My gf is pregnant

My gf is pregnant.
I didn't want to keep it but I'm too scared to lose her.
She had a baby shower and I had to bring tea and shit and her friends kept making shit comments like 'you better be a good dad or Ill fucking kill you'. I was too much of a wuss to respond so I just kept doing what I was asked.
Then one of those horrible women came with this diaper mickey mouse abomanation
That is when I realised I can't go through with this. This was my limit
What do I do to get out of this situation?? Do I have to pay child support? Should I talk her out of having the kid??

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That is something you needed to talk about like when you guys first found out, at this point its too late, she's gonna go through with it and if you don't want too then the only thing you can do is leave and move on and hope she doesn't get you for child support.

Can I feed her some shit taht will kill the baby??
Too scared to talk to her

Holy fucking shit. That diapers.
I also think at this point it's too late to talk her out. Babyfever's got her.

This. Dude if you arent enjoying it now you arent going to enjoy it when the child comes out. Scurr

Don't try shit like this. Most likely you'll end up in jail.

Be a dad, turd.

There must be a safe strat
like that shit they use i breaking bad

I don't see what's wrong with that mickey mouse. Sure, feminine as fuck but it's a baby shower, whaddya expect?

But yea, try to get away if you really don't like it. Most likely you'll have to pay child support which sucks but that's just the current system.

If you don't have financial problems though and you love your girlfriend I'd say stay with them. Almost any dad is better than no dad. Have you seen the statistics of single moms?

Your probably 14 so it's natural to not want the responsibility of a child. My wife and I had our son 2 months ago and I wouldn't change it for the world. I wish I would of had him a little younger. We are both 30. I feel like 25 would have been a good age but we were too busy being drunks then.

OP man the fuck up and take responsibility for your actions. Quit being a cunt and be a father.

You won'e be able to talk her out of it.

You know how babies are made and methods to prevent it. Deal with the consequences of your decisions.

Car crash

just punch her in the face

act like an adult.
either talk to her or stay.

I assume you're White.

Keep the kid.

I think the answer is pretty obvious. You should kill yourself.

I mean, you are thinking about killing your unborn baby. You're clearly a piece of shit, a pussy too.

Just falcon punch her in the cunt.

>I wish I would of had him a little younger
Why's that? Are you losing your energy or something?

I wanna have kids as soon as possible but until the house and everything is down and we are financially stable it could be a bit..


Kick her down the stairs by "accident", look into stuff you could put in a drink to cause an abortion etc.

Don't bring an unwanted child into the world along with ruining your life.

Kill it with fire if necessary, including putting a pillow over the babies head if it comes to that and feigning innocence put it down to a cot death.

Sounds like you're fucked.

are you black? if just run. if not go to the 7/11 for a pack of smokes

She lassoed you with her Fallopian tubes. I hope she's at least kind of hot. Otherwise this wouldn't make the slightest sense.

Gravity is a law of nature. If you jumped off a cliff, you wouldn't be shocked when you fell to your death.

It's the same with fucking. Fuckings fundamental purpose is to create life. That's the main reason for it.

Apparently that's been lost on some people after decades of hookup culture. Especially women. After all, they're the gatekeepers.

Enjoy being a resource robot, working and spending and working and spending and working and spending, not enjoying a god damn moment of it.

A woman and kid are basically money black holes. I'm not talking shit or saying they're bad people for that, that's just a literal fact.

A man without kids or a wife can live well on just 15% to 20% of the work that a married man has to do to keep up.

>man up

i.e "pay up and shut up". :^)

I've got 3 kids , you'll be fine.
What are you so scared of?
Man up

>he's against abortion

Stef is that you?

Getting a little edgy there huh?

>Have you seen the statistics of single moms?
Those cunts don't know when to abort goddamnit

As a 25 year old who has been through this twice, you need to convince her to get an abortion. If she's had a baby shower it's virtually too late to have an abortion including convincing time. You can't pre abuse a child. If you guys aren't in emotional or a financial position to have this child, you cannot and should not. You don't love this woman and you're too young. Please grow some balls and do the right thing. Life should be about figuring who you are not sticking with the first girl you knock up like a dumbass, or sticking with the minimum wage job you need to keep child support payments. Please man. Do the right thing.

>implying married people/people with children aren't far happier

Stef who?

