Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?
What's your rank?


No. Stop.

I wish I could stop playing this cancer game


Plat 1

Best Body
Best Butt
Best Wife


Twisted Fate
Bronze 4

Diamond 3 53 LP

Toplane: Wukong, Lee Sin, Trundle
Midlane: Veigar, Diana
ADC: Lucian, Ezreal, Caitlyn
Support: Only Thresh
Jungle: Wukong, Udyr

Silver IV.. Fuck my life.

>Lee Sin
There is a reason you're only Silver.

The demoman. Grizzled veteran rank.

People still play that game?

So tell me whats wrong with that?
Lee Sin top lane aint that bad.
Play defensive until level 6, wait for the push, kick him into turret, get kills. easy.

veigar has in late game great burst because of his stacks

Caitlyn is the "last thing" i'd pick. only if lucian or ezreal banned/already picked

Udyr only if the enemy team picks Wu.

Yes. Is best game.

>Play defensive until level 6
OR... just don't.
>veigar late game
No nigga.
Not in high elo, my stunbot friend.

Tell me what to do then, my friend.

Silver V

>Lee Sin top lane aint that bad.

You're the reason I get chat restrictions and suspensions, dumbass. Focus on two roles and master 4 champs at max. I could literally carry with Soraka midlane in silver 4 cause theres so many animals playing dumb shit that they can't make work.

Oh, look, another dumbass who thinks he can play Yasuo and is still magically Silver 5 aka Bronze.

Hecarim top/Nocturne mid
Diamond II

I don't know how either.

Why don't you play a big boy game for once?


I'm not good at giving advise, but as someone who OTP'd his way to Diamond 3 last season. I can tell you to lower your champion pool. Being the jack of all trades is fine in normals but not ranked. I'd suggest playing meta champs and learning one so well, that even when they stop being flavor of the month you can still rock them non stop. I did it with Darius, and I'm still learning my match-ups.

Because nobody from America plays Dota 2.

dota is meticulous
game for autists
>source: pro wc3 dota player

Gold V


dogshit bronze 2

and what is LoL?


because my laptop cant run it

death proffit and crystal maiden a cutie

its a stupid game you need a premade mid and jungler and alot of the games are people pretending they are retarded until plat3-plat1 but even in plat 50% of the games will have a bad son of a bitch that doesnt do shit

Gold 4. actually just got a losing streak that put me back in silver 1. Feels bad man

ezreal, lucian, vayne
bronze 1

voli main
>level 7 but dont have the essence currently
Diamond 4

How do people actually end up in bronze? You must either not really care or are actually dogshit at the game.

Support main with thresh and Leona
Stuck in bronze 3

by blaming everyone else for mistakes and never learning anything about the game

Misremembered. Actually dropped to G5. Not silver

It's all about their state of mind.
If you're getting tilted by that Ezreal who is feeding bot lane, instead of focusing on your own gameplay... well I've got bad news for you.


cait is good, don't listen to this guy

I can play every role but Jng. Which two roles do you think i should focus on to give me the best chances at climbing? what's a good number of champions to master?

Top: renek, Irelia, GP

Mid: yasuo, viktor, azir

Adc: lucian, cait, jhin

Sup: thresh, braum, ali

Jng: nid, lee, kindred

Dia 3 but haven't played ranked in about 2 months feelsbadman