Ok Sup Forums let's discuss religion. Note that I am not a part of either of these two religions. Islam vs...

Ok Sup Forums let's discuss religion. Note that I am not a part of either of these two religions. Islam vs. Christianity. So it has been a recent debate that Islam is or isn't a religion of peace due to the fact that the Koran says multiple things about putting people to death. Funny enough, Christians are saying it isn't of peace yet their bible says to put homosexuals to death. What are your thoughts Sup Forums? I think it's a little hypocritical Christians are calling out this religion primarily because of extremists in the group. I mean, let's be honest here, if all muslims believed that those who do not follow allah should be put to death, surely we would be seeing a lot more terrorism, no? The point is, both christians and muslims cherry pick what they choose to follow and don't, and that's fine. I personally don't agree with it because how can you say you follow the religion if you don't follow it's tenants, but alas: religion is bullshit anyways.

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you want to debate religions or books?

Kind of, read the fucking post.

Tl; dr nigger.

How many Christians behead gays though? If it says it in the bible then millions of Christians are not following the religion correctly. Yes?

Had a wank over a deaf down syndrome girl a few times in high school.


Both are monotheistic religions (one god) and those are the worst kind.

Throughout history it has always been the monotheistic religions that slaughter people just because they don't follow your religious belief. That is not to say other religious groups have not gone to war but they have not gone to war because your sky wizards are diffretn then our sky wizards.

By not putting to death those who should be put to death by the book, you are by definition not following the religion in its entirety.
Both are a cancer on the planet and anyone stupid enough to believe in either should be forcibly reeducated through whatever means necessary in a state effort to break their faith and restore their sanity. Kill those who cannot be converted to sense in whatever way is cheapest and fastest.

bump for long explination

In Christianity, the Bible is very fluid. The old testement is considered to be the "Old Jewish side of things" and not really taken seriously. Meanwhile, the New Testament is seperated into 2 parts: the canonical and the non-canonical gospels. The Council of Jerusalem in 300AD got a bunch of christian leaders together to pick which gospels would be part of the new testemant. Many non-canonicals were chosen along with 4 canonicals.. Matt, Mark, Luke, and John.
The non-canonicals were more like opionion letters or editorials and different bible versions publish different sets. Such as corinthians or romans. According to the original concept of what makes you a christian, all that matters is that you follow the 4 canonicals... and those are basically just detached 3rd person accounts of Jesus. Nothing Jesus says in those is violent or hateful, in fact, it's all about acceptance and love which is contradicted in some of the editorials.

This contradiction, however, has a priority level to it. If there is a contradiction in a non-canonical to something Jesus said.. then what Jesus said is what's correct, not the non-canonical.

>meanwhile in Islam

The Quran is a jumble of quotebooks, biographies, and testaments supposedly about Muhammad, who was a 6th century guru-turned political leader trying to combat the sectarian violence caused by all the nomadic tribes vs growing abrahamic beliefs in the arabian penensula. He was all for religious interaction and peace... creating systems were christains, jews, and his own followers could live in peace and fight against the nomadic paganism which had kind of caused some problems in the region. After some drama, he ran out the jews in one of his towns cuz they did something stupid during an invasion or something. That was about the worst historical thing he had with Jews.
The problem with the interpretation......

>Islam vs Christianity
>You say Islam isn't a religion of peace but the bible says this
>What's the difference?

The difference is is that most christians aren't running around stoning gays, while Muslims do. There's your difference.

I am thinking you are the one cherrypicking here. The bible is much clearer against the subject of murder than the quran is. You are cherrypicking negative things about christianity to make it look like Islam. Everyone here knows which one of the two is much more violent.

Humans corrupted the Torah and the Bible so God sent the Quran to set the record straight. It has many of the same stories as the the old and new testaments. We believe all Prophets were Muslim, but the name Islam came from Abrahama, which means submit to will of God.

>I am thinking you are the one cherrypicking here. The bible is much clearer against the subject of murder than the quran is. You are cherrypicking negative things about christianity to make it look like Islam. Everyone here knows which one of the two is much more violent.

Don't confuse violence with justice. Islam is about peace more than any other teachings, as the previous two teachings were corrupted by man (corrupt Jews)

is there really was no set prioritization in teaching, and the heirs to the religion disagreed on shit and instead of acting like civilized people and going to pretty city with a roman leader to have a big lavish convention (I screwed up above.. it was the council of Nicaea, not Jerusalem), they fought and schicsmed. There was no consensus and everything in that stupid book is can be interpreted differently by different people.

Your interpretation of the bible. Do you know how many sects of Christianity disagree with one another on what should be taken seriously/literally.

>Crusades never happened.
>Christianity is a religion of peace.

