Porn is a a both a major cause and sympthom of western society's decline...

porn is a a both a major cause and sympthom of western society's decline, and is a large contributor to american and western european men's recent emasculation by dropping both testosterone rates and confidence

all porn stars are disgusting, degenerate abominations that actively bring about the crumbling of the family cell and the whorish, decadent and exhibitionist contemporary culture of teenagers

Eh, okay?

Also Trump's not going to really improve shit, he should be elected simply to keep the cunt and the cuckold out of office.

dragon ball gt is good


Stealing this from someone else: OP might not be a faggot.


I legitimately think people who post their cuts on tumblr should
>set up web camera
>kill themselves

Sup Forums was never good


Denver dubs of truth

I disagree. Porn is a symptom.

There's nothing bad about porn innately, only in its overuse and as an avenue for escapism.

Feminist extremism has made women toxic and interaction with them a major risk and a major drag. They've turned relationships into a soulless business contract, money for sex, with a sword of damocles cosntantly hanging over the man. But men still have need of an outlet, with real women off the table, pics and vids become the outlet.

Fix women, not porn.

Nagisa man, just re did her route for the hell of it.

I believe in love, hope and forgiveness and that humanity could advance in much larger steps, if we would all just worked together for something greater that us.

German and french Organ music is fucking great!

Stupid people shouldn't be allowed to vote. Everyone under IQ of 100 is excluded, and everyone under 110 has to do a test.

I know the last part isn't practicable, but it would be good.

Believe the same thing. Have an interview as a tutor today and going to try to squeeze that in somewhere without preaching.

I think people can use many drugs in a beneficial manner.

Porn results in a lower birthrate, which is a good thing. Too many people on this planet.

What about gay porn, nigga?

I think that anyone who scores under 110 may not live in a certain area and anyone who scores under 100 may not breed. This makes areas full of people who actually help society, and forces the race to start breeding for intelligence. The test is taken at 18 to leave and whatever age to breed. Those who fail go to some shithole in another country [read Africa] and we stop aiding and contacting them.

Same. Not preaching, but teaching is hard. Especially when you know, that you yourself are not perfect. I even agree to your unpopular drug opinion. Keep it up Bro!

thinking of suicide... there should be an international day of suicide. all people who wants to die will wait for this day and die together(not necessarily in same place, but in same day).

i propose a day from cold season, 28 december, cuz you know, suicide rate goes higher in winter. also if percipient feels lonely in christmas time it will help they to take action. if they have a good time in xmas they will die happily or not at all.
but winter comes in opposite time in different part of the world. help me decide.

only problem.... iq test isnt fault proof. sometimes it cant detect many kind of intellegence. and sometimes stupid faggot good for nothings get high score.

Everyone dies alone, pussy.

We're all a "fuckin degenerate"

cannabis prohibition is the single greatest delayer & inhibitor to society

While porn is gross and degenerate, thinking it's the cause of all things bad because you believe it ended your sexist right wing 50s fan fiction view of history is garden variety bullshit.

If anything, the root problem is treating people like livestock which is the foundation on which virtually all western notions of family are built.

Porn is a symptom, not a cause.

Go back to church. Your bake sales and altar boys await.

There should be mandatory IQ tests that maps a persons progression into adulthood and those deemed subpar should be chemically castrated.

The major part of the degenerate abominations in our daily life are fucking clinically retarded and should not be allowed to make offspring.

Superiority complex. KYS

Im the first guy, but there aren't multiple kinds of intelligence. Intelligence is a mixed variable from logic thinking, problem solving, visual thinking and other stuff.

IQ is widely accepted BECAUSE it checks exactly those parameters.

Also who cares if there are some faults. Hey this is an unpop opinion thread. Sure there will be some mistakes, but hell, let's say after living 5 years in africa you can retake the test.


girlfriend wont let you jack off to porn

boyfriend does not give a shit

fix women not porn

my unpopular opinion is that everyone should die but for me and cara delevigne and a fuck load of food, drinks and drugs

senicide is the most effective solution

Hitler did some things wrong

>not realising its bait when iberia pulls an opt out and swede be like
>jus' chillin'

>sword of damocles
My nigger, right here.

That would be true for adults, but teenagers and young people will tell you a different story. They are searching for a (sexual) identity and porn is a big factor because it's their first contact with sex.
They don't play the roles you described, they are in development.
Being constantly bombarded with sexual imagery and porn isn't really healthy for someone in that stage.
Also, get over yourself man, there are enough sluts who genuinly want the cock and just the cock. You act as though our society is infested with feminism when in reality its just a vocal minority and a trend.

I stopped watching porn and masturbating to increase testosterone in my body. Needless to say women picked up on it.

Porn like drugs should be consumed in moderation. Unfortunately too many dependant fucks get addicted to the shit.

He meant emotional intelligence you fucking sperglord. People with greater emotional intelligence are ironically usually needed for interpersonal work place relationships to function qt maximum efficiency, and that's because ass burgers like yourself don't know how to get along and you need handlers to keep functionality. Your response is proof enough.

everyone likes the smell of their own shit kid

>pic related is super gay
>Drake is overrated, his songs are horrible
>k-pop is retard, worst than rap
>Scarlet Johanson is average, they use body stunts in most of her sexy scenes

I'd vote for your opinion, good user

I'm the kid but I'm the explaining how you're being told what to do by people who usually have their success dictated by a trait that has nothing to do with IQ. You're a fucking idiot. Get used to being foothold faggot.

OP is a Faggot.

