I need some honest opinions on whether to get Doom or Overwatch...

I need some honest opinions on whether to get Doom or Overwatch. I am considering buying Overwatch and torrenting Doom for campaign but is the multiplayer even worth it compared to Overwatch?

Yes that pic is related


Good luck finding a crack for Doom

overwatch is fun, just get out of the noob bracket (1-20) and you'll have fun, doom gets stale, 4 different monster types in each room kill , gg.

download brutal doom, forget new games

also yea, doom uses denuvo protection so you arent gettin a crack for it.

havent played overwatch but doom is just a "video game"; easy to pick up and get into for a single player sort of thing... overwatch seems like the exact opposite where its multiplayer is super addictive and easy to get into so if you can get both

Played overwatch all weekend. I love it.
>inb4 blizzard shill
It is a great game, there is a little bit of a balancing issue, but not so much as everyone says they just need to figure out weaknesses

yeah its balanced imo, every hero has an opposite counter

Doom is perfect if you need to blow some steam and not to think too much. Drink beer and have fun with the mindless violence, that is how I play it.

Yeah exactly. Everyone bitches that tracer is op, when she is one of the easiest characters to kill imo.

The new Doom is a disgrace to the series. there's like 3 songs in the entire game and they aren't very good. The whole game just forces you into boring battle arenas where you have to kill everything and they last way too long. Boss fights are boring as shit. I'd rather just go play one of the older games. They are more fun and have a lot more replay value.

the multiplayer for doom is trash. The Doom campaign and Overwatch are both very very good

overwatch pretty much feels like nothing is op because everything is op

at least not in a few months

Which would make it balanced? That arcade shit though gets old quick, i feel like im the only motherfucker that ever dies playing that

Overwatch is the gayest fucking game I have ever seen in my entire life.

It is for lonley 14 year old nerdy virgin faggots who masturbate to porn of it.

Unless you're a limp dicked outie butthole limp wristed cum loving sissy faggot, go buy doom.

Every fucking inch of it oozes bad fucking ass.


Really? Doom is kind of trash. Super quick, hilariously stupid cliff hanger, just wave after wave of bullet sponges. You can just hild down the trigger button and win.

the game feels pretty balanced imo, most of the stuff that people consider op can be easily countered if you take the time to learn how to play. i only played a few matches of arcade but i thought it was pretty fun

I loved the new Doom. Great to play when stoned and you want to fuck shit up. Beyond the campaign though, there isn't much to offer. Having said that, the campaign has dozens of secrets and extra content. I found like 3 secrets my entire playthrough and missed so many. After you finish though, there isn't much to come back to.

Overwatch on the other hand has some replay value because it is MP only, but you wont get much satisfaction from progressing because all it does is unlock skins for already existing characters. I played Overwatch for a little and I can see why some people love it, but honestly the game feels a little... gay? Like most of the people playing it are propped up against their waifu looking at Tracers ass for most of the game. The art style is cool, I guess. But like I said it just feels kinda gay.

I was probably just playing it wrong. Oh yeah like there was this road hog on the opposite team tearing our shit up, so one of us became reaper and stopped his bullshit. Just gotta find what works

This. Ignore this.

Oh yeah. Because playing a shitty team fortress two ripoff is SOOO much better than doom.

Fucking kill yourself , I bet you play like that cuck in polygon who did the doom gameplay .

I think thats why people like it though. It doesn't pretend to be anything that it isn't. Just straightforward shoot'em up.

Paying 60 dollars for maybe 6 hours of gameplay or paying that for indefinite gameplay? Hmmm enjoy your 60 dollars of false masculinity

What do you want?

A inferior half baked story less over hyped inferior team fortress two ripoff
( on console, lol ) that also has 0 online capabilities?

Or the shitty cash grab cod halo hybrid that is doom 4?

I agree. I really don't understand why it is as big as it is. Actually I guess I do, I'm just surprised so many people like it despite how faggy it looks.

>actually thinking doom 4 is only singleplayer

Yeah but i expect a little more from an aaa game. It is 60 bucks with barely any replay value

>actually playing the multiplayer

>not playing online snap map

>still thinking Doom has quality content

I get that. For some people though it has tons of replay value. If you just want to fuck shit up it is awesome to just pop in. If you're looking for a game that has it all, Doom isn't it. But if you are looking for a good time every time you turn the game on, Doom is it.

Doom multiplayer is fun at first, but once you unlock all the weapons and demons it gets kind boring after a while. Only thing that kept me playing was to unlock more colors and armour for character. Leveling up is extremely easy and takes literally no skill. Like 50% or more of XP earned is from just completing the game. Doom campaign is fun and I love it, haven't finished it yet but I can't wait so that way I can test my skill in ultra nightmare mode.

I played the overwatch beta and I would only really want to get it if I can get a team comp with my friends because I feel it is more fun when everyone properly works together.

>implying Doom plays anything like Halo

Halo took the speed, weapon style and health mechanics of a CoD game and the weapon handling and setting from doom. It was fine in the first game because you had the newness of the IP, Halo 2 and 3 sort of played towards you being a dude in actual fucking power armor, then threw that away in the later games.

