What the fuck is this edgy shit

What the fuck is this edgy shit.
I thought this was gonna be a serious show but the whole first episode is full of cringe and bullshit, this happens when a "serious" show is made by stupid people.
The main actor aswell, jesus fuck, some kid who's got all the fucking disorders barely acts any different from other people except that he's a little more quiet.
Should i even continue watching this? Does it start making sense?

stupid fuck go watch the big bang theory

heck no, that's even edgier.

I thought it was decent

Stfu and watch it before someone here spoils it for you. All of the problems start to show up later on and you'll start putting things together and realize this show is fucking godly, even with all the "cringe" hacking.

shit show shit ending
:"oh I was dreaming seeing my father the whole time, yes I was wait no I wasn't, whats real whats fake"

Continue watching. It gets a million times better. Try having a suspension of disbelief. Jesus christ.

I told u OP here's the faggot who spoils it!

Big evil corporation? Edgy as fuck, I didn't know people could go there

Yup, keep watching. It all starts to make sense and gets better. Probably my favorite series.

even if i'll continue watching it, i don't care if i get spoiled , i'll watch it anyways.
I'm just not sure i should, the first episode was made so that all the edgy kids who "hate" the society would have an interest in this show.

I'm with you on the last part but it all makes sense in the end. Trust.

its a fucking shit ending mate I thought it was a great show until the final two three episodes bent the series over and anally raped it with a blowtorch

just think of the show as an autist Sup Forumstard's fantasy of what their life is. It suddenly makes a lot more sense.

What didn't you like about the ending?

What the fuck is this edgy post?
I thought this was going to be a serious post but the whole thing is full of cringe and bullshit. This happens when a "serious" post is made by stupid idiots. The OP as well, jesus fuck, some no life motherfucker who pretends to be big shit except he's a lifeless, opinionated, untalented fuck. Should i even try to talk to him? Will he realize that he's the one trying to sound edgy in his lame ass post?

>ITT we watch edge lords try and out do each other, and then do each other

yea the first episode made me feel like :
Hey that's how i felt when i was 15.
I just can't watch the cringe jesus.

I stopped watching after the sixth episode. Watched the rest a few months later. It's only thing is stupid twists and tech talk. I'd personally would rather watch 'halt and catch fire'

Lots of kids act like they hate society to make them look edgy n cool, even though they look retarded. But then there are people who hated society through their entire lives, thinking of the possibility that they might be the ones with a mental problem, then sees more shit happening around the world and realise that there is nothing wrong with them, its just that humanity isnt a noble species that they see themselves to be but a race of assholes in reality.

dude the whole show is shown via an unreliable narrator. In the first fucking episode he says 'so I just hear evil corp instead of E corp' and then it's only ever heard as evil corp.

the fuck did you think would happen? that only that one thing would be in his mind?

Best show this year idgaf what you beta fags think. Your opinion is worth less to me than the value of an American dollar.

Don'g give a fuck if I ruin it.

Guys, the fucking point is that he thinks these things because he's crazy. He's delusional and paranoid. And he has a pretty good reason to hate E Corp.


is that why you're making this post?

You suck OP, learn how to enjoy a good show, keep watching it


episode one was way cool, then 2nd episode sucked so stopped watching, A for effort though, need more ideas like that now that google is the matrix and eating all our brains to feed its ravenous hunger

One of the saddest video I've ever see. No just because of a dead child, also the sadness of her dad. =(

saved for pasta later

Either this is shitty bait... Or you're a stupid ass reddit skid fag who doesn't know what they're talking about in the show, let alone comprehend anything going on in it.


and i guess you're the anonymoose hacker and you relate to the show 100% with your katana collection.