Hey /b this is my 15 year old cousin. How can I get her to fuck me

hey /b this is my 15 year old cousin. How can I get her to fuck me

I will provide more pics if needed

Put your peepee in her hand. She wont fumble.

any actual tips?

More please

I dont know man just go for it


If she is into u try to get time alone w her u now touch if she smiles is ready to bang


her thighs omg

What's the AOC where you are?

she's ready

in venezuela it's 16

and in Florida it's 18 but we have the romeo and juliet laws

which one

which one what?


but, we're in different countries

By being a real alpha male and not a faggot that you used to be ?

OP, it shouldnt be hard with that brown skinned whore. You got a fair ammount of money?

she doesn't sell her pussy.... sadly

Benzodiazepines and alcohol

No, but if she sees youre interested, have a lot of money and are generous, you have good chances. Make a move.