What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

What the h*ck?

Other urls found in this thread:

securecoding.cert.org/confluence/display/seccode/MSC06-C. Be aware of compiler optimization when dealing with sensitive data


Python is garbage


Using Java but I still suck kek

Can't be. Very few Indian children make a living from it.

That only proves my point.
Even the scavengers stay away from it.

whats your fav programming language ranjeesh

I like golang so far, just started

Going to go with everyone here on the python.
Just wish my Uni would start with C++ or Java instead of Python.
Next semester is Java though thank god.

It says that you already have the html5 library.

Out of curiosity are you planning to scrap data from Sup Forums?

Why the fuck does it say that if I'm trying to update it

Can't help you I never used pip.

uninstall and reinstall
btw what the fuck is html5lib and why would you ever need it
there is a built-in html parser library

As my knowledge in 2016 politics, you must be one of the famous Macedonian Hackers the media made all that buzz about. Which language do you prefer?

also, .pyc? Are you trying to mathlab what OP?

It's from some retarded pip package

Fk this.


>tfw to smart to dislike Python

>You will never run a massive botnet

Why even live?

>You will never work for nasa and hack foreign governments

Why even live?

install gentoo

>You will never run a massive botnet and make millions and then get arrested and agree to switch sides and work for the US government to help collect evidence on criminals and make the greatest nation on Earth proud because you put niggers in prison after being a nigger yourself

gotcha, you're a security exploiter.

Python is very practical when you're to lazy to think in something. Rather use Python than my TI-82/50g most of times.

Uninstall and Reinstall. If doesn't work, search in your computer the files, remove them, reinstall. Might work after all

Ruby is better language

Python is retarded
>different libraries between versions

We studied C and C++ in uni and most of class sucked so much, hated it and struggled with some C-specific issues. 99% haven't learned anything in the end and hated programming for rest of the lives.
If they started with python or some other high-level language maybe they would be able to do something and more optimistic about programming.

if you just started switch to C

>You will never be a security researcher like Xylitol

Why even live???

I just create one and left it done. Ruby I never get too much into... Should I?

> different libraries between versions

OP what exactly are you doing? Use virtualenv btw.

it unironically is but I'm so used to python I write everything in it anyway
btw I'm writing a web-based quassel clone and can't decide on a name
pls help

I guess he meant the python2/python3 split
a lot of stuff haven't been ported to python3 yet

Ruby is a language of one web framework and infrastructure around it.
python is used in a lot of fields. And have better performance.
And practices in ruby like monkeypatching everything even built-in types are questionable.

2.7 and python3

I quite like Ruby, don't think it makes much though

Maybe I feel this way because I started with C and C++, but starting with python will cause problems if you want to switch to other languages, especially OO ones. The foundation laid by Stroustrup is rock-solid.

> python2/python3 split
AFAIK ruby have incompatibilities between versions too. Even minor ones like 1.8 and 1.9
Legacy projects which started on python2 wouldn't be ported to python3 at all. It just too much work for little or no benefit.

Is this the new desktop thread?

I wouldn't mind if it was only legacy stuff
but pypy for example still doesn't support python3


I started with C

It was Ok. Then went to C++ but 2hard4me. Golang is going bretty good, I like it.

C++ is for faggots. Too hard, even professional programmers of 30 years seem to struggle.

Didn't bjorn Strapscuck rate his own knowledge of C++ at only 6/10?

>too hard
lol try advanced haskell

I feel opposite - I see a lot of people with "C++ of the brain disease". Like they believe C++-style OOP is best out there, static-typing is a must etc. C++ people usually don't write in other languages even when it's practical like you just need some script.

> pypy for example still doesn't support python3
It does. Check their site. And most popular libraries do py3readiness.org/
Most notable exception is ansible

C++ is 10 times easier than C

you just didnt get deep enough

pretty much same everything. Only thing different is that I use the default waterfall that comes with the OS as my desktop pic

>c++ is easier
>The fuckibg Standard is over 1000 pages

>Literally 6x as much keywords as C
>ever expanding language means constantly growing

Yeah ok Muhammod.

i really hate the faggots who still program in plain C like 50 years ago because C++ is too hard for them. But in fact it is actually easier because the code is much cleaner while plain C is a total nightmare.

Well, I won't deny that - I *am* pretty biased towards C++ - syntax/style.
C++,Java and python, are the main languages used in my college and all the students who weren't into programming before use python, although they struggle with Java.

But it certainly does a better job bring people into this field, as it's far easier to build "modern" applications with it.

you get to use std::vector, std::string, std::unordered_map, etc.
the stl alone makes it 100times better than plain C

C and C++ are used for a different things anyway.
C++ - games, large GUI software, etc.
C - kernel, servers, small utilities, libraries(muh stable ABI), embedded stuff.

you don't to read 1000 pages to be able to write useful C++ code. just think C with classes. That was the original idea. Then it got too bloated as usual. But even just "C with classes" will get you far. It is clean code with proper encapsulation and information hiding to avoid the spaghetti style nightmare that the plain C is.

Ye keep telling yourself that C++ cuck.

Cpp is a joke language that needs to end.

C is simplicity at its finest. C++ is the biggest bloat ever. But luckily Based Jewgle created Golang.

Finally an Indian showed up to talk about programming languages

i use C++ for the embedded stuff. It doesn;t have to be fancy but still better than plain C.

