Trips decides

Trips decides

push slowly through your own eyeball cunt

Give treat then kys

rolling. also, record it


Give him a hotdog and love him forever

screwdriver into your urethra




Rolling for hot dog

Cook the dog a nice cheeseburger to eat and then stab yourself through the testicles to make sure you never breed. Post pic of kebabbed sack with tinestamp for proof.


Chisel out your own teeth with it

Roll for pet dog and give him cheeseburger

Rip doggo

Sup Forums went soft KILL THAT NIGGER OP

pet it and love it, and then kys

I'll roll for this

Running out of time

If trips you have to stab yourself with a screwdriver too, edgelord


It's cuz you chose trips fag

Slam your face on the pavement until an hero

pet dogger, stab ur balls


Get him a check up at the vet and then take him to the dog park. After that get some delicious but healthy dog treats and a quality but modestly priced toy or two.

Trips get.

Give dogger a tennis ball

Shove screwdriver up your ass, post pics





rolling trips for castrate your dog. if already did,op take a vasectomy

555 get

stab yourself in the dick


peanut butter on your balls

So many moralfags. Break its jaw

Sup Forums has never been needlessly cruel to dogs or cats nigger, buy that fucker a sammich and rub his belly.

tweet allah akbar



Shove screwdriver in ur penis and post pics

screwdriver in your anus and lick it


>post pics

Edgelord detected

put it in your pooper


Make sure it doesn't have xylitol, it's a sweetener thats poisonous to dogs


Rollin minus the living part I want you to kys

go out and get a new toy for it

if trips
be a faggot and abandon thread

If it's a boy, suck his dick. If it's a girl, impregnate her.


Op should an hero


Change its name to Xenophon and love it for the rest of its life.

Scratch the pups ears and rub belly

kill it



Drink molten lead you degenerate

give dog hotdog pls

Shove up own ass


so fucking close

Oh shit nigga

Stab yourself in the skull with the phillips screwdriver.

Trips get

Stab your own leg
>inb4 this is bait

screw it up your peehole. timestamp pictures

Stab yourself in the stomache with the screwdriver so your acid eats your organs

Ask your mom for your allowance and use it to buy a box of milkbones you underage faggot. Quit trying to be edgy, we'll treat you shitty either way.

If dubs, you post your location and name

Kill yourself with it

Rolling for hot dog

Fuck one off


>So close


enjoy your last days as a free man.

also prepare to pick up many soaps in jail fgt


Stick it up your ass

give doggo food

This isn't a fur thread faggot

kill yourself op

trips here - i want you to suck your dog off and feed it doggy bacon for the rest of it's life

Screwdriver in dog's pooper


push the screwdriver into your own head, and livestream it

Shove your dick up its ass while you ram the screwdriver in its neck. then hop around while singing chocolate rain

Rolling for this.

Top kek

If trips dog gets to

Let him lick peanut butter off your anus


Suck it off till it comes on you than stab yourself with the screwdriver



Rape yourself to death with scredriver