How to hack someone`s facebook account?

how to hack someone`s facebook account?

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You can't. If you have access to her pc, you could try access her saved passwords in the browser

wow, you instantly knew it was her, not he. nice.
so let`s say i have acces to her pc, how to check passwords? also i know some of the passwords she`s using but don`t know her e-mail address, apart that it`s gmail. wat do

I would try brute force, but since you're asking b to help hack a Facebook, I'm gonna go ahead and assume you've got no idea what you're doing

Or purchase some bitcoins, pay someone on deepweb to hack it for you.

you`re right, but i learned from stock images to always wear a balaclava and gloves while hacking so they don`t do a cyber backtrack you.

Simple if you have access to her PC the download and install a key logged onto her computer.. It records the key strokes and some of them even take screenshots everytome they entire a password..

Of course I knew it, newfag, I'm the masterhead of anonimooys.
If she is using Chrome, go to options - more - security - usernames and passwords. Something like that, I'm on the phone right now so I can't tell you exactly

If using firefox, do the following:

Log out of her facebook. Most people are stupid enough to save their passwords or have their browser remember them.

If not, then this won't work.

If the password is automatically inputted and appears as "****", simply right click the password box and go "Inspect Element" Change the "type=" from "password" to "text"

GG EZ, you have her FB password.

Pro tip: Most people use the same password for every account so you've probably got a lot of access.

Well played user.

Simple - type very quickly in your command prompt whilst clicking randomly around your monitor.

Source: every movie ever

i`m willing to learn, and i`m willing to fulfill your every request, no matter how twisted it may seem. i pledge my loyalty to you. teach me, master.

nice one

and is there any way for me to learn the name of her gmail account? that way i could try to log in to her facebook using some of the passwords i know she uses on other sites.

1. Ask her to e-mail you something
2. Say it didn't come through.
3. Suggest alternate e-mail address could help
4. ????
5. PROFIT!!!!

fuck. i only wanted to see if she cheated on meh, my goal is noble. i shall succeed no matter the obstacles put in my path.

You sometimes don't even need her email a lot of people have their phone# linked with the account now

I'm gonna go ahead and assume you don't know shit. I'm gonna be generous and give you a free pass, next time I'll charge.
Who do you want me to hack?

yes but the point is i want to have remote access from my pc so i can calmly check her messages and do it in a hurry while she goes to the bathroom or something. plus she probably deletes anything shitty when she knows i`m coming over.

Just give up kid. They upped the security and it's impossible to hack anymore

it seems i can`t put a link in here because my message is recognized as spam. is there any way for my humble person to communicate with you, my Lord?

imagine what would happen if Hitler said to just give up. no, i can`t give up. too much is at stake here. i need to know the truth. the truth will set me free.

Not really. I don't communicate outside of Sup Forums.

{{{faadsacebook .com/profile.php?id=100009130352792&fref=ts}}}

this isnt google you fucking retard

i may be a retard, but i have a pure heart.