What are the unique albums of the 2010s?

What are the unique albums of the 2010s?

I don't care what genre, or if they even have a genre. Just unique, innovative, one of a kind albums from the past 6 years.

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andy scott - luxury problems

this, replica and garden of delete


Unless its the very first of their respective genre, its not unique.


There's nothing like it


>not rp boo
top wew lad
rashad is garbo in comparison


Are you guys honestly claiming either of those guys make unique music? As someone from Chicago... what the fuck are you guys on about?

I take it your scope of music listening is very limited.

they're drones who know nothing of dance music outside of trendy publications most likely

I would love to learn about dance music from you though.

What are your top 5+ dance albums from the past 6 years?




lol gr8 b8 m8 I r8

Nice question dodge. I bet you're the type of fag who calls them "plates" and looks down on people who don't. I know your type.

Contra by Vampire Weekend. Still holds up desu

Dance music isn't an album genre you nonce


That wasn't even me but yeah I'm not interested in spoonfeeding folks and I don't construct arbitrary lists.

>Human Story 3

B-but user, that's just a rerelease of Far Side Virtual

There are a few unique albums on that chart though

not in the 2010s i know but rp boo literally invented a genre

Wouldn't really call all of those unique, although I still like some.

Nah, HS3 is far more related to modern classical than FSV


where's the redeemer or black metal
where's the ark work?
where's sd laika?

kill yourself p4k fag

>modern classical

All shit apart from Black Metal

how can you imply that Benji belongs there and then call me a P4K fag in the same post? Benji is P4K-core.

This is definitely still funny

I'd say TPTB is pretty unique, not even that big a fan of death grips anymore.

Also Cosmogramma was unique on its release, but not anymore

>generic indieshit

Absurd Light, boii


same with mutant

this is just outsider house

This and any of lil bs mixtapes. Particular fond of 05 fuck em, evil red flame, and gods father.
The 10s is one of my favorites decade in music


I'm in love