>Islam is about peace more than any other teachings
top kek
Ever heard of Buddhism?

If you quote me at least have the decency of giving me a you. You think that the first two books are corrupted, I do not think that way. All atheists/Hindu's/Jews (the one you believe are so corrupt)/Buddhists can all see that Christianity is much better at spreading peace. The only reason you are unable to see that is because you need to twist your idea of peace, violence and righteousness in order to make it seem 'good'.

What about vikings?

Buddhists are commiting genocide against Muslims today. Toppest of keks


You are right, they do bicker about it from time to time, but it's only about the side things, not the core of what does or doesn't make you a christian. Even though fat people from kansas throw big words around, they know what is important to them, and they know that the accounts of Jesus are the most important thing, so they are unlikely to commit violence or be hateful. The universal hierarchy is canonicals above non-canonicals. If someone starts being dumb in their fight over non-canonicals, they are usually kept at bay by the actual threat of being unchristian.

Those stages are not present in islam.

teachings =/= practices
Nice try though.


Almost 1000 years ago, thank you for proving my point.

Christianity in the western world, and islam, have both degraded, and become weird warped images, distorted by western ideology, feminism, or any other political or sub cultured attitudes being integrated into religion, thus what we see in the west is only going to ever be a small part of the real picture.
chritianity exists pretty damn strongly in some african and asian tribes, and when theyre following the book properly, it is alot like what you are considering muslim extremism. in short, any religion could be peaceful or violent, its dependent upon the community and individual to decide that, a person learning islam from the quran, without any outside input, could turn out to be a decent person, with some of the more respectable morals like being charitable, healthy and trying to gain knowledge, whilst a person finding islam through an already corrupt community leader, or finding islam with some sort of ill intent will follow and adapt the more negatively perceived parts of the religion, such as those mentioned throughout the thread, and on the news, and all of the media...

>teachings =/= practices
>Nice try though.

Same can be said about any religion.

It's more political than anything.
Any and all religions will have rouge groups that deviate from their belief in yeild of other issues.

>Almost 1000 years ago
>That's history, it doesn't count.

>distorted by feminism
Granted feminism is now a cesspit of SJW bullshit. It has not caused all of the worlds problems throughout history.

You fucking wannabe theologians are pretty good at taking other people's word as truth for shit. Don't know about Islam, but the whole "Jesus wants to kill faggots" argument is about as ignorant as it gets when it comes to religion.

The book is what made the religion

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>not the core of what does or doesn't make you a christian.
Oh yes they do. My guess is you've been exposed to a limited amount of similar sects of Christianity. Take a look at how many Christians think Catholics aren't Christian.
>Those stages are not present in islam.
I'll take what are Sunnis & Shiites for 500, Alex.

They wanted land and fresh pussy. What else?

Actually the bible says to kill homosexuals in the old testament. But the new doesn't say anything bad about them and the new is supposed to replace the old.

lets talk bout how the muslim monkeys in africa are basically comitting genocide on the christian monkeys!?

I really don´t think religion is a motive for committing atrocities, it is however an argument for committing atrocities. Religions divide people into groups, in Syria both shia and sunni are arabs but they see themselves as shia or sunni. In the former Yugoslavia there were ethnic groups fighting. Shia and sunni are two groups fighting over power, not over who should have succeded Mohammed in the 7th century.

had a customer the other day with an I heart jesus hat. her husband paid and told me that jesus loves me. so i said hasalama leiku.
obviously im not muslim based on that spelling lol.

Both books are wrong in many aspects.

Difference is there are way less violent Christians than Muslims.

Really? I read a lot of verses in the New testament that still say that homosexuals are evil and will go to hell. I'd quote them but I don't have a bible with me, also on my phone so I can't copy and paste the quotes either. Even in the New testament they believe that homosexuals should be put to death because it's an abomination to them.

Religion evolves with time. Muslims are fucked up because, compared to christianism, it's quite new. Christians back in the day were pretty crazy but they stopped caring about the ridiculous laws.

Most of its followers are poor as shit so religion is the only thing that gives some sort of meaning to their lives, this explains why they willingly give up their lives for their religion and why it's so easy for religious leaders to control them.

Muslim leaders are indeed delusional and do plan on taking over the world, it's clear. Just like the pope intended to do with the Americas.

