Well now he's never gonna donate because I mistook him for someone else. Shit

Well now he's never gonna donate because I mistook him for someone else. Shit.

>Come in for advice, friendly conversation, and fortune-telling maybe.
>GETs (dubs, trips, etc.) can ask for a tarot reading.
>GETs can be donated to others.
>Be kind even to those you don't like.
>Be patient with the shrine maiden.

Too...too soon!

reimu, what if I hugged you and didn't let you go out of my arms?


Man, Reimu, always out for donations

I hope everyone took off their socks for this thread

Could this be the get I've always wanted...--

She would likely chew your arms off.

Well, I mean, I can give you about Tree-Fiddy

So scary! I just want a shrine maiden to hug!

One might could say my post made you fail. I take pride in this notion.

I think I might starve to death but at least I'd be comfy? I dunno...

Yeah, I might do that if I got too hungry. It can't be worse than dirt.

Maybe if I didn't hesitate in adding that second dash, I could have gotten it

I was so close-

You are looking quite small in that picture yourself, youkai.

Is there perhaps something you want to tell the class? Ufufufu...

You would be too if you were me.

So bare feet it is, huh? I'm pretty sure that's the side I'd pick if I had to choose. You can do so much more with them.

Yeah so? At least mine look real enough. I don't ever have to be embarrassed to take off my shirt.

You posted that last thread! Expand your Sakuya folder, nublet!

If I was you I'd be worried about a successor. You're lucky your mom isn't around to get on your case about that.

Really? Beach balls look real now? Perhaps I can have Flandre simply stuff some tennis balls down her shirt to get the figure she's always wanted then.

That's several packs of ramen to me.

Go for it. I don't care. She's your mistress. Just try explaining that level of shenanigans to Remi, though.

What's the size of yours, youkai? I bet it isn't nearly as organized or elegant as mine.

...my mom is dead, so I make the rules.

Besides, you say that like I'm in danger of getting old anytime soon. I'll still be able to do that for years and years.

I need to stop replaying SNES games.

What is everyone doing tonight?

My point is yours are more fake than tennis balls. And less appealing too.

Oh, and for the record. Socks for life.

Should I just Donate food for readings then? I know a Chef in a Michelin star restaurant, I can hook you up bigtime

657 images, individually saved!

I don't go scraping boorus or lame shit like that.

Yes, I know; it's obvious it's beyond your ability.

I bet if I x-rayed mine while they're at their biggest maximum size, the x-ray would still pick it up as being flesh. Try doing that with your pads, maid.

Also, fuck socks.

I want to sniff those slightly dirty socks

Just this. I should put on some music for the rest of the thread.

How would you get it to me, though?

I've heard word of an outside world technology known as an fMRI, that can easily tell the difference between flesh and fiction.

Face it. Humans just have you youkai outclassed. And men always prefer real to synthetic, old maid.

You should. I want to listen to something. Did you end up getting sunburnt on your vacation?

No it's dumb; I don't want a bunch of garbage pics not worth saving. Enjoy your clutter.
Oddly enough if you asked whether that was my Sakuya folder or my Seija folder, the answer is yes. They're both somehow 657 files right now.

...yeah. In all the places I already had a tan. How do you get a freaking farmer's tan when you're barely wearing anything at all and using 8 SPF?

Hah! Clutter! See the search bar? I can search; here's a smirk picture; took a nano second to find, even without a time stop.

How like a youkai, to eschew technology and progress. Out of fear.

What? You think I've got silicon in these? I'm a shapeshifter. I manipulate flesh to make it look different. That would mean my breasts, while altered by magic, would literally be no different than real flesh. Hell, I can apply this effect to other things too. I can give you real boobs, Sakuya-chan.

Well, I am a Tank Crewmen silly goose

Like what kind of SNES games? Take on a trip down Memory Lane, please.

Kagerou and Mamizou...

>barely wearing anything at all
lewd. why are you always half dressed and/or in the sun?

I just re-beat Super Metroid..and I am trying to decide on either replaying Earthbound or Chrono Trigger next.

If you're gonna do that go to your room.

You think magic is going to look indistinguishable? Magic has limits, youkai. That's why your tail always shines through, or did you forget?