DOOM 4 plays once again to you being a dude in fucking power armor and being a bad ass with all that comes with being in Power armor. Carrying massive weights, increased movement speed, better durability, etc.

>still thinking the hero genre isn't anything but a dying meme

Im not sold on that line of thinking. This can be applied to many games that are single player focused, but doom doesnt hold that magic that holy crap it might be different this time. It isnt, its always the same

>this is relevant to the conversation

i agree , i bought Overwatch its fun but it will get boring after 2-3 days (imagine Team Fortress 2 only with Basic Weapons and no other items except skins and spray logos from loot box)

>Ive never played a blizzard game
Come on buddy

Different strokes I suppose. It's been a while since I had as much fun with a game as I did Doom. It doesn't need to be different than all the others in its genre, just good in its own right. And for that I am happy I spent my money on it. $60 is a little much for a one trick pony though, I will give you that.

>being unaware that overwatch is the hero genre

Good point. Im sure plenty of people have enjoyed it, and ill probably get it once the price goes down. Im just a fan of replay value, or something that makes it worth spending that money on

I played 2000 hours Path of Exile then i get bored/rage quit and bought Diablo 3 (played 200-300 hours and i still feel soneone rip me off)

Well then you understand that blizzard has a habit of keeping people interested. It wont just be skins and sprays after awhile

Doom for SP.
Overwatch for MP.

I'm a huge Doom fan and I fucking love the new game. It's MP is pretty meh though, so I'm happy to have Overwatch.

>6 hours
5 hours codfag

overwatch is alright. better than tf2 but way to overhyped. its nothing really new besides the concept.

doom was fun. revisiting a classic and having the same old fun i had back with ultimate doom. not really worth multiplayer but the singleplayer is pretty fun if youre not a poorfuck.

Doom if you are a brutal machine killing monster that loves a challenge, also the multiplayer is good too.. overwatch is just like csgo with the skin crates and tf2 gameplay.

I promise you'd go back to it. Maybe not right away or every day, but it's a game you can pick up in a few weeks and go right back to slaying ass

>boss fights are boring as shit
i see you haven't played past nightmare mode, noob. and complaining about song track is pretty pathetic, if you dont like the songs just play some heavy metal you retard.

I was part of the Doom alpha. There were some good moments and some fun to be had but definitely not $60 worth of anything. I highly doubt the full release was much better.

>Short term: Doom. It's one of the best shooters i've played in a long time. Fun and visceral combat, alot of cool stuff to explore, etc.

That being said, you'll probably finish it in 2-3 days and i'll assume the multiplayer will keep you interested another 4-5 days. So 60$ will earn you about a week of entertainment.

>Long Term: Overwatch. Played the open beta, game's pretty good. Not alot of maps or modes right now so that may become stale pretty fast but you definitely have a great deal more variety. Besides, blizz will probably add more maps heroes and shit to the game as time goes on. You'll definitely be spending more time with this game but i honestly feel the overall quality of the product is inferior to Doom.

>TL;DR: Great time, ends in about a week: Doom

Decent time ends in about a month (with the caveat that it may get updated and keep your interest up more): Overwatch

ya did you watch the trailer for overwatch? it literally is a disney made thing. so fucking gay made me wanna cringe into another dimension

Been a blizzard fanboy since I was like 7 and playing Warcraft 3 but overwatch looks boring as shit to me, just get doom, I torrented doom 3 last week and shits fun and the new one looks even better

>I played the alpha without proof and without even playing, am going to immediately assume the full release is the exact same

>doom 3

Nigger that game was the WORST one

these old fags dont like the MP cause its too different than what they played ages ago.

Doom is really really bad. Not even worth 10$. Overwatch has all the depth of a cell phone game. It might be fun if it were 10$ instead of 40. No multiplayer only game is worth full price.

Get both you poor cunt

Compared to Doom 3 though, it's a huge fucking step.

Nice try edgy

Don't Charlie me u cunt doom 3 was sick

I'd go with Overwatch, OP. I got it and it's super fun. Saw some gameplay videos of DOOM and it looks like it gets old fast.

Believe me or not. The Alpha was run by a company called ModSquad. There were fundamental issues with the alpha that really hurt my opinion of the game. It was too slow some of the weapons were not viable. It seemed boring and repetitive without the possibility of any really cool shit happening.

doom is fastest, and have more action. Overwatch is a blizzard game, and every time you are death, or you are killing, there is no more deal. In doom, u can be a 4 tipes of demon in multiplayer, and there is so many games modes. It´s up to you.

If you go with Overwatch make sure you have friends (or make friends in-game) to play with. Otherwise you'll get bored in about a month

that was my impression of Overwatch from the beta
also, doom 3 does look pretty repetitive and one noet...played the old ones, basically the same exact thing just pushed to 'eleven' -- if you're satisfied with gore and graphics, there you go - story? no - obviously Overwatch has even less story sooooooo...just get a good game...like DS3!!!!

>It is for lonley 14 year old nerdy virgin faggots who masturbate to porn of it

That post couldn't have been more accurate.

fps faggits can't handle the git gud

uncharted 4 is goty this year grab that

>OP mention PC games
>recommends Uncharted 4

Nigga what?