Porn is a workers rights issue and has nothing to do with feminism

Emotional intelligence :D harhar.

So we should make a test where we talk to each other and see how it goes and then tell each other how much we love each other?

Jesus what a bunch of hippy bullshit. Emotional intelligence my ass.

Like 90% of intelligent people are also emotional stable and can work together without problems. The 10% shitheads who need handlers are still intelligent, just maybe not teamplayers. Who gives a fuck. Then let em work solo, a lot people achieve a shitton that way too.

Emotional intelligence xD that's something some shrinks and hippies invented to make people feel special and needed although hard facts tell them they are just average or below average.

There might be prople mote empathic than others, but that doesn't make em intelligent.

Also there are some natural born leaders, but if they are dumb as fuck they shouldn't lead anyway.

>blacks and those from the middle east are not people, they are completely different species from humans that are lesser evolved
>social media is probably one of the worst things to ever happen to humanity
>drug should all be legal
>it should be perfectly fine to settle arguments with fights or duels
>when you stop being useful to society then you should stop being paid for by society, the idea that every life is precious and people need to live for as long as possible is retarded
>coffee is better than tea

female underwear is more comfortable, more stylish, and is in general better than male underwear in every way. male underwear should stop being a thing an we should all just wear panties


These are mostly popular opinions on Sup Forums

There are very very few successful dumb people. Especially in companies or other institutions. You won't become manager of apple while having an IQ of 100.

There are some lucky ones in specific jobs that don't rely on intelligence but more on luck or one successful idea. Like some startup people. Having one good idea in your life doesnt make you intelligent.

that's opinion is actually quite popular among religious people and other retards

1. porn is worldwide
2. testosterone doesn't work this way. But to be fair watching too much pornography can make it hard for you to achieve arousal with the real woman (but the same effect can be achieved without pornography)
3 porn exists for a long time. When do you thing emasculasation started and how do you define it.

you're not wrong OP
But id still fuck the shit of a pornstar (i-if i h-had the guts of course)

Don't put the blame on women, put the blame on men for being feminized over the last years. Seriously, we have fucking MEN nitpicking about their looks nowadays and those same men chase after WOMEN when it should be the opposite. I was arguing with some Sup Forumstard that thought that looks were everything and I thought to myself "what a shame that the male image is slowly dying"

This is the reason why there are so many trap threads on Sup Forums


>the internet is the cause of western society's decline

>sex is oferrated
>being single is shit
>fucking one night stands is not so cool
>western civilization is shit
I was way happier being in love in my old country and living comfy life even without future than I am now, living in western country, having all kind of world restaurants, all kind of chicks to fuck and more money. I wish I never met the girl I fell in love here, and never had my heart broken. Fuck pride.
>pride is overrated

I can see that your emotional intelligence is very high because you're so good at discussing :D

Jesus my sides are in orbit atm.

Wasn't saying dumb people are running shit. I was stating that raw intelligence alone does not equal success or even functionality. You could be the smartest man alive but without the ability to connect or network with others its meaningless.

> :D

Kill yourself

You're having a discussion with the wrong person you dildo. Emotional intelligence as I explain would be a layman's term for interpersonal or human networking skills.
For example, Walt Disney wasn't a particularly brilliant guy, and he wasn't a gifted artist either. Hell he even got kicked out of Neslon Atkin, but he did know that if he surrounded himself with artists, technical help, and business personnel he could build something.

Seconded, take your emoticons back to where you found them you twelve year old candy ass roodypoo mother fucker.

Actually, to score high you need to a) actually be intelligent b) pure godly luck.

Now the thing is, intelligent people won't score low, but maybe a couple speglords guess them right and get high scores. That doesn't really matter anyway as everyone who is above needed intelligence passes anyway.

A train always has freeriders. But you don't get thrown out because you had a ticket.

No welfare, if the parasite can find some nuance to survive by itself, good for it. The free market is the perfect example of natural selection. Adversity is a precursor to evolution and all that jazz.

No laws, being strong is just as much an evolutionary advantage as being able to use free markets. We could actually argue that with no laws we would be even more of a perfect example of natural selection. Adversity is a precursor to evolution and all that jazz. If I can punch you to death then you are weak and your genes were meant to be inferior.

Yes, IF you could punch me to death, but I'd like to see someone try. The fact that I take these tenets seriously, and that I'm always armed would stop you though.

>If you are convicted of 3 serious crimes you should be executed. You are a burden society doesnt need.
>women shouldnt be allowed to work/in the military/to vote and are currently ruining the country
>if you didnt have a 3.0 gpa in highschool you dont go to college


People with an IQ of 110 are pretty retarded though... Just sayin'

I think everyone should be allowed to vote, but all should have to pass a test showing you understand the candidates, their positions on the issues, as well as the issue itself.

That may be OK for you, but my anatomy requires more space than female underwear can provide.

Hitler didn do nuffin

Ive been meaning to play it, but I read that it takes forever and a half to do everything.

I enjoyed Heroes of Might and Magic 4

>Prank Channels are the new gold of youtube

Retards shouldn't be allowed to live or breed

Hmmm you have a good point, I could support this

Do you sriously think male viewers of lesbian porn never imagine themselves shagging 2 or more girls at once?

You're right go kys for the good of humanity

Good boy points will never be used as legal tender

do facts count as opinions now?

A major problem in our world today is everyone is afraid to tell someone they are fundamentally wrong. I.e. traps. Every one is told they are the best at whatever it is they are doing even if they are clearly the worst.