Describe how you felt getting dubs for the first time

Describe how you felt getting dubs for the first time


"huh. that's neat."

i felt happines

I get them too often. Feel nothing now


such a new fag i did not even know what they were

Wouldn't know, never had dubs


I actually got trips before dubs. So I ran before I walked.


Got Quints once, and Satan trips on a post relevant to Satan. Felt awesome

Kek well played

'Aw, cool'. Some guy checked them. Now its just meh since people don't do that anymore.


i doubt i even noticed


I was like meh

I never had the pleasure of getting them

i was probably too new to even know what dubs were

Dude, I got a quads and 3 trips just today, so you know...

4 trips


Dumbass can't even count


Told ya, anons, happens all the time

dude sawww

My first dubs were trips back when dubs were disabled except for 00, so I felt like a pimp.

I hate dubs

i have never rolled dubs ever

why hate these?

I mean it's cool if you have nothing good in your life, so it's not really interesting

I felt like I had been on this site way too fucking long.

sorry kid. this is how you do it
