Airsoft daily carry thread go!

Airsoft daily carry thread go!

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eww the famas, use an ak m8

I would play airsoft if it wasn't so damn expensive

Airsoft is for fucking pussies

i started on airsoft when i was a kid, now i own real guns. once you get old enough to buy real guns you should put aside the toys.

or not, i dont care. you do you and i'll do me. I still play puzzlequest on my psp.

airsoft is for faggots, also OP is a faggot

enjoy your children's pretend game

Paintball can be more expensive, to play airsoft all you need is 1 gun and some bb's. As for clothing just go to goodwill and buy a cheap heavy jacket.

But shooting people with real guns will throw me in jail.

Where I live you need faceplates and such as well. I don't play paintball either but the helmets can get pretty up there. Also the closest arena near me is like an hour and a half away

Says the one who probably plays cod.

I own real guns but airsoft is still fun
Like a cheaper version of paintball

why? are you black?

just don't get caught. rule of thumb is "Everything is legal as long as there are no living witnesses"

Airsoft Is cheaper in the short term

If i get fit as fuck and my aim is godlike, can i play w/ only pistols versus rifle fags in Airsoft?
i always wanted to pwn others with pistols only. fuck yeah!

The rules in airsoft for pistols is 300 fps and under. So don't expect to outrage in outdoor fields. But in indoor fields you will have the upper hand with mobility.

Nigger, I have morals.

yeah i get you
last thanksgiving i had an airsoft battle with my young cousins and it was quite fun, but once the others adults finished eating we went and did some real shooting.
it is more fun to shoot at people who shoot back in a completely non-lethal game though. i do think that some people get a little too far into it though. like when they kit themselves out in fake military gear and make up callsigns and shit. all that poser shit annoys me. especially when most of them claim to be current or future military but its all bullshit.

playing COD on a pc or console is probably still better than dressing up and playing make-believe war in your dad's backyard.

What makes paintball cheaper long term
Enlighten me user

that sounds like a personal problem. have you tried leaving them at home when you go out for the day? maybe you could just shut them in your bedroom with some food and water and maybe a chew toy or something. have a friend stop by and let them out to piss/shit if you need to. you dont want to neglect your morals, but you don't need to take them everywhere like one of those skanks that keep her tiny dog in her purse whenever she leaves the house.


That's the fun of airsoft, you can dress and play how you want. It's like modern larp to some extent.

When you where a kid, you would take sticks from trees and play war with your friends.

laundry for one

Yeah, it's better to either kill people or go to war!
Fucking retarded mongoloids
Airsoft is for people who simply enjoy the fun of armed combat without dying or killing each other

yeah im not really a fan of larping. it just feels silly to me. it was the same feeling i got in elementary school when they made us do class plays. i feel like im making a spectacle of myself.

With airsoft you make an big or small investment once, and pay like 15 bucks for 5000 rounds that would last you like 3 days of careful play.


i think "armed combat" might be a bit of an exaggeration

its a facsimile of war, no doubt, but c'mon. its just kids playing a game centered around projecting tiny plastic pellets at each other.

They're trying to hard to be Tacticool
When I play jeans and a sweatshirt and a paintball mask
I do love using some camo though, then use the goggle straps and holes on my mask for leaves and saplings so I can be "stealthy"

"Airsoft is for people who simply enjoy the fun of armed combat without dying or killing each other" KEK ahahahahahahahahaahhaha

Everyone has their taste and own opinions, what you like is what you like man.

rules change from place to place you dumb nigger

OP what made you choose airsoft over paintball? Isn't paintball more popular and has a bigger community to be a part of?

It's basicallly a simulation
The fun is in shooting people who shoot back and shit
It's like war but without sandniggers and death

It's a common rule dumbass.

yeah i get you, be yourself and never apologize for it.

So sitting on your couch and playing make believe war is better

I like airsoft for the cosmetic factor, as well as being easier to clean my clothes.

>I'm being a newfag and nobody can stop me!

>uses " "

Sure is summer in here.

Unless the other team are dressed like Sand niggers.

