How many games are in your Steam libary Sup Forumsros?

How many games are in your Steam libary Sup Forumsros?



>1, never play it


pathetic, nice pic tho.

72 here

I got 45

my plan is to break 200 by the end of the year, purely because I'm that pathetic.


where do i see acc networth ?

243, thanks to Humble Bundle and a great Girlfriend.

what's the game?

I'm sitting at 336, over the course of like 7 years.

congrats having a messy pile of trash that you will never play.

Everytime I purchased a HB I removed all the games I wouldn't play.


Steam calculator scrub


Pffft yall need to step up your game.
(pun intended)

I'm quite cost efficient.



More pics please


6 perfected games with all achivement and 61% avg. game completion rate.

I wasted a lot more time playing Blizzard games like Warcraft/WoW series and Diablo series.

>see average playtime
oh am laffin

You're much better than the previous one, gz

3 games not played is Dota 2 Test (not sure why I have this), Fractured Space which I got for free and Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

Yo I have games I've played for 900 hours, but some that have >1 minute bring down the average

154. Most played TF2

you guys are cute