Anyone interested in the facebook of a bunch of asian girls?

Anyone interested in the facebook of a bunch of asian girls?

I'm gonna dump my FB fap folder AND their facebooks

Just finished my exams, and graduating high school this year. I want to dump my whole fap folder that I collected over my high school years of other highschool students.

Let's make it fun though.

1) I'll gradually post one pic of each girl, tell me if you want more of a girl and I'll post it
2) Tell me what sexual things you'd do to a girl. If I'm satisfied, I'll link her fb

Have fun Sup Forums! I know I will

Proof: GloriaaaMoon

There's no way you have that girls fb

If she had short hair she'd look like a guy, hell she looks like one now. You gay bro?


I have a few girls I got off Sup Forums so some won't


Not gay but I think she's cute

Then why are you posting them? You're a fucking idiot "durrrr i have these girls fb but imma start with random girls that i saved"

Thread is trash and so are you

I ant the OP picture. I already saved a few from her.

Well i guess I'll start a new one properly

can you post THIS one thru mega nz?

That's too lazy, I wanna have some fun before I delete



Very prominent chin, broad shoulders, narrow eyelids... Op you might be a homosexual

Well I guess I'm a homosexual that likes girls

can you pot more of her then (The one in the first post)? also why would you delete? I cannot even imagine deleting my fb fap collection. Been collecting on some for like 10+ years, since myspace days. since middle school when i was like 11 haha.

She's really cute

I want a new start going into college.

Nobody is doing point 2 in OP :(


I want to nervously ask her if she wants to get a coffee with me and die inside when she doesn't.

That's pretty cute tbh




any of them play vidya?

Yes actually