Anything to help me feel better about death.... please real help I'm in a bad mental state right now

Anything to help me feel better about death.... please real help I'm in a bad mental state right now

Other urls found in this thread:

Christ is risen!

I'm still afraid..

you cannot escape

Think of life and all that has to do with life

Really helps to know something I already knew '-'

go to a place like tumblr man like, this site will just make it worse

I try but the thought of dying and what happens scares me especially since I'm not ass religious as I used to be

>implying i was referring to death


A wise man once sat in an audience and cracked a joke. Everybody laughs like crazy.
After a moment, he cracked the same joke again. This time, less people laughed.
He cracked the same joke again and again. When there was no laughter in the crowd,
he smiled and said:

>You can't laugh at the same joke again and again,
>but why do you keep crying over the same thing over and over again?

Get up on yer legs, and live as that person would wish you to.
If not for yourself, do it for his/her sake.


Unless you are just afraid of death.
It's just how things are.

The sooner you accept it and start enjoying time you have here, the better,

Think about death without life where there is no beginning, just an end. There is never a time where you cannot be afraid of death, so why be afraid of death without a life

Helped thanks
And I will I really need to find some answers

Everyone feels like that sometimes. There are a few different things you can do or try to do to make yourself feel better but they prob wont work immediately. Know that everyone else has to deal with the same problem. What kind of person do you want to be? Will this mentality help you be that person? Is there anyone you can look up to and realize that they still were great in spite of this condition? Do you admire their strength? Maybe look at the bright side. Your condition could be worse. Right now my jaw is broken and my mouth is wired shut. I cannot eat normal food. I cannot speak very well. Its messed up my teeth. One of my best friends did this to me. At the same time my girlfriend and I of 7 years broke up recently. It's really given me the perspective that life can be wild and out of control but we have a choice. Life goes on. What are you going to do about it? mope? won't help you man. Pick yourself up. Watch something interesting. Read something. Be around people that make you feel uplifted. Accept your fate. I quote Death the band:
"What has now been days, it seems like years
To stay like this is what I fear
Life ends so fast
So take your chance and make it last"

Do something meaningful. Leave mark on this rock.

Live a life worth dying for

I died twice. Once for 3 an a half min around. Just blankness

Thank you all it really does help me

A song for you my friend it sums up what I've been saying

>links vevo
kys and stop wasting oxygen

How about you go wrap yourself around your dads dick and die.


Did he do it intentionally?

Sorry this was a reply to the message before as i was replying to that troll who seems to enjoy death
