What the fuck!? What is this shit?

What the fuck!? What is this shit?

You've proven it's already summer

Omg wth y'all

Greetings, newfriend.


piece of shit faggot op



and i thought i was a faggot!

Please do us all a favor and die in a garbage fire

fuck you man, I didn't need to see that this early in the morning


gtfo summerfag

>ITT: We pretend this image is something really fucked up, and after 50 posts I delete the image. It's near the begining of summer, so this should be fun.

It's almost summer so old Sup Forums will pull such a devilish prank.

What did he mean by this?

I'm not joking. Kill yourself.

What the fuck is wrong with you!

Enjoy your prison stay, faggot.

You are!
What the fuck OP
Also, the term "summer fag" is what newfags use to feel better about themselves

These fucking screencaps lol

nice shoop


I just reported this have fun in the pokey

>Also, fucking kill yourself

Fucking reported. Don't fucking post that here. Kill yourself.

mfw this never gets to 50 posts.

never fails

That's not fucking funny I mean I know this supposed to be random and shit but fuck I can't unsee that.

fuck, thats disgusting