HELP ME Sup Forums

HELP ME Sup Forums

Do any medical types lurk here, I'm wondering if my foots broken.. top of my foot is turnin black??

Tight skin, and also flashy visuals cos it hurts like fuck

looks fine to me

you should go to a doctor

Absolutely ok. This is totally what a healthy leg should look like.

No need to see a doctor.

That's a turnip man

your a turnip mate

Im sorry op but it looks like a case of niggeritis, pretty soon it will spread up your leg and to your whole body then youll start craving grape soda and watermelon. Its too late for a cure, you gotta amputate now.

More concerned about the blackness setting in.

>not sure if foot is broken

foot's broken nigga

HAHA thats actually your foot omdz

Exactlt its aka COON-ITUS its spreading wat do bro?

How amputate it?

americans cant even afford to go to a docter if they belive their foot is broken/have diabetes


Turning black? Did you steal something?

i am doctor.
foot good.
you good me good.

Yes thankyou, now were getting somewhere wat do?

Once you go black theres no coming back bro

Fucking med insurance wont cover it, because I got loaded on all kinds of drugs

U need to go to the hospital, right now

Ur not going to go because it's expensive and whatever but ur gunna die from a clot so rip

What the fuck do you mean they won't cover it? How do they know how it happened?

bloodclot? that's what I'm thinking cos I'm short of breath and stuff

swollen + bruising on the side = sprain in my book

My pupils and the fact that I'm strung out on amphet would be a dead give away tbf

Calm. Ive just never seen the whole blackening thing with bruising

Gangrene bro

u reckon?

So wait until they leave your system.
It's broken btw


but wt happen. U hit? You fell? 1.- broken foot hurts when move move. 2.- Non broken but hurtie hurts everytime, even when no move move

Does anyone know how much they'll charge me if I call 911 with no money and say to invoice me?

i don't know, George Vaughn

1) how do you think you broke it?
2) how long has it been like that?

Anywhere between 300 and 1000

I fucked up my ankle like a week ago feels bad bro went to doctor said its only a bad sprain

>be me drinking at the bar few lines of speed
>See some guy spit in a womans face
>grabbed the bottle of becks I had
>smashed it over his head
>doorman grabbed me and stamped on my ankle
>straight 86.

This is sound advice OP.He's a doctor for christ's sake. Why wouldnt you listen to a doctor?

You got the DIABEETUS!

Go dancing dickweed

definitely not happening, I have a quarter $

Reminds me of this.

Sounds like a fucking witch doctor would be why

It'll be fine once they take it off at the knee

Then you're gonna have to suffer.
It's not like you'd never be able to get rid of the debt anyways. I'm 14k in debt. I don't give a fuck.

Still a doctor.

I did my ankle in and it looked bruised and swollen i had just ripped the ligaments no break

Hold on now. Let's not be too hasty.
He'll get nigger dick which is larger and that's a +.

Think this one through OP.

What in the absolute fuck


looks like diabetus

I'm in fucking NM. if I call then out they will have to operate from the knee to it off to cover the gas bill for the journey

What fucking country are you in that you don't get care if you're loaded?

I'm so fucking glad I never fucked up my life by getting into debt. I think I'd have killed myself by now.

Yea with chicken bones

That made me feel sad honestly.

Yes, some do lurk. Does it hurt when you stand up? does it hurt when you sit down? Does it look bigger then your other foot. if the answer is yes to any of those; then your an idiot, and cant think for yourself. Go to an emergency clinic not an ER 'cause you'll pay for years on end. Don't be dumb get it looked at.

Better than nothing.

Eh?? Can you elaborate plz?

walk it off

This never happened and you're a full for believing it

Hey I am in NM too OP! Abq? We should meet up and do some drugs. I love people with diabetes and broken ass feet.

Just be glad you have feet, you entitled piece of shit. There are people out there right now completely missing feet, even entire legs.

Check your foot privilege and kill yourself.

Just go to an ER with no ID and pretend to collapse, they have to look at you and treat you and they can't charge you if they don't know who you are.

lol it's not even that bad. It's not like I won't be able to pay it off. I could be 30k in debt and it still wouldn't even be that bad.



And they will fight against "socialized" medicine tooth and nail. SMHTBHF

i think its a prolapsed anus

How did you come up with the idea that if you're under the influence of a drug you can't get ER treatment?

I see now you're in New Mexico.
Don't call an ambulance. That'll be about $1500.00 to you.

He sounds Indian. Trust him he went to school for this when he was 12

ABQ, holla.

How is your hand in that position?

blatant. hence this whole thread


You have negative money though, you are literally a slave until you pay it off. It's like a form of confinement.



He isn't saying the ER won't treat him, he is saying his medical insurance won't cover it.

OP if you got insurance just say it was an accident and don't let the ER do any blood tests. Insurance company won't know you broke your shit while high.

Bro I broke my foot 4 months ago. Looks the same as mine did. Goodluck

Unnoticed quads checked

If this fucker is in New Mexico he is going to have a line of drunk Navajo and Mexicans in front of him a mile long doing that trick already.

OP are you more worried about your foot or the obvious diabetes??

>I see now you're in New Mexico.
They treat all the homeless drunk and high brown people that stumble into UNMH.

Go to UNMH. My ex is working tonight in the lab so I can get your results fast if you give me your first name.

Just cut it off, its not all bad

Shut up you bitch ill time stamp my fucked up foot for ya... cunt

I had my foot turn like that and was convinced it was broke, turned out to be a sprain but the foot went black and I literally couldn't walk on it. But get it checked out for fucks sake.

ITT: type 2 diabetus and such

>Check your foot privilege and kill yourself
Yeah shit before shovel cunt... lead the way

What did you do prior, OP? Looks like a fracture or internal bleeding

Golly gee calm down man, it just looks like you're fat AF and yet you bent all the way over for that pic

Thx for dumbing that down for me.

OP - what insurance do you have and why don't they cover diabetes?

>shit before shovel
Nice I am gonna have to remember that one.

>why don't they cover diabetes
hahahaha fuck that is funny.

Go to the hospital *NOW*

Get to the chopper!

You should just let your body deal with it OP.

Because if you haven't gone to a hospital or a doctor, then you value your money more than your health, in which case you deserve neither and I hope it goes septic and gangrenous.

I hope you lose your foot cause you're a cheap fuck.

That's not blackness, it's caused by the swelling. I shattered my left leg in a car accident so I'm relatively familiar with that whole look.

I'm too lazy to read the thread, did you suffer trama of any kind?
Do you have diabetes?
Do you suffer from poor circulation?

Ambulance ride could be expensive that's edema, if a clot goes to your heart you're fucked, go to the hospital

there ya go timestamped and I'm 195lb not a fucking slob

He needs that money for speed!

>I'm too lazy to read the thread, did you suffer trama of any kind?
>Do you have diabetes?
>Do you suffer from poor circulation?
Not OP but yes to all three of these. OP said a bouncer drilled his ankle at the bar, and he didn't mention the diabetes but it is pretty obvious.

I always take a limo to the hospital to be honest. Cheaper and open bar.

I had this weird bug bite on my ankle and it wouldn't heal so I just took an angle grinder to it to refresh it. We'll see what happens.
Don't know if that helps you...

What part of I have a quarter do you not understand, what is ur major fucking malfunction,

>195lb not a fucking slob

height:5' 2"

What bar were you at OP? Just curious. Downtown? Nob Hill? One of the gay bars?

I think you will be fine. Just load up on speed and always SWEEP THE LEG