Because I want to look like this one day.

Only if startled. But yeah, magic does have it's limits. Like that one time you got juked out by Reimu-chan and she kicked your ass.

Clutter as in the majority of it sucks. I only save 1~2 out of every 10 pictures.

Don't be like that. Okay I'll go to your room.

I never knew I needed a tan Reimu more than now.

I'm not sure I get what that means. Are you gonna deliver me 5 star food in a tank? Because that would be the most awesome thing since the factory or that time at Sanae's place.


That was all part of a cunning plan by my mistress. Being able to lay down ones pride for a common goal, for a bigger good, that's something a lowly youkai could never understand.

Perhaps youkai pictures are simply awful; all of mine are perfect and exactly how I want them.

I know right? If I ever pulled it off I don't know if I'd be able to leave the mirror for very long.

You know it ^_^

(please note we are not responsible for any property damage when delivering food, potential damage may include
- Torn up lawn
- Holes in side of house
- Burning rubble of communist tanks

Thank you)

And with that, I think I'm off to bed, I'll see you all around some other time. Later, and PANZER VOR!

She blends into human society, so what you're saying can't be true.

She changed her mind because she knew Reimu was going to beat her scrawny ass if she didn't knock that scarlet mist shit off.

Also, what's with the hate towards you youkai? You work with one! Meiling is a dragon youkai!

Meiling? Do you mean my knife storage unit that we sometimes position outside to deter intruders?

Anyone fooled by her is barely distinguishable from you beasts.

I've stayed indoors mostly..I'm confident if I ever stepped outside for a long period of time I'd burn easily instead of tanning.

Patchouli is also removed from the human race.

Why so racist? Don't make me flip you.

Either way, without youkai, there wouldn't be a Gensokyo. Without this place, your mistresses would be alienated and attacked because they're vampires. How often does that happen here besides the scarlet mist incident?

I think the point is doing a ton of small sun exposures over time, but you've got wrinkles or skin cancer to worry about too so maybe it's not worth it after all. You gotta maintain it too or else the effort is just wasted.


Well, maybe there's a spray on tan out there that doesn't look like Donald Trump.

Nice trips, have a cake

You can't speak sense into her, though. She's a narcissist working on maid logic.

This is definitely going to be the get I was hoping for
Last chances

Goodnight Sao. I can't wait! Sorry for mistaking you for a pastry.

Oh, we fared quite well in the outside world; my mistress doesn't require fear, as you youkai do. One more way she is better than your lot.

That she graced you with her presence is something you should cherish...even though you do not deserve it.

Patchouli is a magician, one who has transcended humanity yet has not devolved into such an animalistic beast as yourself. As seen by her asthma.

Ah, I have an excellent recipe using marigold petals you can try!

O-oh, really? I'll have to-

...waiiiit a minute. Those are orange!

Can you deny the results?

I was born this way you bitch

Get flipped

Those are some life-like pads

I see that. It's a shame seeing how vampires enthrall their servants. Rumor has it, Sakuya was a vampire hunter at one time.

Oh yes, we Buddhists will remember that once we reach enlightenment on how it couldn't be done without a bratty little vampire and her loyal dog simply existing.

N-no way...

I think I'll settle for just not being tan..it's okay. but I can live vicariously through you.

Such is the life of a shut in.

Time and space are mine to control; flip me? You might as well flip a fish; it'll be equally worthless.

And that is an error I can help you correct.
Shall we dance until the end of your life?

Hah. Your end result is to have zero karma, to do nothing and be nothing.

I'd rather suffer and aspire to more.

Cast aside your doubts! As a fellow player character, you can trust me!

Mm, we both can dream all we want to, anyway.

Well then we'll let fate be the judge of that, won't we?

>mfw also a player character
You couldn't best me then, and you can't take me now.

Speaking of dreams..last night, I had this crazy dream I had my final due..for a class I wasn't ever registered for. Despite the fact that I haven't been to uni in like 3 years.

Scary stuff. I feel like that guy in the xkcd comic.

Hah! A con game that is so broken it barely works does not count; ZUN even said it was non-canon.

Get wrecked, youkai. You can't win even when cheating.

He he he...you mean the fate my mistress controls? Yes, that will do nicely. Let that be the judge.