>The fuckibg Standard is over 1000 pages

Dude it's C with classes. It's like Java and C had a baby. Just go with it, you'll never

>mfw I once had to debug thousands of lines of 30yo Fortran across dozens and dozens of modules


Suck my tiny cock Golang for ever

Oh, I talk about this stuff on Sup Forums regularly.
It's pretty funny, accusing someone else of being a Pajeet and getting replies where people agree with me.

golang has kinda different field of use from C++.
There are some other alternatives - rust, D, vala, nim.

what the fuck, half my post disappeared

Just go with it, you'll never regret it. You may love it (I kinda like it) you may hate it, but you'll always be able to GET SHIT DONE. It's amazingly powerful.

every OOP oriented language is pajeet tier

C is simplicity at the hello world level. But it is easily abused and it quickly becomes a total nightmare with tons of global variables sprinkled all over the place etc.

How do you build large programs without OOP?


As if Cpp doesn't?

There's so many big problems even by professional programmers I don't see why id use it besides being dogmatic.

I'm just going to stick with Go.

C++ code can be nightmare too especially if fancy features are abused.
There are a lot of very large projects in C like databases or kernel and they maintain some ordnung.

>when you're a exploiter and find some C low lvl security server

>TFW you will never make a huge botnet

Have you guys ever had that desire

I want to make millions.

Is nobody going to mention that OP could just use virtualenv and not worry about conflicting libraries? FFS

10000 global variables.

True, you can fuck up anything. But in my opinion C gives you a lot more rope to hang yourself. You can actually write a neat code in plain C but almost nobody does for some reason. And yes, I hate it when people write unnecessarily complicated shit in C++.

>Then went to C++ but 2hard4me
Then you didn't spend enough time learning C.

If you know C well you can't struggle with C++
The C++ class is nothing more than a struct where the member functions are like normal functions with a hidden implicit pointer to the object aka "this".

Python is a very lovely and elegant language tho, don't listen to these haters.

a ты дyмaeшь хyли я тyт в этoм тpeдe дeлaю. я и ecть шпиoн..

I kinda like style like kotaku.com/5975610/the-exceptional-beauty-of-doom-3s-source-code
> 10000 global variables.
You can write OOP-like code in C. Just have a struct with data and pass it around to functions which should work with it. How it's not an object?
Oh, no encapsulation? Well use some naming conventions like they do in python. Like your private variables start with _.
Linux kernel is full of OOP most notable VFS layer lwn.net/Articles/444910/




big benefit of C is that you can actually securely erase things from memory, this is completely lacking in most if not all higher level languages, where you rely on things such as garbage collection to clean up after you

you can also obfuscate function pointers/prevent linear buffer overflows easily

>garbage collection is bad

>Manual memory management is good

*tips fedora*


>You can write OOP-like code in C. Just have a struct with data and pass it around to functions which should work with it. How it's not an object?
oh absolutely you can. too bad nobody does that. most open source plain C projects are a total nightmare. But you can surely create as many static variables and static functions and you can think of them as "private" members. So that at least will help you avoid dealing with global variables.
But still I like the idea of not having to pass structures around and instead pass objects.

I'm telling you guys, this balkan friend is an exploiter.

> that you can actually securely erase things from memory,
It's whole issue in C too actually
securecoding.cert.org/confluence/display/seccode/MSC06-C. Be aware of compiler optimization when dealing with sensitive data

I want to make an Aryan botnet.

To serve our people and destroy the jews and shitskins once and for all

I am 1/4 jewish

Ceкpeтнoe cooбщeниe botnet хye мoe putin yплывaeм в тyмaн exploit выбиpaeм пpeзидeнтa cucks botnet cвязывaeмcя c balkan exploit и пoтoм дeлaeм hack

I thought you killed yourself, Uriel.

Maternal or Paternal side? Either way probably fine by 1935 Nuremberg laws.

We can allow you to live if you're a gud boi willing to further the Aryan race. Degenerates and racetraitors will be killed regardless however.

and C++ shills too?

D and F# will be the language of the fourth Reich.

That would require a lot of work. Your botnet would have to hack into the webcam, and also steal the user's private data. This data would have to be fed into a trained classifier that would determine if the user is aryan or not. You would also have to build a dataset of white and non-white features.

I was thinking using image recognition library to turn on webcam and determine if they were white.

If non-white then release Zyklon-C.

Alternatively(or additionally) we could make it monitor the Browser to check their logged in social media accounts for skin color

Most webcams suck and the data may not be very reliable. You would definitely have to analyse social media accounts.
I have never bothered running a crawler on facebook, but the tagging feature could be useful for identification. (If you can get coordinates of the tags.)

It wouldn't be hard. Just hook into browser then get photos to run image recognition on(libraries exist for this).

But I'm not sure what to do after

Mess up their passwords.

I mean OS user account password, not facebook password

That does nothing

We need to kill them

We used QBasic in one of my introductory to computing classes when I was in school. Be thankful Python is useful.

They will have to waste time fixing their computers. Because of this, they will not be able to work. Then they will run out of money and die.

We had soviet 8-bit computers with some soviet basic from 80's.

Pajeet, what have you suggested makes no sense.

it'd be better to just have a ransomware payload. And then use the money we collect from the ransoms to buy Weapons for a racewar and renovation of Showerheads.

The Russians had the right idea

r8 plz no bully



Lol kys

> Windows
> Fraps
> uTorrent
> Unity
> McAfee
> Steam
> Porn video on desktop
> le hacker widgets

Basic belongs in the 80's. Even Pascal was more suitable for learning at the time.