>Ok Sup Forums let's discuss religion. Note that I am not a part of either of these two religions. Islam vs. Christianity. So it has been a recent debate that Islam is or isn't a religion of peace due to the fact that the Koran says multiple things about putting people to death. Funny enough, Christians are saying it isn't of peace yet their bible says to put homosexuals to death. What are your thoughts Sup Forums? I think it's a little hypocritical Christians are calling out this religion primarily because of extremists in the group. I mean, let's be honest here, if all muslims believed that those who do not follow allah should be put to death, surely we would be seeing a lot more terrorism, no? The point is, both christians and muslims cherry pick what they choose to follow and don't, and that's fine. I personally don't agree with it because how can you say you follow the religion if you don't follow it's tenants, but alas: religion is bullshit anyways.

The only chick on Sup Forums?


You are failling to grasp the simple fact of importance and priority.

Why don't Christians bomb eachother like Sunnis bomb Shiites?

>maybe it's because debatable facts are considered secondary to the standard.

What kind of basement dweller theory is that shit? That is some fucking bullshit and not true...

just as this guy said - What about the Vikings?
What about the Indians?
I could keep going. Fuck off virgin

>Crusades against Muslim raiders
ftfy. People seem to think the Crusades were just Christian men in chainmail killing innocent villiagers

Islam= Violent
Muslims=90% peaceful

Christians= 99% peaceful

(the majority of the 10% violent Muslims are in the third world. There are very few in the west.)

But all Christians would agree that being a CHRISTian is following Christ's word over all else. So the schisms between Christians aren't whether or not the other Christian groups follow Christ but how you worship God. Like if you need to confess or be baptized or take an oath or whatever.

Christianity has its flaws too, but Mohammed killed thousands of people in the name of Islam. Jesus never killed anybody. Big difference.
Seriously, try naming one horrible thing ISIS does that Mohammed didn't do himself. Massacring non-believers, stoning adulterers, killing gays, he did it all. They're emulating him.

OP here, I agree.

I dont need to hear specifically about the bullshit of Christianity and Islam. The fact remains that a tenant of christianity is to put homosexuals to death and is thus not a religion of peace.

There are no wars over religion.
Wars are fought over power and religion is an easy way to bond with other groups and countries.
The wars in Iraq and Syria aren´t about what the koran says, its about politics.
The regime in Syria is secular but it doesn´t give sunni any power.
The reason for the Syrian civil war isn´t that the sunni think the shia have the wrong beliefs it is about power.

Probably a billion


Yea remember the Viking holy war?

No? probably because they raped and pillaged not because the other people had a different religious view than then but because it was easy to get free shit that way.


OP HERE. I can see this thread blew up after I posted it one time already.... Anyways, all of you retards saying christians don't cherry pick are fucking liars. None of you follow the true religion, the religion that you think God will let you ascend to heaven because of it. You niggers talk about faith yet you aren't even following the right things. I think I should be next hitler and convince everyone to come to my "holy churches" but in reality I gas the whole place.


Asatru + polytheism + all original religions before the meddle east inferior inbreed people > middle east jew sandnigger religions

Winrar, you are stumbling upon something very true here, something lots of humans fail to see

Crusades were a response to muhammeds invading their lands you fuck


Bombing two countries with flags that look similar

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Old law was overturned/fulfilled by Christ, which is why Christians dont kill the fags/disabled/whores whatever. In fact the Church used to keep fags safe from the murderous crowds in countries like Ireland by taking them into the clergy. If you wanna compare Judaism and Islam you might find more grounds for your argument.

Jesus was a kind man, merciful, wise, and selfless. Mohammed raped his 6 year old wife.

You can't rape a 6 year old wife. She is legally married to you and not old enough to be an independent so its literally your choice if she consents to having sex with you or not.

im kind of confused about how christianity came about as a religion, i mean, if the old testament was the original, arent jews the only real christians? seeing as alot of christianity is now evolved to fit comfortably with the modern world (eg; pope says gays are cool now), and that kind of destroys the "authenticity" of the religion, if you will. its hard to take it seriously when so called holy rules are changed for convenience. and the most spiritual celebration of the year attracts more people to shopping centers than to churches. i have nothing against christians, loads of them are nice, normal people, but christianity seems too vaguely followed, and is kind of just made up to suit peoples own tastes, which is fine, follow your own creed, but it shouldnt be done so in the name of another religion.

>i dont need to hear about why my argument is flawed

>i found a verse checkmate christians what you gunna do xd

Hurr durr

The laws and morals of the time were different. I'm not condoning the practice any more than I condone the ownership of slaves by early American figureheads. I'm merely stating that our perspectives and standards are significantly different.

Muzzies actually believe this

Polytheism from the true white man > Monotheism, from the inbreed ugly inferior people of the desert


Christians = followers of christ

How can Jews be the original christians if there was no christ

Jews actively believe that jesus isnt the son of God, else they would be christians

Well man, I'm personally agnostic but I don't need to know the specific tenants of a religion to argue it. Does that make sense to you, monkey?

