difference between black people and niggers
A difference between retards and special people
A different between faggots and gay people

Quit being poor then

Being black, I never understood it either. I never understood why people (especially blacks) enjoy being disrespectful to others, but then turn around and demand respect themselves.

At the very least, I try not to be an asshole.


I sincerely hope you get bowel cancer

Oh shut up

White people are shitty, too. There's some decent ones out there, just like black people and lgbt people, but there are some truly nasty white people. Bigots, thiefs (on a bigger scale, CEOs and shit). For example, white people in big suburban homes with two "perfect" kids and a "perfect" housewife who is a soccer mom and is a total fucking cunt to people in the service industry and drives aroudn in huge ass SUVs. Those are the worst fucking people ever.

Found the Self loathing Bernie voting nigger cuck Gaylord

>People who always try to race you at stoplights
>When you wipe and realize that you're wasting too much paper just wiping
>cleaning your ass in the shower and the water turns into poo
>getting the white part on converse already dirty
>people who self pity themselves and think they have it the worst
>gay people
>people who think expatriation dates on food don't mean shit
>cashiers who try to make small talk when you're in a fucking hurry to do other shit
>people who tailgate you
>when your deodorant splits in two
>fat people who want others to accept them because they're lazy fucks
>when you trynna enjoy hot chocolate and it burns your lips
>when you eating popcorn and the shit left over gets stuck in your teeth
>people who have a dirty fucking nasty house
>people who have bad breath
>wannabe manipulators
>liberals who try to shove shame down your throat after you trolled them
>people who whine about having depression and anxiety
>autistic faggots like this faggot ->
>when you pet a dog and it has fleas
>when you hungry and tired af
>when the work place coffee machine is a cheap ass machine that serves small cups like in hotels
>those faggots at work that brag about having a college degree
>those fucking people in the audience who think theyre so fucking smart opening their mouths in those wannabe mexican judge judy shows
>my mom
>my dad
>kevin robbinson from school
>when you trynna eat poptarts in bed and you get crumbs all over
>fucking ants yo like get your own fucking food

And its happened all my life, i was actually bullied by black people all through school.


I feel like the parents must teach them this child is born that way.

ole' black mama or grandma prolly preaches this stuff to them as young children

My mother never told me to do anything of the could it be possible that new aged black people are the real racists?

after all they LITERALLY have nothing to complain about anymore, short of some black kid acting like a thug and getting shot at.

I still wish I had been born Asian (Korean or Japanese specifically) with a Tiger Mom and a CEO-type dad. At least then, I'd be going somewhere in life and have a family to be proud of.

I fucking hate being black.

Spot on on that toenail polish thing.

Exactly. I think of the term nigger more as a state of mind or a characteristic, rather than a state of being. Niggers exist in every ethnic background alongside law abiding, honest people.

I'm aware of the bias that people have towards us blacks, but despite the reality, I try to make each interaction someone has with me a positive one.

Only by doing this can I work against the negative deposition people have towards me before even talking to me.

>LITERALLY have nothing to complain about anymore

You're delusional. Racism still exists, but you're not perceptive enough to see its subtleties. And, I'm not making that statement in the defense of blacks. I'm saying that you're a fool to think that blacks have nothing to complain about, when everyone has something to complain about.

I know that feel. I know it all too well, especially considering I didn't grow up wearing/caring about name-brand clothes and "dem new Jordans."

But, I think much of the behavior comes from a *lack* of parental supervision/teaching. Keep in mind, about 72% of black children are born into single-mother households, a fact which was just as true when I was young a teen 15 years ago (now age 27). They see their mothers and other relatives being disrespectful, using violence to get what they want, and they emulate that kind of behavior as they get older. If you don't, you're considered "weak" and apparently warranting being bullied. Of course, many black kids are born to good-for-nothing mothers, and those same mothers just drop the kids off at 'grandma's house.' Grandparents (who aren't even over the age of 60 sometimes) try to teach the kids right from wrong, but the mothers themselves still undo all of that. The kids leave just as ignorant and violent as they were when they showed up.

But yeah, when I see or hear about another black being shot by police or whatever, I don't even react. I already know they did or said something to deserve it.

>Saying Cis Gender
>50 genders
>People from India
>Hillary Clinton

you prolly get your ass kicked a lot. good work faggot

Racism exists in the fact that people put black people under the one category: niggers

Niggers are the thugs, the ones that live to make sure they fall under the 'black person' stereotype.

Every race has a bad subculture that everyone generalises them into. The asian? "Tiger moms" and honour and perfectionists. Middle Eastern folks? Terrorists. Black people? Niggers.

That's how racism exists, because white people won't see us for anything except our stereotypes.

I dont care that you broke your elbow

dude, I mean as far as having rights.
They can do anything any other American can do.

>That's how racism exists, because white people won't see us for anything except our stereotypes.