Too bad she can't control things that are set in stone.

Nothing is set in stone; the Lunarians made sure of that. The future is unwritten!

Looks as if I must rest; I'm losing my effortless elegance, and it is time for mistresses tea anyway.

Farewell, Reimu. I hope next time I stop by, you've learned to keep better company.

*drops 100 yen in the donation box as she leaves*

That's weird... I had a school dream last night too. I was at a high school even though I was too old to be there and had no reason to be. Just sneaking around trying not to draw attention because I didn't even know why I was there.

And then a teacher came up and asked me if Yu-Gi-Oh cards are still cool because she was trying to think of pop culture stuff to relate to her students better.

. . .

I went to bed drunk last night.

I-I suppose so... say, if you sprayed that tan on, why do you have tan lines?

If you recall the Lunarians almost killed your mistress. Watch whose boots you lick, human.

Making excuses because of your horrible play skill? You can't win without cheating.

It's like school had such a huge impact that we're having ptsd-like dreams after the fact.

So are Yu-Gi-Oh cards still cool or what?

I'm probably going to bed drunk tonight too.. if not, at least tipsy.

Later, Sakuya! I really enjoyed watching the war of footwear even though I'm a barefoot gal.

I'm not sure what the kids are into. But I never liked it ever since I found out it doesn't work at all like on TV.

I mean, I didn't expect holograms, but at least the rules...

Yugioh cards were never cool

Wish I had more dreams lately

To be fair though..the TV had some weird rules. Like, I'll catapult this knight right into your castle so that it falls onto your monsters! And stuff..

I've been taking more melatonin lately..it's giving me weird dreams.

I used to play Yugioh, but then I decided I liked Magic way more.

Yeah... there's no way it COULD work that way in real life, but it's really disappointing. The most disappointing was realizing I couldn't just polymorph stuff at random and come up with weird stuff.

I mean, you'd have to have the card it turns into. Probably four of them if you want any chance of drawing it. And the polymorph card... which is super expensive last time I checked. Four of those. Four of everything you want that's cool. And by then your deck is just about turning stuff into other stuff and it probably wouldn't be that good.

I've met a handful of people who never dream at all. And one who only has the same horrifying nightmare night after night.

Both are weird to me. I don't understand, can't imagine what that's like. I have a new dream or three every night and they're always weird or awesome. I barely ever have nightmares and when I do they're just about me being annoyed so badly I get worked up into a panic.

I got into Magic for a while... but everyone I know who plays it tries to be tournament-tier good. Which means it's not really that interesting unless you also have the time and money to sink into that. I'd rather just make decks that don't work but have a bunch of really cool stuff and play for pure enjoyment, if I was gonna play a card game.

>*stares longingly at the donation box*

Yeahhh MTG was the shit. Still got my box o cards.

I feel like dreams are indicative of people's spiritual levels, but it's not like these things can be proven. Have you tried to do lucid dreaming?

A lot of the newer archetypes for the cards feel like that though. People are summoning 5+ times a turn, xyz and/or synchro summoning their favorite monster, etc.. and it's frustrating.

I've given up playing a few years ago when my favorite deck got wiped out consistently by people with the latest cards.

Anyway..do you ever get those dreams where you get to retry it a bunch of different times?

Yeah I hear you. Magic is fucking expensive unless you like playing modern or maybe commander if you want to splurge a little.

I have a box of random ass cards, two standard decks, and one modern deck. Get on my level.

I haven't tried very much. I've accidentally done it a couple of times and it was great, though.

Yes! I actually have a log of one of those dreams. It happened three different times, although one of those times was just a dream about me explaining the dream to somebody and him not being interested. A false awakening sort of thing.

But the dream itself was awesome. It was like Sherlock Holmes in a Lovecraft story.

That sounds like I'd have to drop a few levels

Awesome; I never could pull it off. Sometimes my dreams would practically scream to me this is a dream, and I still just take things as they come.

*sobs at sad Magic collection*

You keep dream logs? See, you and I would get along well then. I do too. That sounds like an awesome telescoping dream..

Anyway I really need some sleep.

Take is easy, Reimu. I guess I'll see you next thread, though you probably won't recognize me. Oh well.