ITT: Someone fucking explain to me why depressed retards and edgy losers cut...

ITT: Someone fucking explain to me why depressed retards and edgy losers cut, my girlfriend used to cut and we joke about it sometimes but she refuses to tell me why exactly why she did it back then. Its always boggled my fucking mind. Every time I think about cutting myself with a razer I cringe royally.

eat a dick

This. Suck a nigger dick OP.

>just purely insulting me without reasoning

kek found the edgy losers, but you know you could sway my mind by giving me some reason. All this tells me is

>no one understand me!

Kill yourselves

Attention-seeking, basically.

They enjoy making their friends and family worry about them, because it makes them feel important. They couldn't give a shit about the angst they cause for everybody else.

It's the same for all self-harmers. Selfish, despicable cunts, the lot of them.

A lot, yeah, but far from all. What about the ones who try to hide it from both family and friends?

Pain releases endorphins and seeing ones own blood produces a similar effect.

I used to cut, it started because I hated myself and dealt with a lot shit at the time. Thing is, the adrenaline rush and the feeling you get from bleeding a lot is surprisingly addictive. You never become free from that shit either. Whenever angst rears it's ugly head your thoughts will go to the blade, immediately and invariably.
It's summer now and I never leave the house without long sleeve shirts and I never take them off in front of people, aside from a small, select, group of friends. I hate the attention it brings, because it's not good attention and it's uncomfortable as fuck.

They're just working up to the big moment when they're "discovered". After all, it will cause more shock and alarm if they've been self-harming for a while, rather than if they've just started.

A forearm that looks like a chopping board has much more visual impact than just a few cuts here and there. It's guaranteed to throw the cutter into the spotlight.

>it started because I hated myself and dealt with a lot shit at the time.
And wanted sympathy and attention to compensate, amirite?

>the adrenaline rush and the feeling you get from bleeding a lot is surprisingly addictive
As opposed to the adrenaline rush you get from, say, skateboarding? There are a million ways for adrenaline junkies to get high, so why cut?

>I never leave the house without long sleeve shirts and I never take them off in front of people, aside from a small, select, group of friends. I hate the attention it brings
Because they're the ones who react sympathetically, while others are more likely to judge you impartially. You can only manipulate people who care about you.

>they're the ones
By which I mean your friends.

Maybe they choose to get their adrenaline that way, because it's like "taboo" and "dangerous" ya'know you like it cause it's wrong kinda thing.

Pretty cynical cunt, aren't you? Start cutting yourself everytime shit goes wrong, and you'll see that soon enough you can't stop.

Also dismissing shit like this on the basis of it being just "attention seeking" is fucking stupid. Of course it's a fucking cry for help you dumb piece of shit.

>wanted sympathy and and attention to compensate
No, I wanted to punish myself. Did you miss the part where I said I fucking hated myself?

Not nearly the same thing, skateboarding doesn't have the punishment factor nor the blood loss factor, unless you fuck up. See why one would choose a razor instead of actively trying to fuck up while skateboarding?

I didn't manipulate anyone. A lot of them have struggled with self harm just as I have and they like me, so they're sympathetic. This isn't hard to understand. Also, most people react uncomfortably, but ultimately sympathetically to self harm, thing is, I don't want their fucking sympathy. Neither do I want yours.

>emo in denial

I know the likes of you. Fucking trash of the finest kind.

I detect a certain irritation in your post. It's almost like I touched a nerve or something ...

>Pretty cynical cunt, aren't you?
No, just had some experience with people like you.

>Also dismissing shit like this on the basis of it being just "attention seeking" is fucking stupid. Of course it's a fucking cry for help you dumb piece of shit.
So you're calling me stupid and then agreeing with me. Got it.

>I don't want their fucking sympathy. Neither do I want yours.
Happy to oblige. Zero fucks given.

Neat argument. I'm not denying this is a cultural trend and doing it is fucking retarded, but denying that even some people who do it have a legitimate problem and aren't just trying to get attention and sympathy is fucking retarded.

Welcome to todays episode of Sup Forums has no knowledge on anything but has an opinion about everything

Oh, and another thing ...

>Of course it's a fucking cry for help

No, a cry for help is "Help!" It's something anyone is entitled to ask their friends and family for, openly and honestly. So why not do that instead?

Cutting is different. It's a cynical, deliberate attempt to cause alarm and concern among people who care about you. That's why it's so fucking despicable.

Far from the truth
This is only your opinion which is based on the idea that mental issues are not real problems
If you search read into self harm for like 10 minutes you will see how wrong you are

Gee mister, did you figure that out all by yourself? That you insulting me and some of the people I care most about in the world would strike a nerve? Fucking hell, nice work.

>People like me
Whatever you say mate, keep generalizing.

>Calling me stupid and then agreeing with me
Misunderstanding, I said cry for help. Not the kind of attention you're talking about. Retard.

Presuming it's specific purpose invariably is to cause alarm and concern is despicable. Again, I know people do that, I'm just saying it's not universal.

Impressively hysterical post. Your mental profile certainly fits the picture.

>Again, I know people do that, I'm just saying it's not universal.
Got it. Other people are manipulators, but your motives are pure ...

This. Just read the wikipedia article on self harm and stop basing everything on what you've personally deemed to be true.

I'm pretty sure you're just fucking around at this point.

So, OP, you satisfied yet?