I was agreeing with your post until you mentioned that you fucking naive imbecile



>People who say they have exact change AFTER YOU PUT THEIR MONEY IN THE DRAWER.
>Gay youtubers. Not gay people (bisexual myself), but gay youtubers.
>Light skin black people
>Trump supporters
>Hillary supporters
>People who think they're hot shit for listening to Pink Floyd when they're not old
>Kids under 12 on the internet
>Kids in general
>Random dick pics from Indians
>Skinny white guys who think they can rap
>Stoners (Not people who smoke weed. But people who think they need to prove they do.)

The doubles have been doubled.

>When the stroller mafia and their fucking disgusting mustard smelling shit babies hits crowded places like festivals, malls ect

Agreed on all of these

As far as having rights, I still wouldn't even call whites and blacks equal. Maybe superficially, but when black and white men are viewed out of the same biased lens, blacks are inherently seen as inferior to whites.

From the perspective of someone with power or influence, less judgements would be made about a white man of equal intelligence, age, monetary value and social rank.

Biases influence decisions that determine the outcome of affairs among blacks and whites. Sure, you and I both have the right to bear arms and apply for work, but that doesn't mean we're equally as likely to be granted an FID or be hired for employment even if we're objectively equals.

I agree with all of these, but to be fair to people of the first one I had no idea how difficult it was to fix a total after it was paid until I worked in a pharmacy.

>Those pictures on Facebook of people standing on the American flag with the caption "This guy should be jailed!!!!" Like it's worthless fabric fucking chill
>People who think I should respect them purely because they were in the military
>Girls with broad shoulders and thick necks
>Fat appreciation

>when a crewman calls me, "sir"
>when Neelix starts singing
>when I have to eat Neelix's cooking
>when Kes nearly destroyed my ship with her powers
>when Seven back-talks me
>when Harry almost dies on every away-mission
>when Tom tries to hit on every alien woman
>when B'Elanna fights another crewman, or series of crewmen
>when the doctor tries to make a joke
>when my ship is nearly destroyed
>when Hirogen almost 'hunt' us to death
>when we encounter the Borg
>when we run out of dilithium
>when Tuvok tries to tell a joke
>when Species 8472 shows up
>when one of my crew-members dies
>when I can't sleep because of so much stuff going on

>People that beg me for hot chocolate while touching my nipples

I like you. You're not a nigger...
A human being.

You got some?

Thanks, I s'pose.

What's the point of living if you're gonna hate everything. An hero faggot. Praise jesus

So you like dark skin niggers?

Don't mind em

>wakes up
>gets on Sup Forums
>realize op is a fag
>day is now destroyed

>pull up to stop to turn right
>guy coming perpenducular to me on my left
>wait for him to pass so I can turn right
>suddenly he brakes and turns onto the road I'm on
>no turn signal
>turn on my hazards
>blow my brains out at the stop

You are without a doubt, a teenage girl who works at a department / grocery store.

Life only gets harder, by the way... you should probably just an hero.

kek, it's even worse if you're on a bike
>be me
>be on said bike
>riding on a sidewalk, light up ahead turns green so I can ride through the crosswalk...provided traffic next to me keeps straight
>check to make sure everyone's going straight
>the are, good
>jackass car decides to turn RIGHT AS my front wheel enters crosswalk at 20 mi/hr
>have to jolt to the right to avoid being hit
>jackass honks at me despite not using his turn-signal to show he was turning
>ride home repeating, "at least no one got hurt" to myself so I won't be upset

Holy fuck I can't stand her face

everything bothers me fuck you and your stupid waste of dubs

>People with down syndrome
Couldn't agree more. Had one back in my highschool, bugged the absolute shit out of me.

Happens to me all the time, I've actually ended up kicking or punching cars when they've come close or pushed against me

Straight Road Rash-style.

Apparently you hang with a bunch of fags because I don't know one actual black person like this except for one who was incredibly childish and is leaning the error of his ways thanks to his 17 year sentence.

>Vegans that keep rambling on about how and why they are vegan even when nobody asked about it
>People who claim to have a gluten allergy just so they can feel special
>People who don't put the cap on a bottle tightly, causing me to get soaked in juice every time I shake a bottle.
>People who drown their meat with sauce, or immediately put salt on pepper on that steak you prepared without even tasting.
>Autistic shits who use their autism as an excuse to get away with things like being a complete asshole or a lazy manchild
>People who take little kids to grocery stores on a Saturday
>Everyone who chews bubble gum with their mouths open

No. The only blacks I bother with are ones who are similar to me: nerds, goths, geeks, and weebs. Though in that regard, I'm the 'king' of those categories as far as blacks go. It's just that with the friend, he's one of those "born-again black"-type guys who suddenly realized how much the world dislikes blacks as he became an adult (something I figured out long ago, and learned why), so he thinks #blacklivesmatter and everyone's out to kill blacks. He was particularly upset at that Chinese commercial where the black guy gets bleached into a Chinese guy, and we started having the discussion because I told him it didn't bother me at all.

OMG that fucking bun!