Its not like that. I just dont like these stupid niggers that want to finish their sons without their mothers permission. Fucking fags.

Also prolife.

Yes MARRIED. Not kids who knock up some girl they've been fucking for months.
No one making minimum wage with a girlfriend and kid are happy. It's just not enough money for a family.

ANy ideas
I mean it's better for everyone if this child isn't born. She is mentally instable
>abortion is murder
some sperm grown out of proportion isn't a kid

You'll probably just end up with a retarded baby. You waited to long. There isn't really any easy way out. Find your testicles and then tell her how you feel. You'll probably have to leave her.

Stefan Molyneux.

Your post sounds almost like a verbatim quote.

yeah you're pretty much right
I hate work and if this bitch wants to steal my free time to work for this kid my life will be ruined

You fucked up. Your options are as follows:

- Stay with her, Keep the kid, Be a father
- Stay with her, Persuade her to get rid of the kid
- Stay with her, Become abusive and punch her in the belly until a miscarriage happens
- Stay with her, Be sneaky and roofie her with a plan B pill (even if she's a few months in a Plan B pill should force a miscarriage)
- Leave her, Pay Alimony/Child Support for the rest of forever and be completely destroyed by the legal system
- Leave her AFTER forcing a miscarriage/abortion
- Kill her. Murder is always an option.

Hope this helps OP. If it was me I'd try the sneaky Plan B pill route and if that failed for whatever reason then murder. There's plenty of guides and as long as everyone thinks you're too much of a pussy then the cops won't even suspect you. Just cry like a bitch when the cops question you and swear up and down that you just wanted to be a father and a good husband. The police are so overworked that you'll probably slide away scott free.

OP here
how am I the one to convince her. don't I have the right to decide??
I need meninism

Did you plan to have the kids or just made some mistakes and stuck with them?

>implying causation
They could have been happier people in the first place

>- Stay with her, Be sneaky and roofie her with a plan B pill (even if she's a few months in a Plan B pill should force a miscarriage)

Still seems like the best idea imo
I don't really want her to die too

Just leave, then maybe your child will be as big a faggot as you, OP

This. Fellow thirtysomethingfag here with 2-week-old. Agree on all points. Being a dad is the greatest feeling in the world. As long as you're not a bitter piece of shit, you'll love it. Fucking enjoy it, OP.

Can't tell if you're a young edgelord or you just burned really fucking bad.

Dad here. 3 kids, same woman. I went through the same shit with my first born. Scared as hell. Called mom. Tell her I can't do this!!! Mom says. In her own words, man up. He's now 14. Just graduated and going to high school. A and B student. Love him and I'm proud of him.

>Being a dad is the greatest feeling in the world
I don't get this. why to people keep pretending they are happy with a shit load of extra work and waste of money

>have more sex

With one woman. And quantity=/=quality.

>make more money

True, but where does it go? Right into the house, cars, pussy and kids.

Also opportunity cost.

Fix the legal system to dis-incentivize divorce for women, and you'll thereby incentivize marriage for men.

You've got billions of dollars and millions of cunts against you though. Good luck :^)

I heard him on the Joe Rogan Experience twice, maybe it was a subconscious quote.

He seemed kind of pretentious, but made good points. I remember he tried telling Joe that 70% of divorces are initiated by women, and Joe, being the closet feminist he is, told him that it must be because 70% of husbands are lazy wife beating pieces of shit.

Then he sold him out to white knight for Ana Kasparian.

But that's all I've heard of him. I guess I'll check him out.

Use protection next time.

Maybe because we're not pretending at all. I don't work any more than I already did, and I'm 100 times more fulfilled as a human having her in my life. Unless you're a completely uninspired piece of shit, the joy a child adds to your life enormously outweighs whatever sacrifices you may (or may not) make.

Who has a baby shower that early in the pregnancy?

Can't tell if you're still in the honeymoon phase or just a cock sucker, but don't pretend that this Father Knows Best, Leave it to Beaver bullshit was ever anywhere near any representation of reality.

In aggregate, on average, if you have wife and kids in our society, you're probably living behind the 8 ball if you weren't already.

even with meninism your only option would be to opt out of being a parent. You'd still lose her and you'd still be a loser who left his child behind.

>With one woman. And quantity=/=quality.
>implying that that's a problem

>Fix the legal system to dis-incentivize divorce for women, and you'll thereby incentivize marriage for men.
Agreed there.