The AK sucks. Use an M4 or M16 as a base platform and then mod it to death

yeah but war wasn't fun, and airsoft can't really simulate the stress and sheer mad-dash panic that hits you when live fire comes your way. i get what you're saying though, its the safest form of "war" you can engage in that still requires physical activity. its like you're playing a video game but in the real world.

i go to that i have two big black guy fuck me i the ass and choke me

M8 you can shoot the ak while the hand guard is burning.

just admit that you die inside a bit every time you dress up and go outside

where? pistols where i play are subject to the same fps limit as rifles. 1.67 joules.

why would a pistol have rules for lower fps?

in the airsoft world or the real world? because in the real world i would beg to differ.

AKs rape cover and chow down and dirt and sand like its fucking delicious.

>it is illegal to have sex with that girl
>it is illegal to look at her naked
>it is illegal to take pictures of her
>society thinks wanting to do those things is disgusting

what the fuck.

in airsoft the ak uses a version 3 gearbox where an ar platform uses the version 2. version 3 is better because of the motor cage is integrated into the gearbox and the hop-up is more stable.

not that anyone in this thread gives a shit

Gas Blowback pistols can reach really high, almost dangerous, FPS's. They don't make Gas Blowback rifles.

And that is the appeal of it
The feeling of combat without the stress and fearing for your life.
Most people who play airsoft probably played fps games in the past

It's not like war
You're forgetting
Extreme stress
Not being able to call it quits
Being able to just get some food
Referees (possibly)
No extensive training
>airsoft is like war
That's like saying touch football is like the NFL

there's literally pages of them for sale. are you retarded?

/k/ here

you're dumb.

The feeling of INFANTRY war
The day they make airsoft jets it's gonna be the shit tho
Infantry and military aircraft are my fucking favourite things

this is my girlfriend and she is nineteen

he said it's a simulation

>implying that it doesnt simulate small arms handling
>implying it doesnt simulate communication and tactics
>implying anyone is going to change their opinion in this thread

No, I have a great time spending time with people IN REAL LIFE


FAMAS !! this is a real Gun !

Don't be nignorant

I was talking about Airsoft here.
Again, Airsoft. In the Real world the Ak is Superior to the M4 and M16 i know that
Thats why is said mod it to death. I knwo its a pain in the ass to change the Gearbox but for me it was worth it. Not the biggest fan of DMRs but my M16/DMR is godly in the right hands
They do. My L96 is CO2-powered. Has almost 6J tho

/k/ here too, I know what im jabbering about. Carried an M4, owned a Colt 6920, now own a Draco "not-sbr" and find it to be superior in most respects. Have also owned 2 WASRs, an NPAP, and a VZ2008 before as well. 7.62x39 has proven its worth to me.

its ok user im scared to interact with people outside of the internet too

dont listen to this nigger you can use this gun and snipe people from 200 ft away silently. just gotta add a mod called an "r-hop" or "flat-hop". google it nigga.

Do you sometimes prerend you're actual military?

Like, just before you go to sleep at night? Or when looking in the mirror when you dress up?

Do you sometimes see actual soldiers and go 'They're like collegues, and I would probably be a better soldier myself if I actually were one'

I figure you do these things.


you're either the shittiest troll or delusional

I don't even do airsoft currently.
If i do airsoft, i just need the armor and guns
All the tacticool attachments, gadgets and military bullshit is unnecessary imo

i tend to think all airsofters and roughly 1/3 of all COD players are like this. though, in reality i think it would be the ARMA players who really get into the pretending.

the vast majority of posts you linked aren't engaged in any form of "argument".

It is. But again the dressing up is more of a LARP thing than being all tacticool.

No I don't, I think
wow this sure is a fun GAME that I'm playing with people in real life instead of on a tv screen

FA-MAS riffles are really an awful choice m8


feeding h8terz

Id say you're autistic or childish, but I'm not feeling it RN.

Buy some actual firearms, they're fun as fuck for target shooting, can hunt with them, and defend your home or whatever.

Also make a pretty damn good investment so long as it's well taken care of, since current political atmosphere will only bring up their prices, what with this being an election year and all.

feeding h8terz

My nigger.

When I was 7 or 8 I got into nerf, BB guns at 12 and got my .22 when I was 14.

Fuck I love life.



note that he's wearing a fucking call of duty mask

my nigga

Pretty sure that picture was for breast cancer awareness way back when. Like how football players (at least they used to) wear pink gloves and possibly pants. They're both games so what's the problem?


The infantry has to worry about jets bombing their position
Do u even air support bro


Fucking real tree faggot.

This is where all the neckbeards divide into 2 groups, Anime fags and Airsoft fags.