ITT: We describe our lives with an image

ITT: We describe our lives with an image



















this about sums it up



You should lose some weight, then. Fucking obeasts.




do you live in Shibuya?


I am significantly underweight

i have anotha one.


this too


what the fuck am i looking at?





Did her tits grow a siamese twin or someshit?




You're a pathetic faggot








I will bring everyone to my comfy thread now








I was the syrup crime guy


Cool down satan


Fuck you faggot. Keep being a basement dweller, deep throating your Cheeto fingers and jacking off to mlp you fat sack of shit

I should've listened to Wally








isnt this the carrot that can supposedly feed the world?




but... it wants to an astronaut.. it canĀ“t follow other peoples expectations of feeding the world user...


Surprisingly it actually fits pretty well




Why does that bullet not have a primer?


The one in the top most left corner has already been fired


surprised this isn't here yet




Every day, Sup Forumsros.

Feels bad

Its not a bullet but just a casing

Primers dont fly together with the bullet or some shit like that. They stay till the casings are getting reloaded









I really want Isis to film someone dying from a cooked brain like this