>Should I talk her out of having the kid??

Too bad someone didn't talk your mom out of having the fucking kid. Get out of her life and give her a chance to find a real man.

Yeah, because all real men want single mothers.

If you're a miserable piece of shit, then the presence or absence of a kid will not make you any less of one.

Man the fuck up take responsibility, good god. You got your sorry ass into this mess so figure it the fuck out. Fucking privilege generation.

>Yeah, because all real men want single mothers.
A real man will want any good woman, regardless if she's got a child or not. Because a child is not a bad thing, you fucking retard. Think if your dad said "God user, the whole time you were growing up I wished your mom had just aborted you when she was pregnant with you". Yeah, you want a dad like that? Neither does your child, fucktard.

25. Work with marijuana. Single. Every work day even if I'm not caking it is fun and an adventure. If I had kids at 19 this would have never happened, and I'd probably be dead.

If you just had the baby with you like I dunno in your body or something I guess you wouldn't have to convince anybody.

>man up

>man up

>man up

Why doesn't anyone ever call women on their bullshit and tell them to make themselves disposable for others needs and wants?

The accountability for a woman's failure to use protection..and yeah, it is her failure, not shifted to the man literally always.

I've never heard anyone say "woman up and don't destroy your family because you're bored and not everything is always perfect" or "woman up and stop using your cunt to get other people to do shit for you".

When women become single mothers, they become prime targets for pump and dumps.

Face it, *most* of the time single mothers are where they are because they made several conscious choices to let a hot loser nut all over her cervix. They can't think for the future and they bitch and blame men whenever their own shit backfires on them.

Who you choose to mate and/or marry with is huge indicator of your values.

got any points to make, or do you wanna run in a circle and sling more ad homs?

I mean, you need to know someone to use an ad you can't even use fucking fallacies right.

Holy shit, son.

be a man and just disappear during the night

I only read ops first post. I went through the same thing with my ex not to long ago. Wasted years of my life coming to resent my ex but loving my child. In the long wrong it was cheaper to stay with her. I left her not to long ago. Still love her sure but in the end of rather be away from her. Her shit taking friends and family and only request to see my child. Wasted 2 years learning that if you aren't ready you are going to hate one or the other. It's best to either stick in for the moment or just leave now and get your feelings in order. You may end up loving both or resenting one. I ended up resenting her and leaving but loving my child in the end

>good woman

>single mom

Pick one.

She's single for a reason, and the reason is usually that she's not worth being with except for fucking and chucking, which she was apparently fine with at one point, because she's a single mom.

Of course this isn't a be all end all blanket truth, but generally single moms are just bad, stupid people. They had their decent pick of men and they just completely fucked up.

>What do I do to get out of this situation??
Stairs and a vasectomy.

>.and yeah, it is her failure, not his.
They are both at fault.

>tell them to make themselves disposable for others needs and wants?
But she is staying with the kid, making her disposable for it's needs and wants.

It isn't about man vs woman here. It's about responsible vs irresponsible. It isn't about the woman winning but the child.

>shit talking friends and family

Why does this always happen?

I've known guys who do everything right, they provide, they love, they care, everything.

Then when the cunt decides it's time to swing to the next cock, it's like the guy is Satan incarnate. The friends and family of the cunt plot and strategize and undermine the man E V ER Y T I M E. They tell the cunt she can "do better" like he's a fucking commodity, a disposable utility whose exhausted his service.

Thanks to women, the divorce-industry complex, and the Gubbermint, dating, marriage, and procreation is like god damn Game of Thrones.


why didn't you use protection you stupid nigger?
it pisses me off when people act like babies just fucking appear out of nowhere. you made this kid, it's your responsibility now.

Let me ask you this: was she on birth control?

>mickey mouse
That's obviously Minnie Mouse with the bow and polka dots

>protection works 100% all of the time
>in fucking make believe land

HI it's reality where things aren't consistently black and white.

what you do is leave, change your name to pablo and fly aero mexico then get a job selling tacos

>They are both at fault.

Contraceptive is the woman's responsibility.

Almost 20 kinds of contraception, as well as abortion, and they still get knocked up They have complete reproductive power. And they still fuck it up.

>But she is staying with the kid, making her disposable for it's needs and wants.