Your response isnt really relevant to me but like allgood

Jesus was a jew. Christians are followers of Jesus and rely on him for their salvation

Fixed oppic.

No, the point here is that youre not reading the bits that refute your argument. The point is the verses referring to the putting to death of sinners were already overturned by Christ in the New Testament. If you wanna call out a religion being as violent as islam, call out judaism. The argument does not stand against christianity

>arent jews the only real christians

No. They believe in the same god but worship him differently. That's why there are like 200 offshoots of Christianity because its impossible to tell what the right way to worship god is.

There are even multiple beliefs in Judaism but they are much less talked about


I see what you did there
*tips fedora*


I think what is really the issue is that Islam is now the most oppressive, hateful, and negative religion that exists in the world. At one time it was Christianity now its Islam. So the focus is on Islam. When Christians start throwing faggots off buildings I'll jump on the anti-Christianity bandwagon. Till then fuck Islam and its ideology.


Jecked XD

Hercules likes you. The true religions, where cience advanced, the people from Egypt, the amazing greeks, even the indians with their math and great constructions, the strong barbarian adventurers from the northern Europe. All religions wich people had freedom, time, religions that actually stimulated wisdom and rationality, with Odin changing his eye for wisdom, amongst other gods, from other cultures.

But all ended with the irrational passionate monotheism from the desert people. All cultures and religions were smashed by the monotheism, it was created the state, the government, and the freedom and magic was then taken away...

The middle east people shall pay for this, the juden will pay for the destruction they have done. We, the free people, the fighters of harmony and peace shall slain this plage from its roots

>Odin strike my enemies down with your mighty battle axe


I will join you, brother. The time will come eventually for all to return to greatness.

>religions that stimulated science and wisdom

>not christianity

Literally kill yourself. Most of major inventions and discoveries were done by Christians. Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo, even though he was persecuted, Marie Curie, the fucking PRIEST who came up with the Big Bang theory.

Culture again, prospered under Christianity. The Renaissance. The Enlightenment. Medieval Europe had so much shit going and most of the learned people were monks

islam is going through its teenage years. throwing tantrums, getting pissed over trivial shit and generally gaining weight but it will eventually pass.

*tips fedora*

I cant wait till Islam just thinks everything is lame and doesn't want to do anything because nobody understands him

Islam has been like this almost since its conception. Some much death has been at the hands of a few dirty muslims with knives, but it was mostly between them and other arabs so no one cared. This isnt new and its not gunna change

But it does. The book and the religion have always been against homosexuals and various other things. Keep denying.

Personally, I'm reading the Koran and I will nearly read the Bible (I'm french and I don't know the name of the Christianist book but in French this is the bible )
I don't believe in any of this two religions but I think the peoples doesn't make the differences between Terrorism and Islam. Before to read the Koran (which really contain passages claiming the death of some kind of peoples ) I wasn't sharing the same opinion that today. When we read the Koran, we read some hard passages, but it's really different of terrorism, who just bring other ideas. Those ideas aren't in the Koran, and it's hard to think it when you didn't red the Koran but what I'm saying is confirmable..
I can't give my opinions on the "bible" (not sure again ) that I don't know enough.. Have a nice debate!
Sorry for all the languages mistakes, I'm only 15 years old


These future christians you talk about, "inspired" themselves on the greek scientists. The renaissance was all a copy of what greeks have made/discovered. When christians(the european man corrupted by the monotheism) decided to left religion aside for science

Muhammed is only mentioned 13 times or so in the Quran.

Youre statement is false. Quran states that the best of Humans is Abraham because he left his village to practice being a monotheist.

Christianity has gone through reformations. Islam has not.

Religion was a concept made by man back in the day to explain the unknown, now that most of said stuff IS explained people still hold on to there beliefs due to family or they just cant handle the cold world by themselves so they rely on a higher power. I don't understand it, but I'm a firm believer in "live and let live"

christianity: the old testament in the bible says: "an eye for an eye, a life for a life"

islam: the qu'ran says that those who commit adultery, murder or go against Islam should be put to death. Allah also sentenced people to death

on the other hand, one of the 10 commandments in the Bible is to do the most loving thing- this outweighs sentencing someone to death

in the qu'ran, Allah taught to forgive, which outweighs sentencing people to death

this discussion is basically discussing how long a piece of string is. answer: it will go on for a mile without one straightforward answer.

There can't be polytheistic religions
God comprehends in Himself the whole perfection of being. If then many gods existed, they would necessarily differ from each other. Something therefore would belong to one which did not belong to another. And if this were a privation, one of them would not be absolutely perfect; but if a perfection, one of them would be without it. So it is impossible for many gods to exist.