You get to pick 1 Disney princess to be your sex slave, who do you pick? Dibs on Ariel

You get to pick 1 Disney princess to be your sex slave, who do you pick? Dibs on Ariel

I'll take the nigger

Elsa, obviously.
>inb4 elsa is a queen not a princess hurr durr
I don't care.

Jasmine cuz dat body

Belle, as long as she looks like Emily de Ravin's version from Once Upon a Time

Belle because she's not a dirty ethnic person

Eilonwy, cause no one else gonna come for her. Voice makes me diamond.

Snow White pure as the driven snow.

Can I choose Quasimodo?

Everyone good is already taken uhhh Mulan


Sofia. She totally counts.




Young Leia because she's real and hot



the one that is dead

The black one?


Rapunzel with the short brown hair at the end of the movie. I win.

Vader of course

You're just gay for a big black mans voice faggot.


muuuhh nigga



Judy hopps.
>only reason she isn't technically a princess is because she lives in a democracy


What the fuck




Pocahontas, if we assume she survives the smallpox