He is the one whose autonomy and voluntarism are being completely denied. His right to choose is denied.

But keep using the kid as an excuse for her to trap him.

God damn I hate cunts who use kids as tools. They're just living annuities to many women.

what's it like resorting to statistical outliers and unicorns because you're a dumb cunt?

OP how far along is she? Baby showers usually happen around month 7 or 8

If she's having a baby shower then it's already too late for an abortion; she's too far along. Stay until after birth and spend some time with the baby before deciding whether or not to leave. Responsibility is daunting but maybe if you get passed that, you'll appreciate the baby and be a good father. Besides, you could train it to take creepshots

Not ad hom at all, newfriend. Weak attempt at deflection. Judging from your diatribe here, you've just reinforced the valid point I made earlier. Clearly, you've been burned and you're not happy, so you're blaming women instead of figuring out why you're unhappy and trying to make it better. Typical cuck lack of accountability. So I say again, miserable pieces of shit - like yourself - will not gain anything by having a child, a girlfriend, a TV, a new car, a vacation to the Bahamas, or a compliment. Good luck.

>Contraceptive is the woman's responsibility.

Wrap that shit or don't jizz inside

What the fuck are you talking about? I was responding to the fag who said hurr durr use protection when protection doesn't always work and some women aren't willing to get abortions.

Well my house potato didn't work barely cleaned doesn't have a drivers license does a fake online business that makes her $13 dollars a month after I spend 200 ok bullshit. I make 11.50 an hour and she treated it like I was a thousandeir. When I had enough and left suddenly my family her family and attacked me with a shit storm when she ran to social media about her problems. In the end I was kind enough to let the baby live with her. Cause she was scared I week take him. She had no job. No way to take care of him besides being a leech on the government and social services. Woman make the fight about them. I left because of her but she used or child as her weapon of choice. Woman are malicious and vindictive they use what they can to make it out like they did nothing wrong.

>Contraceptive is the woman's responsibility.
if you stick it in you know the risk.
>hurr it's all the drivers fault. He's the one with the breaks. Not like I didn't have to run into the highway.

>He is the one whose autonomy and voluntarism are being completely denied. His right to choose is denied.
He still has the right to opt out of parenthood. Certainly he still has to pay which sucks. But there are actually a lot of people trying to get an "abortion for men". One's currently trying to pass in sweden.

>But keep using the kid as an excuse for her to trap him.
We don't know if his girlfriend willingly got pregnant.

Punching her in the pussy isnt going to do shit, dumb faggot. Put antifreeze in her coffee, it's sweet and the strength of the coffee will mask of the flavour

You could kill her friends. They seem to be a problem.

Never been burned, because I know how to sort soggy fuckhole parasitic DNB's from decent women.

But if you keep denying that getting married and having kids is massively expensive in our society, and keep sidestepping and ad homming like a pussy, and trying to pull some half assed alpha chest beating bullshit, you're beyond any hope or help, and waste of my time.



Yeah, clearly you're a terrific judge of character. Keep on keeping on, friend :^)


>Contraceptive is the woman's responsibility.
There are contraceptives for men too faggot

When you have kids you'll realise why it would have been better to have had them in the prime if your life when you have the most energy.

here u go bro
>be me
>knock up gf at the time
>i knew because of morning sickness, heartburn, etc
>thinkin fuck ya imma b daddy
>we get everything on point
>baby pops out premature but happy to be here
>gf decides to stay at relatives to heal and take care of babby
>one night me and my roomate get into fight
>I knock the lanky fucker out
>she takes roomates side
>get kicked out of my house
>end up getting laid off of amazing job and forced to work shit job for shit pay
>we had decided early on no court battle
>mfw i have no set child support
>mfw i pay like 40 a week to never see my fucking child
>mfw i have no face

If he's doing damage control so are you. Don't act like you've won something or convinced anyone of your bullshit. You're both just farm animals spitting and kicking dirt at each other.

I forgot, women aren't allowed to have condoms at the ready in Burgerstan. Sorry.

>tips Trilby to Enlightened One

Let the baby live, and at least try to be a father, maybe you don't know what is like to grow up without one

leave the state, you sniveling creep.

Did you use protection/Birth control? If not this is pretty much your fault, and if you did and she convinced you to stay inside it's her fault, and if you nutted inside yourself, it's your fault, baka gaijin.